Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Farm Rich Smokehouse and a campaign with Sverve. Regardless, all opinions expressed are still 100% my own.
Halloween is my third-favorite holiday of the year. Right behind Christmas and Black Friday. Wait, Black Friday isn’t a holiday? Ok. So Halloween is my third favorite holiday of the year, right behind Christmas and Thanksgiving weekend. Hah, see what I did there? So there are a million ideas for Christmas decorations, but not for…ohh, I guess there are a lot of ideas for Halloween decorations too. Tough, here are some more. And they’re actually mostly original. I should clarify that. They’re original to me. I didn’t go looking around on the internet for ideas, so if they are similar to something else you happen to find on the internet, don’t come complaining to me about it, it’s coincidental. What was I talking about?
Oh yeah, last year the family worked in “shifts” between taking the kids out trick or treating on Halloween and sitting around the bonfire drinking… beverages, and handing out the candy. When the kids came back we all went inside and had dinner and more…beverages and then went back out and hung out around the bonfire. So we’re going to do the same thing this year and it is going to be at our house once again; this may become a tradition! This weekend I will be attending a fun cooking demo at Walmart celebrating Farm Rich Smokehouse’s BBQ products at amazing prices. As Halloween is bound to be a busy night, like every other year, a hassle free meal is definitely in order and I am thinking Farm Rich Smokehouse BBQ and Chicken will be perfect! The difference between this year and last year is that I am trying to be all domestic and stuff and I want to decorate. So the hubby and I sat down and came up with some fun little decorations to sprinkle around.
Ok, the first idea isn’t really original I suppose, but it was cheap! If you happen to have a local store whose logo resembles a red and white bulls-eye go check out their dollar bins, usually pretty close to the front door. I found a bunch of wood shape painting craft thingies. Each one is a wood shape with a set of paints and a little paint brush. You can see the efforts of my aspiring little Jackson Pollack to paint her witch’s hat.
Next up you can see the start of our Halloween paper chain. This is another effort that my daughter helped with. Orange, purple and black construction paper; she refused to use green and yellow as I suggested! Construction paper and glue, could a craft get any easier? Paper chains aren’t just perfect for the Christmas tree, we have them hanging from our mantle, above the front door, in daddy’s cube at work, and even around the bedframe! If you happen to have a paper cutter that speeds things up considerably and gives you uniform sizes. Just remember to do the paper cutting away from little hands and fingers.
Decoration number three is super easy and cute. Take a sewing needle with a large eye for the thread. You will also need a cotton ball, a tissue and a black marker. Instead of thread get a piece of fishing line about a foot long. Thread one end of the fishing line through the needle and tie a very loose knot in the other end. By loose I mean leave a bit of a big loop and then tie it about three times. Put the needle through the cotton ball and through the tissue. Dot a couple eyes and voila you have a ghost. Loop the fishing line and hang them up around your house. With a lightweight fishing being almost invisible it looks like they are floating. The best part is these ghosts take about a minute to make.
The last item is a “project” that my daughter brought home from school. There is one item that I am not one hundred percent sure about so I am going to give this my best guess! Take red and yellow food coloring and mix them into vinegar; orange if your food coloring set has this color. Mix in some rice to get it tinted and then let the rice dry off. Once the rice is dry, add it to a clear PLASTIC bottle. We were sent a Downy Unstoppables bottle with the wrapper removed but this will work with any clear, plastic bottle that you have on hand. Throw in some plain white rice (also dry), some wagon wheel pasta (also dry) and some black beans (also dry). Then add some googly eyes, erasers and plastic spiders and you instantly have a Halloween themed Look and See bottle. However remember to keep the lid on, otherwise that rice can be a bit hard to clean up, unless you have a Roomba, but that’s a tale for another day. What I love about this project is that it is friendly year round as the inners can easily be changed to fit the holiday, season, party theme, etc….
Next week, I will be sharing with you a fun recipe from our sponsor, Farm Rich Smokehouse BBQ. The Farm Rich Smokehouse is a new line in the multi-serve meal category at Walmart. Their line features all natural meat:
- Pulled Beef Brisket in Sweet & Smoky BBQ Sauce
- Pulled Pork BBQ
- Double Rubbed Dry Smoked Pork
- Double Rubbed Dry Smoked Chicken
If you too are looking for a hassle free Halloween dinner or party yum yum then grab a coupon, head out to your local Walmart, and check out the Farm Rich Smokehouse line! We will be heading to the store this weekend but in the meantime, we will keep working our decorations to guarantee the perfect family Halloween party! If the demo leaves my mouth watering from yummy goodness I may spring and provide the main course for our carving party too!
Which Farm Rich Smokehouse BBQ product(s) are you most interested in trying?
Disclosure: This is a sponsored post on behalf of Farm Rich Smokehouse and a campaign with Sverve. Regardless, all opinions expressed are still 100% my own.