Tips To Help You Save Money This Back To School Season


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Raise your hand if you love to save money!  Yeah, I don’t know many people who don’t like to save money, especially when you have kids to care for and school shopping right around the corner.  Since we will be back to school shopping before we know it, I thought it would be a good time to talk about ways to save money this back-to-school season!

Tips To Help You Save Money This Back To School Season

Tips To Help You Save Money This Back-to-School Season

Here are a few tips to help you save some money this back to school season!

Using last years school supplies

I always check my child’s supplies from the previous year.  Things like rulers, scissors, etc. can be used again if they are in good condition.  This definitely helps me save time and money!

Make your back to school shopping list

Make a list of everything you need before starting your shopping.  This will keep you from buying things your child doesn’t need.  Creating a clear list of what your kids need for school will help you save time and money.

Budget before shopping

I’m a firm believer in starting out with a budget.  Without one, I would spend way too much, plus it teaches my kids the importance of planning and budgeting.

Shop during tax-free days

Why not save a little extra cash by shopping on a state-offered Tax-Free Day?  Not paying tax adds up, especially when you are buying school supplies, shoes, clothing, and everything in between.  There are certain rules and regulations that apply, so make sure to check with your state before you head out.

Shop sales

It never fails; if you keep your eyes open, you can run into some great sales at some of your favorite stores. Last year I scored some GREAT deals at Best Buy.

Compare prices

With the help of technology, we can compare prices in our pajamas before venturing out into the stores and even shop in the comfort of our own homes.  Sure beats driving from store to store.

Shop online

This is one of my favorites!  I love shopping online with places like Amazon.  Shopping online can save you time and money, and with back-to-school season right around the corner, if you start looking now, you’ll surely find some amazing back-to-school deals.

Coupons, Coupons, and Groupon Coupons!

This is one of my favorites!  Who doesn’t like Groupon Coupons, am I right?  If you are not familiar with Groupon Coupons, I highly suggest checking them out.  I do a lot of shopping at Amazon, and there are tons of Groupon coupons for Amazon.  Right now there are 167 coupons for Amazon!

This is a sponsored post written for Groupon.  All opinions are my own.

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