Todays post with tips to get more energy and information about the new Cheerios Protein cereal is sponsored by our deal friends at Cheerios. All opinions and love for our sponsor is our own! I think it’s safe to say Cheerios is a brand many of us have known and trusted for many years, and I am excited to share a new easy way for your and your family to get the protein, vitamins and minerals they need to have a successful day.
As a mother to four, a wife, and a work from home mom my days are a little crazy, and more often than not I wish I had just a bit of my kids energy. Really, they have too much energy, and mom needs more energy. If I could just have a little of it, they wouldn’t be so crazy, and I could get everything done, and probably wash the neighbors car. Over the years, I have learned it’s about how I start my day. If I start it right, my day seems to just flow, and I feel good. Then there are those days, when you miss breakfast, cannot wake up, and just feel BLAH!
I love that I am able to stay home with my family. I feel like I finally have the time to put my attention where it matters – my family. At the very top of my list is my family’s health. I don’t ever think we were too unhealthy, but there were areas for improvement, and all we needed was someone to have more time. Here I am, and I couldn’t be happier, it’s been hard finding a routine that works for me, and getting used to working for myself, but I wouldn’t have it any other way while my kids are little. They grow up way too fast, and I want all the hugs and kisses they will give me.
6 Tips for More Energy: Get Your Cheerios Oats & Protein Too
Since leaving my job, I had to find my groove! If I don’t start my day out right, I feel run down. Everything from my morning routine, to a decent bedtime, everything was out of whack, and it was a lot harder than I thought to find my happy place again.
Find ways to deal with stress – If you don’t handle stress well, find ways to help you deal with it. Stress can cause both mental and physical health problems. I have had to teach myself to step away for a few minutes, which normally words. By the time I get back, I realized it wasn’t as bad as I thought, or that it’s something I cannot control. I get fewer headaches, and feel more relaxed inside.
Be a social butterfly – Depression and stress can both lead to memory loss, and it’s much easier to become depressed if you lock yourself away from the world. Keep in contact with family and friends, go out and do things, and be social it can help improve your health, help you feel better about yourself, release stress, and it feel good to know you have someone who cares about you.
Take care of yourself – It’s so easy to put off a shower until tomorrow, especially if you are a stay at home mom, but don’t do it. Do not even allow yourself to go down that road, because it will be a hard habit to break. Plus, it makes you feel good to be clean, smell good, have soft skin, makeup, and be sure to get out of those PJ’s. Put on a pair of yoga pants and a cute shirt for the day, if you want to be comfortable.
Sleep – I am so bad at this part, but I have improved so much. Before I left my job I was lucky to sleep 2 hours a night, but finally everything fell into place and I was able to spend more time during the day working on the blog, which means I went to bed? NOPE, I don’t even know how to explain my sleep issues, but I can tell you if you don’t sleep like your body needs you to everything is out of whack. I gained weight, felt horrible, wasn’t hungry, had no energy, I didn’t feel alert and sharp, it was more of a DUH feeling the time I was awake. If you sleep normally, try not to mess it up, because it’s hard to get back on track.
Exercise – It can be hard to make yourself get up and move, but once I make myself get up and move it’s not too bad. I start thinking about something, and get lost in deep thought for a while, and it’s over before I know it. Do something fun, so you are more likely to stick with it.
Eat breakfast – Don’t skip breakfast! When I think of breakfast, I think of that old saying “You are what you eat” and it’s true. See, if you don’t eat anything for breakfast it should be a surprise when you feel blah!
Growing up everyone told me that breakfast was the most important meal of the day, and without a doubt, they were right! I wished I would have listened sooner, but better late than never, lol. It wasn’t until I was older, I relied how important breakfast was, and I can tell. If I don’t eat breakfast it takes me longer to wake up, and I’m in this blah mood. On mornings I eat breakfast I just feel better, I’m in a better mood, and I just feel like my loud self.
Are You Getting Enough Protein for Breakfast?
According to a recent survey conducted by KRC Research for Cheerios Protein,
The vast majority of parents (almost three-fourths) feel that their family doesn’t get enough protein in the morning. Two in five see the time it takes to make a protein-rich breakfast as a barrier, making way for Cheerios Protein as the time-saving solution.
While nine in 10 (89%) parents see the importance of starting the day with a protein-rich breakfast, half (51%) admit there isn’t time to prepare it.
Finally, Have Your Cheerios, Oats and Protein too! NEW Cheerios Protein
Did you know that the new Cheerios Protein provides 11 grams of protein with milk! Yes, it is a breakfast game changer for many of us – especially because it also has 27 grams of whole grain, and 13 vitamins and minerals. Cheerios has always been one of our favorite cereals, and you’ll almost always find a box of Cheerios in our cabinets. Growing up that was the only cereal my mom would buy. She didn’t belive in eating anything unhealthy for breakfast, becasue it’s the most important meal of the day, and she wanted to be sure we had our oats. Which, I totally understand becasue there are so many great benefits to oats. Cheerios now has six flavors with oats as the first ingredient. Yes, they certainly do. There are tons of great benefits to the oats your find in Cheerios, be sure to learn more about them at
Now you can fuel your family’s mornings with Cheerios Protein, you’ll love the long-lasting energy, and it taste great, as well as two different flavors:
- Cheerios Protein Cinnamon Almond
- Cheerios Protein Oats & Honey
I’m not big on sweet cereal, or sweet anything for breakfast. Cheerios Protein is not overly sweet, it still has that great taste of healthy grain O’s we expect from Cheerios, just with new flavors, and I love the awesome crunch of granola clusters. Plus, you get up to 11 grams of protein, fiber, as well as other vitamins and minerals when eat Cheerios Protein and milk for breakfast.
I am excited to use Cheerios Protein in one of my Cheerios breakfast recipes. It’s gong to add a nice flavor, a lot of protein, and I’m sure taste fabulous. I was going to make some of my breakfast bars for this post, but we had something important come up, and I wasn’t able to get back into town until late last night. I’m still going to make them, just have not been able to yet, but when I do I will be sure and share it. If you are looking for great healthy recipes containing whole grain be sure to check out
Cheerios Protein taste great, is a quick, easy, protein packed breakfast before school, work, or play.
Which flavor of Cheerios Protein do you plan to try first – Cinnamon Almond or Oats & Honey?
This post is brought to your by the fine people at Cheerios. All opinions, and love for Cheerios are my own.