Tis The Season For Crafts, Recipes, Tips, And More!


Tis the season for family, friends, and lots of fun, but you know as well as I do getting to the fun part of the holidays can be stressful.  You know that OH-SO-LONG list of things to do?  Between shopping, decorating, planning, cooking, wrapping gifts, cleaning your house, doing laundry, and everything else you do during the holidays you’re probably have been super busy, and maybe even a little stressed out.

DG Coke

I hate to bring this up, but are you done with your holiday shopping?  Oh, don’t worry I still have a little to get done myself.  Lucky for us Dollar General is a one stop shop for all those last minute needs.  They even have an awesome season page on the Dollar General Website, which is brought to you buy Dollar General, Coca-Cola€, M&M’s®, and Campbell’s®.  They want to be sure we have a place where we can check off all our holiday to-do-lit!  When you visit Dollar Generals website be sure to check out their holiday page, there is an awesome countdown to Christmas, coupons, decorating tips, cooking tips, holiday crafts, holiday recipes and so much more.  It all makes planning your quick trip to Dollar General easier.

yummy French Vanilla Mocha in yellow coffee cup

There is all kinds of good info on Dollar General’s Holiday Page.  I made myself the French Vanilla Mocha without any whipped cream.  Can you say amazing, and easy.  It’s super easy, there is only hot water, NESTLE COFFEE-MATE Liquid Coffee Creamer, NESCAFE TASTER’S CHOICE House Blend, Chocolate Flavor Syrup, and if you want you can toss some whipped cream on top.

I personally love French Vanilla coffee that’s sweet, and the recipe from Dollar General is yummy!

Tis The Season For Crafts, Recipes, Tips, And More cut out coca cola bear craft

There is also this really fun “Bring the Polar Bears Home” craft!  I have everything printed out and ready to go as soon as my daughter gets home we’re going to Bring Those Coca-Cola Polar Bears Home!  I’m really excited to do this craft… I will be sure and share the finished results on my Facebook page.  I would do it now, but my daughter would be so mad.  She LOVES those polar bears.

There really is lots of great stuff on the Dollar General Holiday Page be sure and swing by and check it out.  There is plenty of great cooking tips, crafts, decorating tips, recipes, and so much more!


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LORETTA.A. RENO December 24, 2013 - 12:00 am


md Kennedy December 24, 2013 - 7:01 am

I LOVE that polar bear craft! I’m not very good at things like that, but this one I do have to try!

laura harris December 24, 2013 - 7:04 am

i love Dollar General my fav store!

JoAnn Brightmasn December 24, 2013 - 7:17 am

I do enjoy Nestle products from the Taster’s CHoice coffee to the Morsels I always have them in my house. I wish there was a Dolar General close by.

Deborah D December 24, 2013 - 1:24 pm

I never knew that dollar general carried all of this stuff. Thank you for bringing it to my attention.

lisa December 24, 2013 - 2:28 pm

I think scratch off lottery tickets make great gifts. Today I was in line with a woman that bought 300.00 dollars worth. Also, I sound like a broken record here. Any candle with jewelry would thrill me. I love those!

Joie Betterly December 24, 2013 - 5:59 pm

I love Dollar General and thank you for your Polar Bear Craft. My youngest is very interested in doing this this week. Merry Christmas!

M.Clark December 24, 2013 - 8:15 pm

That “Bring the Polar Bears Home” craft does look cute. I would tweak that coffee recipe to leave out the French Vanilla and just make in Mocha, I love chocolate. Thank you for this great review.

lola December 26, 2013 - 6:56 am

love crafts very much.
coca cola usually has very nice ideas! like you do

Holly Clark December 29, 2013 - 12:42 am

The polar bears craft looks easy, fun, and seasonal. Have you seen the new movie coming out about the Coca Cola Polar Bears? I think I am more excited than my kiddo to see it!

Christina Kelbel December 29, 2013 - 10:36 am

I love the Coco-Cola polar bears. they are so cute, would love to do this craft with my son. I will be looking for it, thanks.

lisa February 7, 2014 - 12:03 pm

I used to be a bit of a snob when it comes to dollar general and stores like that. I have no idea why. They really do have some good prices and selection.

Shannon February 11, 2014 - 3:49 pm

What fun projects…..thank you for sharing.


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