Nine Tips To Help Make Laundry Easier! #DaretoCompare


This is a Sponsored post written by me on behalf of White Cloud for SocialSpark. All opinions are 100% mine.

If you are like me than you probably spend time each day doing laundry, or you try and put it off and end up with heaping piles. I don’t know about you, but man, I wish I could snap my fingers and be done with it all, or at least find a way to make laundry easier. There is six of us in the house, four kids, and two young girls who seem to change cloths at least ten times a day.  Oh, don’t think I am joking for one second.  I find socks in the living room, a shirt on the kitchen floor, and the whole time I am trying to remember where how they have so many cloths.  Did I buy them?  

I mean seriously, I could not do laundry for a month, and someway these kids would have plenty of clothing.  Where does it all come from?  Oh, wait I know.  It comes from that crazy place that socks go, maybe?!?!? Do you ever wish there was something you could do to make laundry easy?  Okay, how to make laundry easier since we know it’s never going to stop haunting us.

I sure have, and I have tried a few things to see if I could lighten my load, and guess what?  Nothing works, haha not really there are a few tips I have to help make keeping up with laundry easier.  I have not found anything to completely stop the laundry, and I admit I am a little discouraged about it.  But hey, if I can make laundry easier that’s good enough for me. Well, until I find a super-smart washer that collects the clothing, sorts, washes, places in the dryer, folds, and puts things away in the right places. 

Nine Tips To Help Make Laundry Easier!

If you are looking for ways to make doing laundry easier here are a few tips that work for me.  Good Luck!

Start with the socks

This is my starting point, because I am sick of searching for matching socks.  I am working on teaching the kids to keep their socks together, in one place.  My oldest has it down, now the younger ones and my husband need to get on board.  I recently purchased a zipper bag and my kids hang it on the back of their door.  They are supposed to put socks in it.  Both of socks, it’s only been a few weeks and they are doing better, but guess what?  Vayda decorated her bag with glitter glue, and since then has been using it.  Highly suggest allowing your kids to decorate them, and make it their own they are more likely to use it.


Don’t waste time sorting laundry, have it done.  We have three hampers in the laundry room, and when my husband and I take off our cloths we toss in the appropriate hamper.  It helps, and when the kids bring me their laundry I have them sort it rather than just dump it.  Makes my life easier, and teaches them about sorting laundry.  It a win-win.

Hanging hampers for the kids

I used to have 4 laundry baskets, and they worked for the first few days.  Then the kids started using them for sleds, cars, and who knows what else.  A little over a year ago I traded the laundry baskets for hanging hampers, which I love.  Now the kids have a hamper in their bathroom, which was too small before. They also have one hanging in their room, when they bring their laundry to the laundry room, they sort it, and take their bag back to their room and bathroom.

Hanging rack

Place a hanging rack in your laundry room.  It makes life so much easier to pull things out of the dyer and place them on a hanger.  Plus, it helps with wrinkles.  One of my favorite tips is the hanging rack, and you can make it out of just about anything.  Oh, be careful not to get lazy and let them hanging rack get full lol.  Yes, I am so bad about that.


Do you ever pull a shirt out of the dryer and it only has a few small wrinkles?  I read this tip somewhere, and for the life of me I don’t remember where.  Anyway, use a flat iron to get small wrinkles out.  Of course, don’t use a flat iron with any type of buildup.  I do this when I travel too.

Wash stuffed animals

You can wash stuffed animals and not stress them falling apart.  Simply place them in a mesh bag and place them in the washing machine.  You can also use a pillow case, and hang them to dry.

Pay yourself

Place a tip jar in your laundry room, and when you find money place it in the tip jar.  I am always finding money in the washer and dryer, so far I have saved $134.12 this year.  It feels great getting paid to do laundry lol.


Make a schedule to keep up with laundry. It is easier to keep up with it than it is to catch up.  I try and do one load every single day, I go down the line, and try to do one load of someone’s each day.. It works out well, everyone gets a load done, and I have 1 day that I try and do all the whites.  So far it’s been working well.

Teach your kids to do laundry

I have been teaching my kids to do laundry.  My teen does all her own, and my younger ones are learning.  One day, everyone will do their own laundry.

If you are teaching your kids to do laundry, make it easy on them.  Sure you can teach them that lemons help take stains out, LATER!  Plus, I admit it has been nice using 3-in-1 Micro Cleaning Technology from new White Cloud laundry! 

Oh, you didn’t know that White Cloud was doing laundry now too?  Its okay, I just found out myself, and I am impressed.  We have not had too many horrible stains since I started using the White Cloud Laundry Detergent, which is seriously odd, but we haven’t.


The only thing that I was worried about was Vayda’s new pink pants she loves.  She came home and the knees were so dirty, I didn’t know if the stains were going to come out.  White Cloud has worked GREAT on all our daily washes, and if it can keep up with Vayda its worth recommending lol.

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If you are teaching your kids how to do laundry, or you just want to make doing laundry easier on you be sure to try new White Cloud Laundry Detergent.  It is composed of an enzyme-based formula to help get out even the toughest of stains thanks to the 3-in-1 Micro Cleaning Technology that contains a pre-treater, stain remover, and color booster all wrapped up in one. 

tips to make laundry easier

I have only used the Summer Breeze scent, but it comes in three great scents – Summer Breeze, Tropical Fiesta, and Blooming Lavender.  You can get it in liquid and powder form, 100 to 150 ounce sizes, and 156 ounce box in powder.  

To make things better, White Cloud dares you to compare with an awesome $2 off coupon!  Right now you can save $2 on White Cloud Laundry Detergent when you visit White Cloud.

Did you know that White Cloud is launching a new laundry detergent in less than 6 months  and a leading consumer magazine has already named White Cloud Laundry Detergent as #1 in value and #6 in cleaning?  Pretty awesome, go White Cloud!  

Looking for more great laundry tips, or want to learn more about the new White Cloud Detergent?  Be sure to use White Clouds handy dandy Store LocatorLike White Cloud on FacebookFollow White Cloud on TwitterFollow White Cloud on Pinterest, and do not forget to grab your coupon.  

What tips do you have to make laundry easier?  Leave us a comment and tell us your laundry tips, and let us know what you think about White Clouds new detergent.

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