Most of you know I’m on my journey to a skinnier, healthier me. I want to look better, and feel better. I have been reading 7 Years Younger The Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet Lose 20 Pounds, and let’s just say I have learned a lot. It’s also got me thinking about the fast approaching holidays and staying motivated. Most of you already know I’m on a journey to look and feel better, maybe even 7 years younger! Gaining weight is so easy, but losing weight is hard work, it takes motivation, dedication, and you need to find your purpose, and staying motivated to lose weight during the holidays can be difficult.
Stay Motivated to Lose Weight During The Holidays
Plan – You know what obligations you have, when you’re planning on traveling, and everything else you have going on this holiday season. Plan around it.
Get Up And Go – I have found if I do everything first thing in the morning I’m more likely to stick to healthy eating during the day. Whether I get up and go for a walk, head to the gym, or play for Dance 2014 for an hour with my daughter I get up and get it done, before i can come up with any reason not to.
Support – When we go out-of-town for the holidays my husband makes it a point to go for walks with me, we might even head to the mall and walk around for a bit. It’s better than nothing, and nice that he’s willing to help. He knows it’s hard for me to break away from his family. If it’s too cold we will hit the mall, and make a few laps.
Always Workout – This might sound crazy to some, but I try to work out with everything that I do. When I need to change the laundry, I only grab a few pieces of clothing out of the drier, and do a squat every single time I put clothing into the drier. Rather than bending over to grab something I need from the cabinet, I do a squat to grab it, while I’m standing around stirring supper you’ll find me doing leg calf raises.
Weigh and Measure Often – Every morning I jump on the scale, before I have eaten or drinking anything. I also measure every 3-4 days, so I know how I am doing.
Get Educated – I have been reading 7 Years Younger The Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet Lose 20 Pounds (or More), and it’s been a huge lifesaver. It’s a great book, and I feel like I’m ready for what the holidays have in store for me.
If you’re currently dieting, or your New Years Resolution is to lose weight this is a great book. If you’re planning on staring a diet with the New Year start reading this book now, it’s been a useful took for me, and I feel like all the information inside is honest. I have read a lot of weight loss books, and many only have guidelines, or are very brief. I often don’t know if I should believe what they are telling me, which is why I really like 7 Years Younger The Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet Lose 20 Pounds (or More). If you have a question, it’s likely answered in the book, or explained in great detail.
Going into the 7 Years Younger, The Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet I feel like a fully understand what I need to do, how to do it, and that I can do it. Everything is explained in an easy to understand fashion, and after reading it everything sounds like it makes sense. I don’t feel like I will be doing anything just becasue the book told me to, but if someone was to ask me why I could answer them and feel good about what I’m telling them. Besides looking and feeling 7 years younger sounds amazing, and in my option it’s worth trying something new for seven weeks of my life.
7 Years Younger, The Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet
I recently received 7 Year Younger, The Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet hardcover book, and workbook. The hardcover book, and workbook have been an awesome tool in helping to keep me motivated.
7 Years Younger The Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet, Lose 20 Pounds is from the editors of Good Housekeeping! After reading it I’m going to have to say I am a believer, and will be starting my 7 week journey Monday! Yes, through the holidays. It’s given me that extra boost I needed!
Take The 7 Years Younger Diet Pledge
One of my favorite things about this book is the “Your 7 Years Younger Diet Pledge”, which may help you find a balance between pushing yourself, and setting goals that are realistic. The book suggests that writing and committing to the pledge is an important set in the 7 Years Younger Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet. I couldn’t agree more, I think it’s important to commit to something before jumping in.
When I commit to something and actually write it down I am more likely to stick to it. I feel like I have signed a contract with myself, and it’s important for me to stick to what I told myself I would do. On page 21 of the book you will find a place for you to sign the 7 Years Younger Diet Pledge. When you sign it you’re dedicating the next seven weeks to following the 7 Years Younger Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet. Not too bad right, and who knows where you will go after that 7 weeks. There’s a good chance you will be even more motivated!
The Diet That Reverses Aging
You will learn about fruits and veggies, nutritional skin savers, super skin protectors, disease fighters. You’ll also learn about protein and that it’s essential at every meal. I honestly didn’t know that, maybe I’m behind on times, but I didn’t know it was important at every meal. Oh, there is also dairy, fish, grains, legumes, and more. FYI, fish is good for the brain, omega-3 have been ground to help protect people from sunburn, a possible cancer fighter, and one of my favorites is that it makes you feel fuller.
There is also diet busters, which I found pretty interested. I learned a lot of things that I didn’t know, such as 5 best and worst foods. Sure some of them I knew, but others I was excited to learn about. This whole chapter is loaded with useful information, and it can be useful for anyone even if they are not on a diet. I loved the “ask the expert” sections, where they address several questions that we all have from time to time such as, “What can I do about dark spots on my skin?” or the not so common ones such as, “How do I get omega-3 if I have a seafood allergy?”
