Tips to Help You Find Allergy Relief Allergy Relief

Tips to Help You Find Allergy Relief


Are you looking for allergy relief? Here are a few tips that might help you deal with the dreaded allergies.

Allergies—some of us just never catch a break from the sneezing, sniffling, watery eyes, and itchy nose that come with symptoms of allergies—are never pleasant.  However, there are things you can do to help you seek allergy relief.

Tips to Help You Find Allergy Relief Allergy Relief

Tips to Help You Find Allergy Relief

Here are a few things I’ve learned over the years:.  I hope you find something that helps you locate the relief you need this allergy season.

Educate yourself

If you suffer from allergies, it’s important to educate yourself.  This might mean a trip to the doctor or time searching, but the more you educate yourself about the allergies you suffer from, the better off you’ll be.  I’ve learned that education is one of the most useful tools when it comes to almost anything in life.


Do your best to lessen your exposure to the things that cause allergies.  My poor brother is allergic to everything, especially grass.  It just wouldn’t make sense for him to have a picnic on the lovely green grass if it’s going to cause him to react.  Yes, he still gets to go on picnics, but he has to consider his allergies, take a blanket, not go when there is certain pollen in the air, or find areas where he can enjoy himself.


There is a reason for spring cleaning, but there is also a reason to keep surfaces clean, vacuum, or even paint your walls to help limit exposure.  Be sure to continue to keep these areas clean.  If possible, vacuum every other day.

Keep the windows closed

Regardless of how badly you want to open the windows, keeping them closed will reduce the amount of pollen that comes into your home.

Wash rugs, blankets, curtains and furniture coverings

Be sure to wash anything and everything that you can: curtains, blankets, rugs, couch covers, bedding, etc.  This, too, can help reduce your exposure.


A few years ago, we changed the filters we used in our air conditioning unit, and we noticed a huge difference in not only my allergies but those of my daughters as well.


There are some excellent medications out there to help you with your allergies as well.  You may want to visit with your doctor before choosing an allergy medication, but I have had great success with over-the-counter allergy medicine. Other medications include these Curex allergy immunotherapy drops, which are proving to be very helpful for many individuals.

How are you and your family currently finding relief for your allergies?

This is a sponsored post written on behalf of Summit Shah.  All opinions are my own.

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