Tricks To Get Kids To Take Medicine

Winter Health Tips: Tips To Get Kids To Take Medicine


This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation that contains affiliate links. However, all opinions, text and experiences are my own.”

When our children are sick we want to help them feel better and my kids are horrible at taking medicine.  It doesn’t matter how much I beg the kids to take medicine, they’re not going to do it.  It aggravates me to no end, because I only want to help them feel better, and they act as if I’m trying to poising them, but I also remember doing the same thing to my mom.  She came up with some good ways to get us kids to take medicine. 

Maybe it’s the taste, or the fact they feel horrible and don’t want to cooperate with mom, but they refuse to take their medicine.  Which leaves us no choice, but to get creative, and come up with tricks to get kids take medicine.  You’re going to have to get creative too, because once they catch on to your trick, they will never fall for it again.  I never give my kids medicine together, because if one of them sees me trick another, than I have to think up something else. 

Tricks To Get Kids To Take MedicineTricks To Get Kids To Take Medicine

If you have problems, getting kids to take medicine here are a few handy-dandy little tricks I have used on my kids.

  • Taste buds – I try to remember how my taste buds worked when I’m sick, because nothing taste good, sounds good, and they aren’t in a good mood.  If you can avoid letting the medicine touch their tongue they’ll be more likely to let the medicine go down.  You can use a dropper and put the medicine in the side of their cheek
  • A spoonful of sugar helps the medicine go down – When I was a child; this was my favorite way to get medicine to go down.  Combining the medication with a spoonful of sugar might be just what you need to get the medicine to go down.
  • Talk to them – Everyone now and then I can them to take it if I tell them they are getting big, growing up, and ask them if they want to take the medicine on their own because they are growing up and are so mature.  Really, kids want to know they are controlling the situation.  Hey, it doesn’t always work, my kids are stubborn, and smart!  In addition, if they are sick even this doesn’t work. 
  • Be sneaky – Find out if it’s okay to mix food with medication.  If so, try adding it to something with a lot of flavor so they can’t taste it. 
  • Bribery – There is nothing wrong with a little bribery from time to time, especially when its’ something important like getting medicine in them so they have a little releases.
  • Taste – When purchasing over-the-counter cough and cold medicine try to get a flavor they’ll like.  Dr. Cocoa™ for Children is the first ever chocolate flavored over-the-counter medicine.  They even use real cocoa flavor, and it might be just what you need to get the job done.
  • Don’t force them – When children know you’re going to make them do something, they automatically want to fight back.  Maybe it’s because they don’t feel well, or maybe it’s because the medicine taste that bad.  Make them think it’s a choice, and not something they MUST do.
  • Why – Tell them why they’re going to take the medicine, because if they know it is going to help their cold or cough they might be more willing to take it.
  • Be nice – Even if they start to get upset about taking the medicine, be nice.  If you’re mean, or too stern you could make taking medicine a bad experience and you’ll have to fight every single time.
  • Ask – Take a moment and ask them why they don’t want to take it.  Maybe it’s something you can talk about and work out.
  • Make it fun – If your child is in the mood a fun little song might work, or even better maybe you can act silly and change their mood just enough to get them to consider taking their medicine.
  • Almost every little kid loves chocolate – No you wouldn’t be lying if you purchased Dr. Cocoa™ for children, because it is chocolate flavored and even made with real cocoa!  

How To Get Kids To Take MedicineNew Dr. Cocoa™ for Children 

Did you know that according to Dr. Cocoa™ new national Harris survey of U.S. I am not the only mom who has problems getting her children to take their medication, but almost 40% of parents said it isn’t easy to give their children over-the-counter liquid cough and cold medicines.  Only one-third of the parents believing the taste of the medicine affected how easy it was to give their children the recommended dose of medicine.  Well, if you’re one of the moms who has experienced issues getting their child to take medication, I have good news. Dr. Cocoa™ for Children was developed with it’s real chocolate flavor, with us and our children in mind. 

Dr. Cocoa™ for Children is the first ever-chocolate flavored, over-the-counter liquid cough and cold medicine line.  Yes, someone finally put it all together – kids don’t like to take medicine, because it taste bad, but they love chocolate.  New Dr. Cocoa™ is for children ages 4 to 23, made with real cocoa, combined with trusted effective ingredients with a yummy chocolate taste! 

Most of the time, just the word chocolate will make one of my children smile.  For this mom knowing I can get my children to take their cough and cold medicine, even most of the time without problems make me smile and do the happy dance. 

Dr. Cocoa for ChildrenDr Cocoa™ for Children comes in three different patented formulas:

  • Dr Cocoa™ Nighttime Cough + Cold Relief – This is made just for children 6 to 13 years of age, to help relieve coughs, help with stuffy nose, runny nose, and the sneezing at night.  Follow dosing instructions on the package label, or speak to your pediatrician.  The active ingredients are Dextromethorphan and Phenylephrine.
  • Dr Cocoa™ Daytime Cough + Cold Relief – Made for children 4 to 13 years of age, works to relive stuffy nose, and cough.  This is a non-drowsy formula, which makes it ideal for use during the day.  For exact dose by age, be sure to follow package label or speak to your child’s pediatrician.  The active ingredients are Dextromethorphan and Phenylephrine.
  • Dr Cocoa™ Long-Acting Cough + Cold Relief – Works to relieve coughs for up to eight hours, in children 4 to 13 without causing drowsiness.  For exact dose by age, be sure to follow package label or speak to your child’s pediatrician.  The active ingredient is Dextromethorphan.

What’s so cool about Dr. Cocoa™?  Well, did you not see him?  He’s the cute little owl.  So my question is, what’s not so cool about Dr. Cocoa™?  It’s soothing, real-cocoa formula was developed to help moms like me, with kids like mine and improve dosing compliance.  Now, with Dr. Cocoa™ parents can focus on fighting the cold, and worry about avoiding a fight with their children. 

dr cocoa for childrenYou can purchase Dr. Cocoa™ products nationwide at stores, as well as online if you’re an online shopper too.  You can learn more about Dr. Cocoa™, including where to purchase by visiting their website –  Oh, and be sure to stop by the brands new Facebook page and say Hi to Dr. Cocoa™. 

keeping kids healthy

Dr. Cocoa™ for Kids Hand Puppet Giveaway

Don’t miss the Dr. Cocoa™ hand puppet giveaway!  For a limited time you can enter to win a Dr. Cocoa™ hand puppet that your kids will love! 

Do you have problems getting your children to take medicine when they’re not feeling well?  If you have, any tricks I would love to hear them, because you just never know when you’re going to need them.  However, with the real cocoa flavor of Dr. Cocoa™ it might be a while, especially since you can grab the coupon here, and save $2 on your next purchase of Dr. Cocoa™ products. 
This is a product-provided, sponsored conversation that contains affiliate links. However, all opinions, text and experiences are my own.


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