Identity Theft Protection: LifeLock Five Points of Protection


Credit monitoring is not proactive identity theft protection.  Without a doubt credit monitoring is important, but there is much more to protecting your identity.  So many things can happen.  Working at the bank, I helped people with everything from fraud lottery check they received in the mail, to a relative stealing their identity.  Yes, I even dated a man whose father stole his identity, it was horrible, and the last person anyone thought.  He would have likely been able to stop things before they happened with LifeLocks 5 Points of Protection.

We all know that protecting our identity is important, and most have heard horror stories from those who have had their identity stolen.  What are you doing to protect your identity?  I have identity theft protection with LifeLock, and am totally digging the LifeLock Five Points of Protection.  See, LifeLock does more than just monitor your credit, like:

Identity Theft Protection: LifeLock Five Points of Protection

Have you ever heard about LifeLocks 5 Points of Protection?  If not than I will give you a quick rundown about their 5 Points of Protection so you have a better understanding about how LifeLock works hard to be sure nothing happens to your identity.

Monitoring Your Identity – LifeLock is always monitoring your identity.  They contact the major credit bureaus on your behalf and help you to remove your name from all those awesome mailing lists sending your pre approved credit offers. 

Scanning for threats – LifeLock is also there to search criminal websites for illegal selling of your personal information.

Responding to Identity Theft – With LifeLock identity theft protection, you can sleep well knowing they will alert you via email, phone or even text message if they detect any personal info that is possibly used.  Therefore, you can only plan on hearing from LifeLock when it is necessary.

Trust the LifeLock Service – When you enroll for any of the LifeLock identity theft programs you can rest knowing you are backed by their amazing $1 Million Total Service Guarantee!  You will also have access to their easy to use Member Services, and their remediation system.

Tracking – One of my personal favorites is the LifeLock Credit Score Manager™!  It gives you those important safeguards that you need for monitoring your credit score.  It is more than that annual credit report, it’s all three major credit bureaus, daily, they also notify if there are any changes to your credit reports. 

Identity Theft Protection LifeLock Five Points of ProtectionLifeLock is so much more than a credit monitoring service, or just another identity theft protection program!  They use personal information, and a combination of amazing data surveillance techniques, to provide outstanding programs.  These services watch out for you 24 hours a day, seven days a week, 365 days a year.  Unlike criminals, LifeLock is always looking out for your personal information.

With summer here it’s also a good time to think about how you will protect your identity while you travel.

Do not miss your chance to join LifeLock, and save money.    Right now when you sign up and use promotion code LifeLockSafety you will receive a 10$% discount.  To sign up or learn more you can head over to the LifeLock Site.


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