6 Ways To Help People During The Holidays!


There’s nothing like going back home for the holidays, or being home for the holidays with the people you love.  Honestly I’m happy at home with my family, or heading to my parents’ house for Christmas!  There’s nothing like being with your family and friends for the holidays, but so many people are not able to make it home for the holidays.  The holidays can be full of joy for some, but stressful and depressing for others.  If you’re able to give back this holidays season here is ways to help people during the holidays.

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6 Ways To Help People During The Holidays!

Reach Out to Someone in Need

This is something we do every year, and there are so many different ways to go about it.  My kids love it, and it’s a good feeling to know you’re helping another family who’s in need.  Where I live you can go to the local mall and pick a family off the tree.  We always try to choose a family the same size as ours, because we have all agreed that every year rather than purchasing so many gifts for one another we will take what we would have spent on that gift and help a family in need.  Typically we all give up 1-2 gifts, and give them to a family that’s aabout our size.  We never meet the family, but that’s okay because that’s not what it is about, ti’s about helping someone who’s in need.  There are several different programs that are similar you just have to look.

Support the Troops

So many of them are away from their families.  You can write a letter, send a card, or a care package.  It’s a great way to show your appreciation to the brave men and women who put their lives on the line daily.

Make a Wish

Another amazing program that does so much for terminally ill children.  Donating will do more for a child that we can ever imagine.  They choose one wish, and Make a Wish helps make that dream come true.  That’s worth donating to..

Toys for Tots

Toys for Tots helps so many children, and they are always looking for help so they can give gifts to so many sweet angels that wouldn’t get them otherwise.  It’s such a good feeling, and imagine what it’s doing for the children.

Invite Them Over

If you know someone is going to be away from their family for the holidays invite them over.  They might not accept, but at least they know they have somewhere to go if they choose.  It’s a better feeling to know you have somewhere to go if you choose.

Do Something, Anything Nice

Saying thank you, talking to someone in the line at the grocery store, lending the person in front of you a $1 so they don’t have to run to the car.  That’s what the holidays are about, helping others…  There’s truly not a better feeling than the gift of giving!

There are so many different ways you can help others, and have an impact on the way they feel during the holiday season, and it’s so wonderful to see so many people willing to help.

When I think of the holidays I think about helping others, which make it a point every single year to do something nice, and be extra nice.  It’s the holiday season, and if there is anything I can do to make someone’s day, or even put a smile on their face I’m going to try my best.

I also think about family, and how much being with them means to me.  I remember a Christmas several years ago, I was living with my boyfriend (who I moved away from my parents with) things didn’t work out, I had to spend every last dime I had on a house of my own.  I wasn’t able to be with my family I was depressed, I didn’t have anywhere to go.  I didn’t know anyone other than my ex, and his friends.  I sat at my house alone, I cried, but I didn’t have the money to go.  I wanted to badly to be with my family, and around someone I knew cared about me.

I never once asked my parents for the help, and honestly I was a little surprised they didn’t offer, but I have never been one to ask for anything unless there is no other way.  I figured my parents couldn’t afford it, while I was laying in bad on Christmas Eve I heard a knock at my door.  It was my brother, mom, and dad.  They drove 4 hours to spend Christmas with me, and they never said a word.  It was the best Christmas gift I could have ever asked for.  For Christmas dinner we didn’t have turkey, I didn’t’ even know they were coming.  Honestly, I don’t remember what we ate for dinner, but I do remember waking up to my dad’s famous breakfast burritos just like I had every single year before that.

There’s nothing like family, and Campbell’s is doing something really amazing for 15 people!  They are going to send 15 people home for the holidays, is that amazing or what?

Campbell’s Soup Company’s Look Who’s Home Sweepstakes

Campbell’s Soup Company is going to help 15 lucky winners back home this holiday season to be with their family and friends!  How amazing is that?  Pretty cool right, and entering is super easy!

Choose a picture that reminds you of home for your chance to win a $500 airline gift card to help get home for the holidays!  All that’s left now is to figure out what reminds you of home?  Maybe it’s that crazy dog that you miss so much, or the smell of the fireplace..  Whatever it is, be sure and head on over to Campbell’s website and enter.

Entries are limited to one per person using only one email address and one Pinterest account throughout the Sweepstakes!  There will be FIVE winners chosen each week, and you can only win during the week in which you enter!  Be sure and head on over, the Sweepstakes ends on December 15, 203 at 11:59pm EST.

To learn more about the Campbell Soup Company’s Guess Who’s Home Sweepstakes you can visit their website, CampbellsHomestyle.com


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Sandy Cain November 27, 2013 - 5:41 am

All wonderful ideas! We should all help each other throughout the year. Another good one is to help the homeless, there are so many in my city, sleeping/living in the subway. It’s a good thing if you carry a couple of sandwiches and juice boxes with you, to give those people who are hungry. Even buying them a burger from McD’s makes a difference.

Tina Le November 27, 2013 - 8:42 am

I love, love this post. Great suggestions and ideas to remember to give back this season. My girls and I volunteer at least 1 time a week during the holidays to remember others during this time of year.

Jo-Ann Brightman November 27, 2013 - 9:34 am

I try to do something nice for a lot of people during the holidays. I have donated, etc. and used to visit my neighbor to help her before she died.. I love the program you have near you where you can pick a family off the tree at the mall.

Deborah D November 27, 2013 - 1:01 pm

These are all excellent ways to help people during the holidays. Too bad most people continue to help throughout the year.

hailey B November 27, 2013 - 11:28 pm

May the Lord Bless you and Keep you!

Wanda Tracey November 30, 2013 - 10:13 pm

I was so happy for you to hear that your family showed up to spend Christmas with youYou are right in saying there is nothing like spending Christmas with our families.I have two sons who are often away over seas at this special time of year because they are both in the army.I know the emptiness that you can feel in the pit of your stomach when family is separated..

Jenn December 1, 2013 - 1:28 pm

Wanday thank you for your comment, and God Bless you and your two boys who are over seas fighting for our country! I think sometimes people don’t realize how hard having family over seas is for everyone involved, expcially during the holidays. My heart goes out to you and your brave boys! Thank you to all of you!


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