GS Healthy Habits 1

Helping Girls Achieve A Healthy Lifestyle


Physical activity, and eating healthy is something that is important to my family.  It’s important to eat healthy foods, not over eat, and get up and move.  Which is why I am excited to share this sponsored post about Together Counts and Girl Scouts!  All opinions are my own, but I think you’ll be excited to learn about Together Counts and Girls Scouts of the USA Partnership girls are learning how to live a healthy lifestyle.  

Being have always loved Girl Scouts, when I was little girl I loved scouting, and now as a mom I get to share that with my girls.  Its great, I had fun, and now my children are not only having fun, but learning a lot.  As an adult it’s fun to interact with the kids, teaching them to be achieving, and watching learn and grown.  There’s nothing like being part of a child’s life, helping them learn the importance of physical activity, eating right, and how to live a healthy lifestyle.

Helping Girls Achieve A Healthy Lifestyle

It’s great being part of a program who focuses on building girls confidence, courage and character.  Health and fitness have been a part of Girl Scouts since 1912 when girls ran foot races.  

 GS Healthy Habits 1

Have you heard the wonderful people at Together Counts and Girls Scouts are collaborating!  Yes, they are, and yes that means they’re doing something special, powerful, and meaningful.  If you’re not already aware of the Together Counts™ Program, they are a nationwide program helping to inspire active and healthy living.  They principal behind their program is Energy Balance, which is balancing the calories we put into our body with the calories we burn.  Easy, yet very impactful. 

Together Counts is the first-of-it’s kind coalition that brings more than 250 retailers, beverage and food manufactures, sporting good, insurance companies, restaurants, trade associations, professional sports organization and even non-governmental organizations.  The Healthy Weight Commitment Foundations promotes ways that people can have a healthy weight through energy balance; remember calories in, and calories out!  Their efforts are focused in two main areas – families and schools! 

GS Healthy Habits 2Girls Scouts of the USA and the Together Counts Healthy Weight Commitment Foundation have come together to create three fabulous booklets about healthy habits for volunteers to use with their Journey Adult Guides.  These three Healthy Habit Journey booklets can be downloaded here, which will include:

  • Between Earth and Sky and Healthy Habit
  • Wow! Wonders of Water with Healthy Habits
  • Get Moving! With healthy habits!

Daisies, Brownies, and Juniors, Girl Scout volunteers and families can uses these three free recourses to help guide girls in a fun,easy ways to achieve the “energy balance” that’s so important.

Be sure and check out these other great resources          

  • Girl Scouts of the Nation’s Capital Facebook Page 
  • Girl Scouts of the Nation’s Capital  
  • Together Counts
  • Together Counts :
  • Together Counts : 
  • Together Counts

Twitter Party

There’s also an awesome Twitter party that Mom it Forward has happening on September 9th.  Follow the hashtag #HeathyHabitsand #gno to meet up with us from 9-10pm EST (8CST, 7 MST, and 6 PST).

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