Easy DIY Floating Tree Ghosts for Halloween

Easy DIY Floating Tree Ghosts for Halloween


Halloween is upon us, and it’s fun for everyone. There are costume parties, haunted houses, and, of course, trick-or-treating. There are tons of different candies and goodies during Halloween, and it’s the opening gate to the holidays. So, it’s great to find some snacks, like the Gold Emblem Abound snacks, that aren’t covered in chocolate, filled with caramel, or rolled in sugar. Gold Emblem Abound snacks, found exclusively at CVS/Pharmacy, are a favorite in our family because they are sweet or salty, natural, and healthier than candy bars. My nieces love to munch and love Halloween, so we combined to two. We sat down and made some Easy DIY Floating Tree Ghosts for Halloween while snacking on some great Gold Emblem Abound snacks.

Easy DIY Floating Tree Ghosts for Halloween

The Heavenly Light Kettle Corn Popcorn and Sweet Potato Tortilla Chips were a big hit when I put them out to start making the ghosts. These snacks are necessary to make these Floating Tree Ghosts, but I highly recommend them!

Easy DIY Floating Tree Ghosts for Halloween

Anywho! Here’s what we used and what we did to make our Halloween craft.


Plastic Sheets of varying sizes (Garbage or grocery bags work great)
Twist ties or pipe cleaner of different lengths
Permanent Marker
Newspaper or any large scrap paper

Easy DIY Floating Tree Ghosts for Halloween

Not a whole lot of supplies are needed for these Floating Tree Ghosts, so if you want to decorate them further, feel free to add color, ribbon, all the bells and whistles (literally.) Just be sure it isn’t too heavy that it weighs down the ghost so much that I rips or falls off where you hang it.


  • Lay a plastic sheet flat and fold in half twice.
  • In the top corner, where the center folds are, draw a ghost face (or any face)
  • Unfold and place a piece of tape directing in the center above the face
Easy DIY Floating Tree Ghosts for Halloween
  • Using a pin, poke a hole in the taped plastic and pull your wire through, twisting off the end to hold in place.
  • Next, bunch up some paper into a ball, size should be proportional to the size of your plastic and ghost face. (i.e. make the ball the size you want the head to be while leaving enough plastic to hang as the body.)
  • Twist the plastic beneath the head, secure tightly with wire
  • Hang outside in a tree, on the porch, in windows, or ANYWHERE!
Easy DIY Floating Tree Ghosts for Halloween

These Floating Tree Ghosts were a lot of fun to make and super easy. The great thing is the kids are able to make each ghost their own. We even made a two faced ghost that each niece drew on. Also, don’t feel limited to just white ghoul faces ghosts. Get Creative!! Be sure to supply plenty of hearty snacks to get their creative juices going and their little hands busy. We all know the sugar rush in on its way, so let’s not give it a head start.

Look at Mattie’s little tree ghost, she did such a good job!  Do let us know how your floating tree ghost turns out.


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tisme143 October 27, 2015 - 9:01 pm

What a super idea, I am going to give this a try before saturday, I have a few trees that need filling up 🙂

Linda Manns Linneman November 1, 2015 - 3:10 pm

This floating ghost is such a cute idea. I will have to put it on my to do list for next year. I also can’t wait to try these snacks you shared. Sounds great

krissie November 1, 2015 - 8:30 pm

i love the idea of the floating ghost its a really nice idea .i love the snacks you shared as well 😀


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