Eat to Win-Win
This is a great chapter that helps the reader prepare for the next seven weeks. You have already committed to changing your lifestyle for the better over the next seven weeks, and now it’s time to learn how. I enjoyed learning about The 3-4-5 Solution, which is 300 calories for breakfast, 400 calories for lunch, and 500 calories for dinner. Which works great, I started doing this a while back and it’s a great way to eat, not feel hungry, and still drop those unwanted pounds.
Readers will also discover seven weeks of delicious menus, learn a few super snack ideas, fruit swaps, the lowdown on liquids and tons more useful information. There is also the “ask an expert” section, but I really enjoyed the “On-the-Go Snacks for Your Sweet Tooth” ideas. Every now and then I get that sweet tooth, and there was a few great ideas to help me while I’m on the go this holiday season.
Ready, Set… Let’s Get Started
By the time you have reached this chapter you should be READY to get started. I know I was excited to try something totally new, that sounded like it would work, not starve you, and help me not only lose the unwanted pounds, but learn how to keep them off.
The workbook is fabulous, and if you purchase the book I do recommend the workbook as well. If you’re like me than seeing something in black and white makes it real. I love that I can record all my information, read tips, and plan my days. Planning my days has helped me stay motivated through the holidays, I’m working on my plans for spending the holidays at my in-laws house.
There is a lot to be learned in this chapter such as, how to silence your mental saboteurs, letting go of emotional eating, avoid being the people pleaser, establishing a “thin mindset, and more. There’s some great tips, and the “ask the expert” sections as well. This is a great chapter that helps you examine the relationship you have with food, get in touch with emotional trigger, and practice ways to reduce stress so you don’t allow stress to eat away at your moral, or cause you to become unmotivated.
Learn how to add 20 minutes of movement into your daily routine, along with 7 Years Younger Strengtheners, which will be perfect for me while I’m at my in-laws. They are all things that can be done indoors, and will not take up much room. You will also learn ways to get flexible, measure your flexibility, get poised for yoga, basically how to get fit one step at a time. Start working out, and slowly increase what you are doing.
The 7 Years Younger Meal Plan
This is where it gets fun, because let’s face it we have to eat, and we want to eat something that taste good right. The Week 1: Jumpstart Meal Plan was totally doable, as well as week 2 and week 3. I appreciate the meal plan because when I first start a diet I need that extra guidance to help me get the swing of things, and things to buy while I’m at the store.
The rest of the book is fabulous, it’s filled with charts about good foods to eat, the salad bar take 10, calorie IQ test, and tons more. I admit my favorite part of the book is learning about the foods in a fun new way, and there is also some tasty recipes.
- Smoky Tuna Pasta
- Unfried Rice
- Veggie Casserole
- Spaghetti with Green Olive Pesto
- Spring Shrimp Pasta
- Mac & Cheese Pasta
- Stuffed Pitas (which is one of my favorites)
- Pudding Parfait
- Cheese Bite
- Cherries and Cheese
- Soba Noodle Bowl with Shrimp and Snow Peas
- Seared Salmon with Sweet Potatoes
- Salmon Burgers with Capers & Dill
- Steak Sandwich with Grilled Onions
- Beef Ragu
You’ll find more than 90 recipes for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I haven’t dedicated myself to the 7 weeks yet, but after reading the book I feel good that it’s going to work, and I’m going to be able to stay motivated. The 7 week plan looks to be easy to adopt, and there are tons of health benefits. I’m super exited to start my 7 week journey, and who knows where I will go after those 7 weeks! One thing I do feel confident about is that the scale will be going down, down, down, and I will be looking and feeling better!
Whether you’re planning on starting some type of weight loss journey in 2014 or already started be sure and check out 7 Years Younger, The Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet. I have found it very useful, and am glad I have read it. You can learn more by visiting their website. After you begin your weight-loss journey with 7 Years Younger, The Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet be sure and post pictures using the hashtag #7YearsYounger2014! I will be on the lookout for yours and you can look for mine! Let’s motivate one another! Grab your book, or learn more by clicking here.
Enter To Win Your Own Copy of 7 Years Younger The Anti-Aging Breakthrough Diet Lose 20 Pounds (or More)!
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Those recipes sound amazing!!!
they really do I cannot wiat to get started tryin them yepie
So Jenn can we c ur progress with pics and all. Ur already beautiful but u know I hate those commercials when u just know they r fake people and I TRUST you. If I win it I will do pics for you but lets hope I will lose weight. It’s getting harder as the years go by 🙁
Tips for losing 20 lbs!
Wow I had never heard of this diet and am excited to read about it. I will definitely be buying this book it sounds like it is packed full of awesome information. I also like that it shows exercises you can do!