Keep The Magic of Santa Alive with Love Santa

Keep The Magic of Santa Alive with Love Santa


Ya’ll are going to love Santa; this book is seriously awesome! Such a great way to keep the magic of Santa alive after our kids learn Santa isn’t an actual real person who brings gifts every Christmas.

What does Santa mean to you as an adult?  Is he really a big guy in a red suit who brings children gifts once a year?  I don’t believe so, especially after reading Love, Santa.  I would have to say Santa is everywhere. He is not one single person but more an embodiment of the actions, spirit, and kindness that people show during the holiday season.  Santa is everywhere during the holiday season, which I’m sure is confusing and hard for children to wrap their minds around, and there is always the dreaded day when your child asks you, “Is Santa real?”

Telling Kids The Truth About Santa & Keeping The Magic of Christmas

Keep The Magic of Santa Alive with Love Santa

Well, this is a hard question.  We don’t want to lie to our children, but how do you explain it in a way that it will not break their hearts?  Gosh, I remember learning the truth about Santa. I wish there would have been a book like Love, Santa for my parents because I was crushed.  My mom did not lie to me, and I don’t think she really knew what to say, but I do remember how I felt, and that year learning the truth did make Christmas lose a bit of its magic. I know the time is coming. Mattie is going to want to know the truth about Santa, and thanks to Love, Santa parents can provide their children with a gentle explanation of who Santa really is, one that is honest and doesn’t destroy the Christmas season for them.

Telling Kids The Truth About Santa & Keeping The Magic of Christmas Love Santa

About Love, Santa

Love, Santa is by Martha Brockenbrough and illustrated by Lee White and in stores now.  Love, Santa is for parents with children 6 to 11 years old and helps them explain the truth about Santa in a truthful and gentle way so that you can help your child understand this turning point and how they celebrate Christmas.

Telling Kids The Truth About Santa & Keeping The Magic of Christmas

Love, Santa is a beautiful book with a series of letters that a young girl has written to Santa.  She asks about the North Pole, Christmas goodies, and Mrs. Claus.  Every year she gets a letter back from Santa, and they establish a heartwarming relationship until one year the girl writes to her mother instead; she asks, “Mom, are you Santa?”  Her mom responds with a no, she is not Santa, because Santa is bigger than any single person.  We bring him out through kindness and the power of our imagination.  This transformative story spins a universal childhood experience into a store about what Christmas is about—love, giving, and the spirit of Christmas.

Love, Santa is an awesome book I’m glad I have it to share with Mattie when she reaches that point in her childhood.

About the Creators of Love, Santa

Martha Brockenbrough is the author of two adult books and five books for younger readers, such as The Game of Love and Death, which received four starred reviews and was a Kirkus Prize finalist, Devine Intervention, and let’s not forget about The Dinosaur Tooth Fairy. Martha lives in Seattle, Washington, with her husband and two daughters.  To learn more about Martha, you can visit her online at and purchase Love Santa on Amazon. 

Lee White is an artist and teacher who loves to watercolor, climb trees, and do printmaking. He spends days splashing pant in his backyard studio, where he does not allow clocks. Lee has illustrated over fifteen books and shown in galleries across the country, from NY to LA. Mr. White lives in Portland, Oregon, with his wife and young son.

The artwork is amazing, and I love the interactive letters that you can take out and read.

You know, after reading Love, Santa I realized the truth about Santa is beautiful, it’s nothing for us to be scared of talking to our children about, it doesn’t have to rob them of the magic of Christmas.  What it boils down to is understanding the beauty that Santa holds for all of us.

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