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BLAH doing laundry is never too much fun. However, I do admit I love finding a $20 in the washer, but come to think of it that hasn’t happened in years. Washing clothes isn’t fun; I’m always open to laundry tips that help me keep my whites whiter longer, save time, and just make my job a little easier.
I have four children, and a husband who’s almost as messy as the children, lol. Lucky for me, he is great about helping around the house, and at times even better at it than I am. We’re a pretty good team, especially when it comes to doing laundry. I am a lot more picky about the laundry. I guess that comes with being a female. Oh, I’m not complaining, not one bit! I’m blessed to have a husband who helps me do laundry, but I still want to know all the secrets laundry tips that make doing laundry easier, and even save me time doing it.
Tips For Doing Laundry & Keep Whites Whiter Longer
Don’t have a laundry day – Okay, so we’re all different, but I can’t stand the thought of the whole day wasted on laundry. I tried it, and it didn’t work. I do a load every day, or two every other day. Try to keep up with the laundry so it doesn’t wear you out as quickly.
Hampers in bedrooms and bathrooms – Keep a hamper in each bedroom, and bathroom it helps make collecting laundry easier. With a laundry basket in each room, they don’t have an excuse to not put their laundry in the hamper.
Let kids start helping early – My kids have been helping do laundry since the day they asked to help. They might not have been great at folding, but they learned how to do their laundry early, lol. My two oldest do their laundry, which makes my life easier. However, I do have to stay on them about getting it done – it’s away something!
Workout while you do laundry – I have been doing little workout moves while I do my laundry. It helps pass the time, and I get a little exercise, which makes laundry easier – I guess? Does this one count?
Sort Clothing – Before doing your laundry be sure you are sorting. Separate colors (if possible, like colors with like colors), jeans, and whites should always wash separately. Sorting your clothes will help the color from transferring to your beautiful white towels, or a brand new shite shirt you knew you shouldn’t have bought, lol.
Doing more laundry at once isn’t always good – Don’t overfill your washer. If you’re washing clothing, be sure you are not overloading the washer. Detergents work to loosen dirt, and for it to work properly there needs to be enough room for the washing machine and laundry detergent to do its job effectively.
Stains – OMG, don’t wait! Be certain to treat stains as quickly as possible.
Be ready – I have kids, and I am always ready for stains. I try to keep something in my handbag to clean up spills, drops, and messes immediately.
Iron – Be sure to check your iron before each use. You don’t want any yucky dirty water dripping on your nice, clean, white shirt.
Bleaching – I use Clorox Bleach often, it does an incredible job around the house. The smell of bleach makes me feel like my house is clean, but I don’t use regular bleach on my clothing any longer. I only use regular bleach for cleaning around the house, because you can’t use traditional bleach to pre-treat a stain, and you have to be careful how you use it to wash clothes. Be sure to follow the directions if you plan on using traditional bleach.
MUST HAVE Clorox MYUltimateCare Bleach– I stopped using Clorox bleach to do my laundry after I tried Clorox MyUltimateCare Bleach. I made the change for several reasons, but the result is it works better, makes my clothes softer, smell better, look better, and can be used on my delicate whites.
About Clorox MyUltimateCare Bleach
I have trusted Clorox for many years. I grew up watching my mom use Clorox Bleach, it’s been good to my laundry, and still keeps my house SUPER Clean, but Clorox came out with something new – Better for washing laundry. Clorox MyUltimate Care Bleach is awesome! If you have’t tried it already then it’s totally worth trying, and I think you’ll love it. With Clorox MyUltimateCare Bleach, you can pre-treat stains, and trust that it gently whitens the most delicate of fabrics. Use Clorox MyUltimateCare Bleach to gently keep your whites, white, without the bleach smell – it has no bleach odor. My favorite thing is the fact that I can pre-treat using Clorox MyUltimateCare Bleach. Before I started using Clorox MyUltimateCare Bleach when I washed whites and use traditional bleach it left my clothing feeling stiff. My poor husbands undershirts and socks couldn’t have been comfortable – you could almost hear them crunch, lol. Clothing isn’t left with that stiff, crunch look or feel when using MyUltimateCare Bleach – everything is soft as it was if you wouldn’t have used bleach. Oh, and there isn’t that funky bleach smell either, everything smells fresh just the way I like it.
Be sure to follow the hashtag #CloroxCare on Twitter, Facebook, Instagram, and Google to see before and after clothing pictures. I have a load in the wash now, and I’m excited to show you the before and after shots. I won’t use regular Clorox Bleach for anything other than cleaning my house anymore because MyUltimateCare Bleach is made with our clothing in mind, and it shows!
You can find Clorox MyUltimateCare Bleach is available at Target.
What tips to you have to make laundry easier, a little more fun, or keep your whites whiter longer?