Living a happy life is important, and everyone has a different path to happiness. Many of us can get stuck in the motions of life, and forget about happiness. Before we know it we are existing, and going through the motions. I think it’s safe to say we have all been down at one point in our lives, and it’s often hard to pick ourselves back up and move on. It’s not easy to learn to be happy, to take the negative emotions you are feeling and turn them into positive ones, but I believe it can be done. I remember being in a place where all I wanted was for someone to tell me how to be happy.
I have always been an independent person, who is very strong-willed. It takes a lot to upset me, or make me see the bad in things, but it’s because I choose to see the good in things. I have not always felt this way; I had to teach myself how to be happy. I know that might sound funny, but it is the truth. It took work for me to figure out how to be happy.
16 Things You Can Do To Make You A Happier Person
It took work, and admitting to myself that I was not happy, but I was able to overcome my unhappiness. There are still times I have to remember certain things to help keep my head up.
Love Yourself
I feel the first step to truly being happy, or moving in the right direction is to be happy with yourself, who you are, and where you are going. In the end, you need to love yourself. Once I stopped long enough to realize this was the root of my problem, I was able to move forward. Learning to love who I was was harder than I thought. I had to focus on everything and think about things I did not necessarily want to think about. You know the things that hurt. I personally had some things that were deep-rooted that I needed to understand were not my fault; they were out of my control, and there was nothing I could do to change them. I had to accept the fact that what happened helped make me who I am today, and most importantly, I had to leave the past in the past in order to move forward.
I realize we are all different and have different issues, but the only way I was able to move forward was to make peace with the past. I had to accept what had happened, realize I could not fix it, and not allow it to have control over my life, who I was, or stand in my way from being happy.
Who I Was Around
It’s hard to be happy if you are surrounded by negative people. I had to separate myself from the negative people in my life, who I later realized were not my friends. I won by doing this; I not only removed myself from some of the negative in my life, but I learned what friendship and love are about.
Looking For the Good In Things and People
You know how the old saying goes, “Look at your glass as half full, not half empty.” It’s true. To become a happier person, try to look at things with an open mind and look for the good in them. Some of the worst times in my life have resulted in some of the best outcomes. What I mean is that when something horrible happened to me, something good came from it. All those Mr. Wrongs that broke my heart led me to Mr. Right, whom I am with now.
Without the Bad
Sometimes it’s hard for me to remember, but when we feel the “bad” we can better appreciate the good.
Things Happen For A Reason
I know it’s hard to think of a reason certain bad things happen to us, but it’s typically for the better. It’s been my experience, when something bad happens that upsets me, a days, weeks or even months later something happens and I realize it was a blessing in disguise.
Be proud of the things you have done. They don’t have to be big things. Maybe you helped Big Brothers Big Sisters by pledging, and your pledge helped them raise $25,000. You can also look around you and be proud of your family, home, dinner you cooked, pets, a roof over your head, the bed you sleep on, or friends you have made. Being confident shows in the way you walk, talk, and smile. Be proud of your life.
If You Cannot Control It Forget It
Don’t focus on things you cannot control!
Do Things You Love
Ride horses, go to the movies, go window shopping, go to the park and swing! Do things you love, and smile because you are able to do then.
Exercise makes me feel better about myself, but it’s also been known to reduce stress, and other good benefits.
Go Outside
Staying inside will give anyone the blues, get some sun, breathe some fresh air. Spending time outside can help get rid of a case of the blues? Limited time outside is also good for the body.
Set Goals
Have something you are working toward. Even if you start out small, have something you are working toward each day. Even the smallest accomplishment can make one feel happy. One day you might set a goal to clean your house; the next, you might organize that bedroom with a shut door.
Seriously, smile every single day. I make my kids smile when they are made about something, and it always leads to laughter, they forget they were ever made, and move on. Making yourself smile every single day can help more than you might realize.
