Is Your Bathroom Halftime Ready

Is Your Bathroom Halftime Bathroom Break Ready?


With all these Super Bowl parties, there is often little to no time spent on preparing the bathroom before the party.  Did you know that 62% say they often forget to buy bathroom supplies when they are planning their gathering?  Well, this year, Febreze and Charmin want to make sure you don’t forget about your bathroom when you are shopping for your gathering.

Is Your Bathroom Halftime Ready

Is Your Bathroom Halftime Bathroom Break Ready?

Are you planning to have a big game-day gathering?  I know we are, and I’ve already started to get my home ready, and I realized there are a few things many of us either don’t know or fail to remember when getting our home game day ready.  It might sound crazy because your bathroom is already clean, but are you sure it’s ready for the big half-time bathroom break?

I know the whole halftime bathroom break is new to me too, but I did, and I recently learned that I need to take things a step further when preparing my bathroom for our Super Bowl gathering.  Did you know that more than 100 million fans tune into the game?  Sure, is a lot of people, isn’t it?  Well, what do you think all these half-time participants do at halftime?  You guessed it; this is where the half-time bathroom break phenomenon comes from.  It’s when millions of Americans hurry to use the bathroom so they don’t miss the halftime show.  Those precious moments between the halftime whistle and the halftime show are when most people rush to the bathroom.

Want to know something else?  There are more odor molecules coming from the halftime bathroom break than you’ll find blades of grass on all the NFL fields in the United States combined.  Yes, and to think all these years I have not made sure my bathroom is ready for such an event with Febreze.  Now, just think about the odors that are left behind.  YUCKY, right, and we need something that will not just cover up those nasty odors, which is why I’m turning to the NEW Febreze with OdorClearTM technology.

Have you tried the new Febreze with OdorClearTM technology?  It works great in smaller spaces, like your bathroom.  The NEW OdorClearTM technology not only cleans but seeks out and cleans odor molecules vs. just covering them up.  To use the new Febreze with OdorClearTM technology in your bathroom, just place it on the back of your toilet tank, and it will take care of the rest.  The new Febreze continuously eliminates all the odors that are left behind.

Now that we have the odor issue under control, it’s time to think about all the tissue that will be used.  WOW, the last thing you want is to run out of tissue during your party. Man, it’s a lot, I’m sure, but I have a little secret to share with you, Charmin Ultra Strong Mega Rolls.  Not only will Charmin Ultra Strong Mega Rolls leave your guests feeling clean and fresh, but did you know three rolls of Charmin Ultra Strong Mega Roll are long enough to span a whole football field?

I just love Febreze. Take a second and check out the Febreze YouTube channel.

What will you be doing to make sure your bathroom is ready for the big “Halftime #BathroomBreak”?

This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Febreze. All opinions are 100% mine.

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slehan March 2, 2017 - 10:11 pm

I use essential oils in a diffuser for good smells. Don’t like chemical aromas.

Bryan Vice March 19, 2017 - 12:25 pm

Oh ya my bathrooms is nice and neat and smells good i LOVE!!!!!!!!!!!!! FEBREZE!!

denise low March 30, 2017 - 5:06 pm

I love to have my bathroom smell good. I do use the febreze. I also use the plug ins.

Janice D. April 11, 2017 - 12:32 am

Eww… why would you want a carpeted toilet seat cover?

Linda Manns Linneman August 5, 2017 - 5:17 am

We use all of these products. I think our bathroom is ready. Thank you so much for sharing these great products God Bless


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