10 Ways to Wake Up Feeling Great In The Morning

10 Ways to Wake Up Feeling Great In The Morning


blahblahsponsorkohlsThere is nothing worse than starting the day wrong, and wishing you could have somehow managed to wake up feeling great in the morning so your day would fall into place.  When I wake up wrong, my whole day is out of whack.  Whether it’s because you stub your toe or just have one of those mornings.  Oh, or waking up feeling rushed, and you run through your mornings at 100 mph, forget to brush your teeth, put on deodorant or something super important.  I tend to have one of those mornings unless I do a few things; because mornings can be hectic, I had to create a few habits to bring sanity, which once everything fell into place I started to wake up feeling great.  Now, don’t get me wrong, there are still those occasional mornings where I wish I could go back to bed, but they happen much less.  Starting your morning out right isn’t always easy, but there are things you can do to help.

10 Ways to Wake Up Feeling Great In The Morning10 Ways to Wake Up Feeling Great In The Morning

If you’re having a hard time in the mornings here are a few ideas to help you wake up feeling great in the mornings.

Plan the night before & get sleep – Get enough sleep, turn the TV off and get some rest. If you’re not getting enough sleep you’re going to be sleepy silly.  The night before pull out clothing, shoes, if you have anything you can do the night before try to get it done to save time in the morning.

Getting up – I know you probably knew this one was coming, but getting up earlier will make your morning less stressful.  Speaking from experience, it’s nice to not feel rushed in the mornings, and you have time to get everything finished.

Bedroom – Decorate your bedroom in a way that makes you happy and proud of your bedroom.  Waking up in a nice room, with pretty walls, nice blankets, no clutter, and clean really help me feel better about myself when I wake up.

Snuggle with your partner – If you’re sleeping next to someone you can always “cuddle” with them in the mornings.  It’s a great way to start the day

Stretch – I can’t speak for everyone, but stretching just feels good in the morning, and helps me open my eyes a little better.

Sound – I like to watch the news in the morning, or should I say listen to it, because I don’t watch it.  I don’t pay attention to it much, but I like having the noise in the background.  Whether it’s the news, cartoons, or music, adding a little something in the background can help you keep your eyes open.

Workout – if you have time in the morning great, if not, get some exercise in the evenings.  It’s amazing what getting up and moving for a while does for your body and mind.

Don’t skip breakfast – I used to skip breakfast, and now that I don’t I feel so much better. Don’t put off breakfast because you don’t have time, and eat something healthy.

Get dressed – This is for those who work from home, like myself.  Get up and get dressed as you were going to work. I started doing this so I would have a more productive day and it’s helped me more than anything I have tried.  I am alert, ready to work, and be more done during the day.

Put some coffee on – There is nothing like the smell of coffee in the morning, and a cup to get you going.  I try to get my shower, and coffee done before the kids wake up so I have a little time to myself.  Most days I only make one cup, but on the days my husband isn’t gone super early we put on a pot, which is why I’m so loving our new Keurig.  It’s perfect for those one cup and one pot days.

wake up with coffeeIf you haven’t seen the Keurig 2.0 it’s amazing!  As I mentioned you can brew yourself one cup of coffee, or a 4-cup K-carafe pack.  The Keurig 2.0 Brewing Technology reads the lid to deliver a perfect beverage every time, strength Control allows you to set it for a stronger cup if you like it strong, which works perfectly for my husband and I.  He likes his strong, and I’m more of a mild strength kind of gal.  There is also a 80 ounce water reservoir that can be removed, is super easy to fill and clean, programmable digital clock so you know how early you’re up, lol.  Customizable night-light in the water reservoir, which makes it look pretty cool, and I like having it on.  We used to keep our light above the kitchen sink on, but now it’s the Keurig.  Plus, who doesn’t appreciate the energy-saver mode and brewer maintenance alert to make sure long-lasting use?

If you haven’t said hello to Keurig 2.0, it’s an awesome experience, and she’ll make brewing more pleasurable. 

Don’t forget you can enter to win free coffee for a year with Keurig’s contest.  Yes, be sure to hurry and enter the Say Hello To Keurig 2.0 Contest.

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