No More Funky Smells In My House!


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I go crazy when my house doesn’t smell good.  If there is ever a time my house smells bad, you will find me scrubbing carpets, vacuuming, and giving my house a nice spring cleaning until the wee hours of the morning if needed.  My husband and I work hard, we take pride in our home, and we have company all the time.  I am not about to be embarrassed by some funky odor lingering in my house—not even from the kitty box.

My husband and kids often look at me like I am crazy, because I will stay up all night cleaning my house from top to bottom if I think it smells funny.  I blame my mom; she was the same way.  My home doesn’t have to be perfect; there can be toys on the floor, and it looks lived in.  It’s when things are not presentable, or if I even think it smells bad.

Are you a cat owner?  My oldest daughter begged my husband and me for a cat for about three years before we gave in.  Oh, and don’t think it was her sweet little voice says, “But mom, I promise I will take good care of my kitty” that got her one, two and then three.  There is a little more to the story than that, but let’s just say between the begging and the mouse that I thought I saw, I quickly agreed to get her a kitty.  To this day, I am still not sure it was a mouse, but rather than take chances, we brought home a kitty.  The thought of those nasty mouse traps horrify me.  I would rather have a cat; besides, it’s also been a great way to teach my daughter about the responsibilities of being a pet owner.

After owning a kitty my husband and I realized they are pretty awesome little members of the family.   Okay, and we learned they love to play in my white box that I made to take pictures in.  Notice the white background in the above picture.  Yes, he wouldn’t get out of my white box until I snapped a pic lol.  So now along with dogs we have three crazy, fun, totally awesome kitties that our kids hug, love, feed, and even clean out the kitty box.  I grew up with animals and in my opinion it’s a great way to teach kids responsibility.

I have to be honest; the kitties are cool.  I love that my kids are learning about the responsibilities of caring for animals, and I love the kitties, but there are times when that kitty box has just been too much.  When we first brought home the kitties, I did not know much about kitty litter, and let’s face it, those cute little kitties can cause some funk!  Luckily, I have learned the only way to control the funk is to purchase quality litter, like Tidy Cats with Glade.  Anytime I have tried to cut corners when purchasing kitty litter, I have regretted it, ended up tossing it, and headed back to the store to purchase a different kind.  Choosing the right kitty litter is important, especially if you are a clean freak like myself.

My toddler loves the cats.  We have two that run from her, maybe because they do not want to be carried by their tail, and put into a blanket.  Then there is our black cat, Toothless—he loves the attention, lol.  We love our kitties; they are fun to place with, look cute sleeping with my toddler, don’t do anything wrong, but let’s seriously, these little things can make a litter box stink fast if you don’t choose your litter carefully!

NEW Tidy Cats® with the added odor-fighting power of Glade™ Tough Odor Solutions

Speaking of purchasing quality kitty litter… Did you hear about the NEW Tidy Cats® now coming with the added odor-fighting power of GladeTM Tough Odor Solutions at your local Sam’s Club?  I know I was pretty excited too, It’s two brands that I know and trust working together to make one awesome odor-fighting kitty litter—its litter’s new power couple.

I just heard about it and cannot wait to try it myself.  NEW Tidy Cats with Glade comes in an easy-to-pick-up twin pack of those awesome, easy-to-handle jugs I personally love.  Tidy cats litter clump multiple cats, easy clean up, locks in moisture, is 99.6% dust-free, and now they have gone a step further by adding Glad Tough Odor Solutions.  It sounds like some pretty powerful kitty litter, which is what most people with cats want—the litter’s new power couple.

Be sure to check out this great YouTube video about NEW Tidy Cats® with the added odor-fighting power of GladeTM Tough Odor Solutions.


Be sure to head over to Sams Club and pick up some of the new odor-fighting products going to help your house smell better, Tidy Cats with Glade.

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Rosie September 23, 2013 - 11:12 am

I don’t have pets right now, but if I had cat(s), I would want Tiday Cats with Glade. Now that most ppl keep their cats indoors, not having odors from their litter box becomes more of an issue! I’m kind of disappointed in Candle Warmers, I found out the scent in the wax dissipates quickly, way before the melt does. So, I’m always on the lookout to have good smells – the odor from other people’s cooking comes into my place and I hate it, so I’m always burning candles, etc.

Jo-Ann Brightman September 23, 2013 - 5:17 pm

At the moment we don’t have any cats, but if that changes I shall keep in mind this great Glade odor controling litter from Tidy Cats. Your toddler looks adorable with the kitten.

tamra gibson September 24, 2013 - 9:30 pm

Once AGAIN, u have me convinced to try this. I have 3 cats total but only 1 inside and I’m am always adding baking soda and spraying lysol or Febreeze

Lexie Lane September 25, 2013 - 2:07 am

I have a dog and I think cause she’s getting old she’d getting stinky. Of course she doesn’t have a litter box but who knows? Maybe just being around something like this could help her? 🙂 j/k.

andi September 25, 2013 - 8:11 am

No pets for me – plus I’m allergic….but the cats are cute…. 😀

rebecca boster September 26, 2013 - 11:35 pm

thank you for this post. i have cats too. and everything i can do helps! 🙂
Thanks, Bekki


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