Growing up, I wasn’t much all the girlie stuff. I didn’t play dolls, wasn’t into dresses or makeup. It wasn’t until my 30s that I started to play with dolls, buy frilly dresses, and play in makeup like I was a little kid. To my surprise, it’s pretty fun, and Monster High® dolls are pretty awesome—especially the new ghouls! Do you play dolls with your daughter?
There is no age limit when it comes to playing with toys; it’s actually fun! It’s loads of fun, and here are a few of the many reasons I LOVE playing dolls! In my opinion, every mom and girl should be playing dolls with them, and if they don’t like playing dolls, play other games with them! It’s so much fun, and it has really helped me be a better mom! It helps me remember that the best things in life are free! It’s not playing playing dolls that is so important; it’s doing something with my kids that they enjoy! Man, it makes me happy and it’s so much fun!
5 Reasons Moms Should Play Dolls With Their Girls
- Life has no pause button. In my house, it can wait along with everything else I “need” to do because I don’t have a pause button that will keep my children little forever. I refuse to wish I had played dolls with my girls. I refuse to allow them to remember me being too busy to spend time with them.
- I’m mom first. When I made the choice to be with my husband, I became mom to 4 beautiful children, and when I had my daughter, I gave up my life for four beautiful children. To these children, I am mom first, before everything else, and moms play dolls with their daughters.
- Smiles: I love watching my kids smile because I am playing dolls with them. The smile that is on their face is something I cannot describe; it’s a smile that shows me they love me and enjoy spending time with me.
- Get to know my kids in their playing field. You really can learn a lot about your children by joining them in their world. The place where they are most comfortable, where they have fun, and where they can totally let loose. I have learned a lot about my girl, how their minds work, things they think about, and things that matter to them.
- I love my kids. Darn it, I love my children! Since my oldest has turned into a teen, it’s made me stop and realize I don’t get this time back. I want my kids to have the best childhood, life, and mother I can give them. I want them to look back and remember mom being a crazy goofball playing dolls with them, and I want to have the same memories. I don’t want to remember telling them I was too busy all the time.
I can honestly think of 100 other reasons to play I love playing dolls with my girls, but it all goes right back to what I want to do: be with my kids as much as possible!
Okay, I know you’re wondering which dolls are my personal favorites! Monster High® dolls are awesome, and they are definitely my favorite! From the movies to the dolls, I have to admit they are my favorites.