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Growing up in a world of technology, it’s important our kids not only see their parents use these handheld devies, like the tablets, but they learn how to use them. In addition, there are so many great educational apps for children. I allow my children to use handheld devevices, and I have since they were little. Now, I say I allow them to play with them, and they have since they were little, but I didn’t shove one in their hands when they were 36 months old. They didn’t start to play with them until they really understood what they were, and could use them. I also belive their time should be limited and monitored.
10 Reasons I Allow My Children To Use Handheld Devices
Problem Solving – My daughter Vayda has started to draw, and getting rather good at it. We spend a lot of time drawing together. I will help her drawn a cat, or a horse, but recently she has tried to draw characters from her favorite movie, Frozen. She wanted to draw Anna, when she came to me for advice I didn’t know how to help her. She grabbed the iPad, pulled up a tutorial on YouTube, and drawn an amazing picture of not only Anna, but several other characters. This has motivated her to keep drawing, and she only gets better with every picture she draws. Having access to the iPad has not only helped her solve her problem on her own, it’s motivated her to continue something she might have given up on.
Their Future – As an adult, I am motivated by technology, and I know my children are. I want my children to see and experience everything technology has to offer them, especially if they are interested. Using technology to learn can be exciting and fun, but does more than allow my children to have fun. They are interested in it, and who knows they could make a very good living as an adult if they decide to go into something that has to do with technology.
Different way to learn – Vayda has had problems with math since she started, but this summer we have been using the tablet for educational apps, and other program available online, and it helped her more than I thought it would. This year she’s rocking it, bringing home 85% on her tests, and I couldn’t be more proud of her. We have tried everything, and it’s something about doing it online that just works with her. I think it’s because it’s fun and interactive, which helps most people keep information.
Communication – Picking up the phone in today’s world is nothing like it was when I was a kid, which I love. I like that my children can jump on Skype and talk to their aunt, because they are a huge part of their life. This way my aunt, and my sister can see the kids and how much they have grown. Plus, I’m not going to fib, I love showing them off to everyone. I’m a very proud mom, and showing off my kids is awesome, lol.
Warnings – I love that our phones now buzz with severe weather warnings, which can be extremely helpful to everyone.
Reading – My kids love to read, and they can read just about anything they want online. Plus, I don’t have to stress them losing the book from the library, which
Motivation – I know we all don’t have special needs children, but I do, and I cannot begin to explain what techy devices – tablets mostly – have done to help my son. He’s motivated by them, has learned and grown so much since he started using them. He is doing and learning more now than the doctors said he would, and it’s because of the technology. He loves it, and is motivated by it. From hand eye coordination to learning to control drooling issues, it’s all things techy that motivates him and make him want to learn. Doctors said he would never speak in a whole sentence, or spell his name. He is now doing both, and it’s because of his tablet, educational apps, and tech toys.
Safety – My kids all have or have access to techy devices. My girls take their phones with them to school, not because they are allowed to use it during school, but if they need it for an emergency. Whether in school, recess, or after school, I want my children to have access to a phone so they can call for help. I know we didn’t have it growing up, but we do now, and it gives me piece of mind to know my kids can call me or 911 if they need help.
Memories – I cannot tell you how badly I wish I had more pictures from my school years. I’m glad my children do, and everything can be uploaded to their OneDrive where it can stay until they want to look at them, edit, make a neat picture with all their friends, or just hang on to them until they are my age. Memories are always good to have, and photos are the best way to relive those moments.
Clutter – Okay, this one might be more for mom because my children do’n’t know what it’s like to have tons of CD’s, Tapes, DVD’s, or anything of that nature. Today we store everything in the wonderful Cloud. I look at my daughters room, and dang she is lucky! Playing music is easy, watching movies is a breeze, they don’t take up room, and are so much easier to find. That Cloud is one organized place, lol.
There are plenty of reasons why I feel children should have access to tech, and there are reads for parents to not allow them, but when used properly they can be a powerful tool. In my opinion, it make sense to spend the time teaching our children how to use them properly.
Intel Tablet
I recently received an Intel Tablet, which is an awesome device. I use it for work, fun, recipes, music, and my favorite is shopping. I’ll take it to places like Albertsons and Walgreens because I can easily upload coupons to my accounts and use them when I check out. I also create my shopping list using the tabet, it’s the perfect size to put in my handbag, and use without being too much. I totally love my Intel Tablet, but not just for me. My kids have used it for school, fun, and my oldest daughter uses it for music while she does her homework. She likes it because she can turn it down just a tad, and it’s quite enough to let her think, but enough to give her the background noise. She’s like her mom, we always have to have background noise, and are extremely picky about how loud.