Fitness Confidentail More Than Just A Fitness Book


Have you made a New Year’s Resolution yet?  I have, it’s to get healthier by eating better, and moving more.  If I had more money I would probably grab me a fitness trainer, wouldn’t that be nice?  I’m not even sure how much they cost, but I can almost guarantee that this girl cannot afford one, but that’s okay because there is great resources out there like Fitness Confidential, that give you all the dirt!

Vinnie TortorichAbout Fitness Confidential

Vinnie Tortorich is America’s Angriest Trainer, and aurthor of Fitness Confidential.  You will see that Vinnie exposes the nasty underbelly of the fitness industry while helping you reach your fitness goals.  Whether you’re already on your road to a healthier you, or you’re just now planning your journey Fitness Confidential can help you along the way, and it’s super funny.  It’s great because Vinnie has more than 20 years of experience.  He’s been Hollywood’s go-to guy for celebrities, and athletes that need to get fit fast!  Pretty cool right, now we can learn what the stars are doing to look so darn fabulous, so darn quickly, and if we are luck he will share some of the off the wall happening.  You know dealing with the stars there has to be some stories that need to be told right!

Once you begin reading the book it doesn’t take long to realize that it’s not your average fitness, or weight loss book. To be honest I’m not really sure what category this book falls into – weight loss, fitness or what.  I think it’s in a category all of its own.  Vinnie tells reads how he helps Hollywood’s stars get ready for the camera, shares great secrets he has learned in his 20 years as a fitness expert, but also shares his opinions in a fun way.  I don’t think I cried, but I most certainly caught myself laughing a lot due to the fun, no-nonsense, bluntness in the book.

I have to be honest before a few days ago I didn’t have any idea who Vinnie was.  I know I must have been have been living under a rock, and my sister-n-law already asked me where I had been.  She couldn’t belive I didn’t know who he was.  Marley, my sister-n-law has been listening to Vinnie’s podcasts for a long time,  I had no idea how much she knew about him, and lucky for me she has filled me in from the day she started listening.

Since Marley has read the book, listens to the podcasts, and already knows so much about Vinnie I asked her what her thoughts were about Vinnie and his book Fitness Confidential.  According to her, reading the book is much like listening to him, and as she would expect it to be coming from Vinnie.  Marley said she learned several things about Vinnie that she didn’t know from listening to his podcast, and I will have to agree with her on the fact Vinnie has seen some crazy things in his years as a Hollywood trainer.

weight lossOne has to appreciate the fact that he’s just straight up, and honest.  One of my favorite parts is where he says, “I’m going to tell you which so-called “fitness products” are worth your cash, and which ones aren’t worth the box they came in.”  True story, said it just like that.  Personally, it makes me giggle a little, but in the end I appreciate the blunt, say it how it is attitude Vinnie has in his book.

His book is mixed with all the good stuff – advice, who Vinnie is, his beginning in fitness, his life as a Hollywood trainer, and his failures, as well as successes, and all the fun stuff in between.  After reading Fitness Confidentialyou’ll have learned things, but you’ll also feel closer to Vinnie.  It’s an amazing read, that teaches you about fitness, health, and the subject on hand, but it also takes you into Vinnies life.  It a great book with a wealth of information that will make you smile, and even bust out laughing from time to time.  I suggest reading ti whether you’re trying to get off some weight, just get a little healthier, or are looking for something good to read.

Fitness ConfidentialIf you have not read Fitness Confidential now is the perfect time.  With the New Year fast approaching there has been a better time to learn more about your heath, fitness, and smile along the way.  Get Vinnie’s book, don’t waste money on things you don’t need, learn about gym memberships.  The book might make you laugh, but it also makes you think, and realize the dirty truth! Get The Dirty Truth – Fitness Confidential is the perfect solution.

You can purchase Fitness Confidential for your Kindle for only $9.99, Paperback for $13.49, or Audible for $17.95 for FREE if you have Audible.  Grab your copy of Fitness Confidential on, or check out all the awesome reviews on this book.

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One lucky person will win a gift card for $25 to!  Giveaway is open to US, must be 18 or older, and use the giveaway widget below.  Good Luck, and be sure to swing by and check out Fitness Confidential on!  I know you’ll love it!

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Deborah D December 9, 2013 - 8:05 am

Looks like a great book. Can’t wait to get it.

Deborah D December 9, 2013 - 8:19 am

No I haven’t read the book yet. I am most interested in losing weight the healthy way.

Jenn December 9, 2013 - 11:11 am

I agree 100% about doing it the healthy way.. This book is loads of fun too, I think that is what I liked about it most.. I don’t often find books that keep me interested, but this one did due to the blunt, cold hard trueth of things lol. It’s totally worth reading!

Heather McCormick December 20, 2013 - 3:44 am

Have not read it yet but I plan on it

Shannon March 18, 2014 - 6:34 pm

This sounds like a wonderful book. Thank you very much for sharing with us all.


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