Live On Give On | 5 Ways To Can Start Giving Back To Others


We all have things that happen to us in life that change us, most of the time it has to do with our health or the health of our loved ones. When these things happen you are touched to your core and they make you want to stand up and do something so others don’t go through the same thing as you. Rajnikant Reshamwala, from Mumbai, India suffered from Coronary Artery Disease, he made a statement that really struck me, “Ask yourself: Can I help? Then why not do it?”

Live On Give On

5 Ways To Can Start Giving Back To Others

Can I help?  Then why not do it?  Can you help?  Are there things you can do to give back to others?  Whether it’s dominating your community or lending an ear to someone in need there are ways you can give back to others.

  • Make the change – Before you can give back you need to be committed.  If you’re currently scared to step outside of your comfort zone make the decision to make the change.  There are tons of ways you can give back and help others without jumping in head first.  Before you commit to what you are doing, commit to yourself that you are going to do it.
  • Get your feet wet – There are so many ways to give back that you can start slowly.  If you’re not sure where to start jump online, google information, or start sending emails to people.  There are tons of ways to give back and others will help get you pointed in the right direction as long as you’re willing.
  • What do you enjoy – Maybe you enjoy children, or feel strongly about animal rights.  Whatever it is go with something you’ll enjoy. 
  • Hold your head – It doesn’t matter whether you’re lending an ear or donating $10,000 people appreciate it.  You should be proud of what you are doing and the difference you are making.  Sometimes the smaller gestures matter more than we’ll ever know.
  • Help others get started – Once you are feeling good about your place start helping others who might be in the same place you were when you started.  It’s hard to start something new, and that helping hand can make all the difference in the world.

It is because of his fight, his drive, and his outstanding contributions that Rajnikant Reshamwala is being celebrated this year as 1 of 10 Bakken Invitation Honorees. The Medtronic’s Bakken Invitation celebrates and connects people, who with the help of medical technology, are contributing in communities all around the world through charitable service and volunteerism.  The exciting thing is that each of the 10 Bakken Honorees will earn a $20,000 grant from Medtronic Philanthropy for their designated charity and they will receive a trip to Hawaii to meet Medtronic co-founder Earl Bakken. To learn more about the Bakken Invitation and Rajnikant’s story.

So how can you relate? Too many times we are afraid to stand up and help out those in need. I will be the first to say that my family is not rich by any means. My husband and I though try to teach our daughter about giving back to others and treating others how she wants to be treated. No matter the time of year, and I say that because it is the holiday season, and people feel now is the only time of year there are those in need, which of course is false. Someone is hungry, cold, scared, and alone every second of every day. So when you become blessed with the ability at a second chance just like Rajnikant was he chose to give back.

My sister and I are avid coupons, I know you are wondering what that has to do with anything, well we both love to shop and coupon so when we get abundant amounts of items, we give back, we donate them to food pantries or churches in our area.

There is also a store in our area that offers gently used children’s clothing. A few times a year they have what they call dollar days. On those days you can get certain items for just a dollar! We typically will go and buy seasonal clothes and donate them. We try to do this all year long but we were lucky enough last year to donate almost 300 winter coats for children of all sizes.

I know these all seem big, or you may say I don’t have the money to do that. That is more than fine, you know what you do have? Time! There are many animal shelters that are in need of volunteers. What do the volunteers do you ask? Well really anything, but a big thing need help doing is having someone to pet and love on the animals at the shelters. That is really easy right? 

Another great use of your free time could be spending time at a senior center. America is one of the few countries where it is acceptable to put your elderly in a senior home. In most cultures they take care of their family of all ages up until their last day. So many of the elderly in these homes rarely have family that comes see them; just the thought of this loneliness and abandonment brings tears to my eyes. Go and read or just spend time and let them talk to you.

We are all so busy it seems, so if time is not something you have much of either, there are many, many ways to still help out your fellow man. Whatever way you decide to help someone out just help because you can! A neighbor who recently had surgery to open the door for someone, offered to pay for someone’s coffee. No matter what you choose, always just pay it forward, because you never know when you may be the one in need of help.

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