Struggling with self-love can be difficult, but it’s something many of us face at some point in our lives. Here are a few tips to help you love yourself and see that you are enough.
Sure, there are things I used to want to change about myself, things from wishing my booty was smaller to wishing I had thicker hair, but really, at the end of the day, there is only one me. And, while I might not be “perfect,” who is? The one thing I do know is that there is only one me; there will always only be one me. And I honestly love who I am from the inside out.
I am not big on the if I can do it, you can do it thing, but I’ll be honest with you, I have been through hell these past few years, and I honestly believe in you! If I can come out of this crap and love myself, I know you can too! Just know you are enough; you are amazing, and no amount of makeup or keeping up with this trend or that trend is going to change that. You are amazing because you are you even on shitty days!
30 Tips To Help Your Love Yourself & See You Are Enough!
Do you love yourself? Do you see that you are enough? I hope you look in the mirror and love yourself, but if not, below you’ll find a few tips that have helped me over the years. I sure hope you find a tip or two that help you look in the mirror and love yourself more today than you did yesterday.
Appreciate what you have. I know sometimes it’s hard to realize it, but things could be worse. There are things you don’t have, but what about everything you do have? Rather than focusing on the don’ts of life, focus on the do’s. Practice being thankful for the people in your life, clothing on your back, and everything else you have in life. Each day wake up and think of three things you are thankful for; it’s a great way to start your day out on a positive note.
Your different, be proud – We are all different, and that’s what makes us who we are. It’s also what makes us stand out from everyone else—be proud! Different is good; love yourself; don’t hide your unique and beautiful self!
Admit it. If you cannot admit something is wrong, you cannot make changes. Rather than not accepting something, say it out loud a few times and come up with a plan to make changes! After having my daughter, I gained too much weight, and it took a while for me to actually admit it, but once I did, I was able to make changes.
Give up. There are things about you that will never change; give up on worrying about them. Give up letting things you cannot change stop you from loving yourself and who you are, and smile because those things make you who you are.
Stop complaining. Seriously, stop complaining. Rather than complaining about everything you don’t have, realize everything you do have. If you need to make changes, stop complaining, be honest with yourself, and make a plan.
Look, honestly look. Stop and look. Focus on what is the root of the reason you are so upset. Is it the 40 pounds you gained, or is it something deeper? You’ll need to find out what is wrong before you can make changes. Part of doing this is being honest with yourself.
Make changes. Change your routine. Sometimes that is all it takes—a simple change in the way you wake up and the things you do. Changing things can often help you see things in a different light, because not all of us like to wake up and take a shower.
Complement others: Being kind feels good, not just for you, but kindness can change someone’s entire day. Again, just don’t forget to be kind to yourself. All these things you are willing to do for other people you have to be willing to do for yourself first. Love yourself!
Do something nice—not just for other people, but do something nice for yourself too.
Go for a walk. Go for a walk, and think. One of my favorite times to think is while I am walking, breathing the fresh air. I enjoy going on walks or being in the middle of nowhere; personally, it helps me connect with myself better.
Get dressed: Get those darn PJ’s off and get dressed, do your hair, and put on some makeup before you head to the store. Who cares if it’s only grocery shopping! (I need to take my own advice on this one; I rarely wear makeup anymore.)
Be social. If you are a social butterfly, be social. Don’t pull yourself away from everyone. Be active and socialize with family and friends.
Write. Writing is a good way to work things out. If you don’t want to write, you can start a private blog online. This is your private place to vent, cry, and let it out.
Sing: Turn up your favorite jam and sing like nobody is watching! Try to focus on songs that make you feel good—something upbeat and happy.
List your accomplishments. Write down all your accomplishments! Everything from that third grade math paper you rocked!
Clean your house. There is something about a clean house; it makes me feel good. It’s a great way to prepare to change your routine!
Stop hiding from the camera—I know I used to hate the camera! One day I started thinking about my kids and them not having any pictures of me. They love me the way I am—without makeup, messy hair—they don’t care! I know one day they are going to want to have a picture of me, and I refuse to be so insecure to not leave pictures behind for my babies, who know that I’m enough!
Exercise for 5 minutes. It doesn’t have to be a lot, just something to make you feel good. Even a bit of working out can help boost your energy when you are in a rut.
Talk to yourself. Whether you are deciding on what to cook for dinner or working issues out, talk to yourself. You can trust yourself, listen, and when you are finished, you might even learn something from yourself.
Stop comparing—STOP IT; don’t compare yourself to others. It’s like I tell my children, you cannot compare yourself to one another because being different is awesome!
Look at your kids. If you have children, stop and look at them. WOW, you made them; that says something right here. They are yours, and you make them. Now that’s something to be proud of.
Smile. Do it, because it feels good to smile! Smile because you know your family and friends think you are enough!
Go out of your way to help. Do something for yourself too. Sure, helping others is great, but you have to remember to take care of yourself first. It can be easy to get those two mixed up, but take care of you first.
Get a pet – For me, my pets are therapeutic! They are fun and great companions. Plus, they listen well and never tell your secrets.
Drink water. There is something about drinking water that always helps give me energy and puts me in a better mood.
Dance: Turn up the music and dance like nobody is watching! Clean, dance, sing, and do it to your favorite upbeat happy song. My favorite happy song is Mr. Jones!
Eat healthy – Get rid of the junk food, and start eating healthy. You might be missing nutrients, and it just feels good to know you are being healthy.
Talk to your family – Something that always helps me is spending time with my kids, husband, mom, dad, brother and sister. They just have a way of making me feel good.
Don’t get dressed up for attention. If you are going to get dressed up—hair, makeup, etc.—do it for you, not anyone else. Do it because it makes you feel good.
Have a goal. Man, this one has been huge for me recently. Having something you work toward can be huge. When you work hard for something and keep going when you find your groove, the reward can be a huge boost.
Now say it, and SHARE THE I’M ENOUGH MESSAGE with someone in your life who needs to know they are more than enough!
The Mrs. Band is helping spread this amazing message! Their début song “Enough”, and the “Enough” mirror video helps to celebrate women and helps let all us women know we are ENOUGH! I’m so excited to be part of this campaign, because it’s hard to keep your head up, and love yourself. I don’t always feel like I’m enough in a few areas of my life, but after watching this video I know that #imENOUGH to the people in my life who matter most, and at the end of the day it doesn’t get any better than that!
Here I am without makeup; I just woke up this morning, and you know what? I don’t care, because I know I’m enough! I love myself, my family loves me, and I am awesome. Next, I am having issues with the way I feel about myself. I am going to think about this post—it’s an awesome reminder #imENOUGH, and so are you!
Now it’s your turn, say it with me I’M ENOUGH and love youself – because YOU ARE ENOUGH!
This is a sponsored post. All opinions are my own.