DIY Monster in the Cabinet Box Tops Collection Box

DIY Monster Collection Box


This DIY monster collection box was loads of fun to make, and the fact that he eats box tops is just that much more fun, right?

I’ve been clipping box tops for years, and every year the girls and I make some sort of collection box!  This year we decided to go with a super cute DIY Monster in the Cabinet Collection Box for our Box Tops!  The kids get all excited when they take their baggie full to school because they get a special prize, and the teacher is so happy to see the box tops.

Are you currently collecting Box Tops for your kid’s school?  My kids get all excited when they take their baggie full to school because they get a special prize, and the teacher is so happy to see the box tops.

So why would you want to collect Box Tops? There are several reasons you should begin collecting Box Tops if you are not already.

Reasons To Collect Box Tops

It’s easy; why not?

Seriously, have you ever looked at items that you buy? You might be surprised at how many Box Tops you are tossing into the trash without even knowing. You can score Box Tops on all sorts of food products as well as KKC Family Care Back To School Box Tops at Walmart, which you can find on items like Kleenex® Trusted Care* 3 Bundle Pack, Kleenex® Trusted Care* 4 Bundle Pack, Scott® Tissue 20 Roll Pack, and even Viva® Vantage® 6 Big Rolls.

It’s an awesome way to give back to your school

Each Box Top is worth $0.10  Sure it doesn’t sound like a lot, but when you think about all the Box Tops you could be clipping, they add up.  Every year we make something to collect our Box Tops in; when it’s full, the kids empty it out into a baggie and take them to school.  Trust me, there are plenty of Box Tops, and you’ll be surprised how many you collect.

It’s extra money for your kid’s school

The school you give the Box Tops to can use the money they receive for items they need to give your child a better education.

Start teaching your kids the importance of giving back early

There truly isn’t a better feeling than the feeling you get when you help someone or do something positive within the community. The sooner you begin to teach your child the importance of giving back. Not only will this benefit your child but the community as well.

DIY Monster Collection Box

DIY Monster Collection Box

Collecting Box Tops is an awesome excuse to create your own Box Tops collection box with the kids.  My kids loved making this DIY Box Tops Monster Collection Box with me.  It was super easy to make, an excellent way to spend extra time with the kids and you’ll have a stylish box to clip and toss your Box Tops in.

DIY Monster Collection Box

DIY Monster in the Cabinet Box Tops Box

To make this super fun collection box, you’ll need the following items:
  • Empty Kleenex Facial Tissue Box
  • 3 pieces any color construction paper (you may need more or less depending on the size of your box)
  • 1 white piece of construction paper
  • scissors
  • glue stick

How to make your very own Monster in the cabinet Box Tops box:

  1. Covering tissue box:

    First, you will cover your empty Kleenex Facial Tissue Box in whatever color construction paper you like.

  2. Adding the fun details:

    Using the white construction paper, cut own circles and jagged teeth.  Draw little dots on the eyes and glue them to the top of your box.Kleenex Facial Tissue Box

  3. Putting everything where it belongs:

    Place glue on the teeth and slide them in between the plastic and the box.DIY Monster in the Cabinet Box Tops Collection Box

So before you toss all those Kleenex Facial Tissue boxes away, be sure to create your own little Box Tops collections box.

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Armando Rincon August 11, 2017 - 3:54 pm

this is so original and it’s always good to recycle

Linda Manns Linneman August 12, 2017 - 7:33 am

I use these products all the time. This is a cute idea. I try collecting box tops for my grandchildren. Thank you so much for sharing this

Jenn August 12, 2017 - 12:03 pm

Yes, it’s earning double box tops is awesome right!


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