Listen to good, happy music with a great beat. That song makes you want to get up and move. Turn it up and clean the house. Dance and sing at the top of your lungs!! Life is good; enjoy it and have fun.
Yes, take a break from your BESTIE MAC! Okay, so you might not own a MAC, but unplug from the online world and enjoy the real world.
Do something nice for someone. Whether you open the door for someone or donate $100 do something nice for someone. There is no better feeling than helping someone.
Create Your Act of Happiness
I just created an Act of Happiness by telling why I am happy! For each and every post created, $1 will be donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America up to $25,000! It’s super easy, and for every Act of Happiness before March 24th, you will be helping Big Brothers Big Sisters of America! That’s an amazing feeling!
March 20th is International Day of Happiness! It is a tradition all of us should take part in, and honor our daily lives! Smile because you have so much to be happy about! Do something nice for someone because it makes a difference to you and someone else. Together we can change the world! Check this out, it’s awesome and I am excited to be part of it.
The Acts of Happiness Campaign runs from March 18 until March 20! It is to create a movement to make the world a happier place! Acts of Happiness are building messaging around the International Day of Happiness on March 20th, and they are asking us to go to and pledge to do a simple Act of Happiness on March 20th.
So what are Acts of Happiness? You are going to love this; it’s great and I am glad you’re planning on being part of it too! You can do things such as:
- A hug
- Kind word
- Helping your neighbor
- Holding the door open
Anything small to you, but has a significant impact on someone else. You know, it’s the things we should be doing daily anyway. You probably do plenty of them and don’t even realize it. Do you hold the door open for that person behind you at the store? What about picking something up for someone when they drop it? Maybe you go out of your way to say something nice to someone who looks like they could use it?
Come on! Make someone’s day – and your own! Make not only someone else’s day brighter, but your own, because it feels good to do something for someone else. March 20th is a day for everyone to feel good, and hold their heads high because they have done something good to help someone, and it feels good!
WAIT! It gets better!
By you helping, by making someone’s day a little more special, you are adding a little spring to your step you are helping the Big Brothers Big Sisters of America!
The pledge process is important, be sure to visit, and put your pledge in! For every pledge, $1 will be donated to Big Brothers Big Sisters of America up to $25,000!
However, WAIT! It gets better! I know, I know, but there is more of the awesomeness! Keep on reading, because you are going to love this!
Enter To Win One of TWO Fabulous Sweepstakes!
I know, pretty awesome isn’t it? I thought it was awesome! How often do you get rewarded for doing something nice, something that you would probably do daily anyway
Enter For Your Chance To win one of FIVE $50 Visa Gift Cards!
From March 18th until March 19th, everyone who makes a pledge will be entered to win one of FIVE $50 Visa Gift Cards! Winners will be notified March 20th, so be sure to watch for the winning email! Good Luck!
WAIT, it keeps getting better I know!
Do Not Miss Your Chance To Win An Awesome Caribbean Cruise for Four!
Once you are finished pledging be sure and share your fabulous Acts of Happiness Post, upload it to Facebook and/or Twitter @MyLiveHappy and use the #HappyActs to be entered into the Acts of Happiness Sweepstakes!
Be sure to hurry, this needs to be completed by March 21, and you will be entered for a chance to win a 7 day Caribbean cruise for four! They will announce the winner on March 24th!
I took the pledge myself, and had my husband take the pledge as well. We would love it if you would join us in helping make the world a happier place! Don’t forget that every pledge is helping an awesome organization too! Big Brothers Big Sisters of America is an amazing organization, and I feel blessed to have the opportunity to help!
Hurry over and Pledge by clicking here.
Leve me a comment and let me know if you took the pledge!
i took the pledge
What an intelligent and lovely article you have written on happiness. All of the points you make are valid. I hope someone whom needs a lift reads your article today as I did.
Those are all very good tips. Easier said than done , especially when things aren’t going right. This post came at the perfect time for me. Everything is going wrong!
Great tips thanks
Great article. Probably a topic that everyone in the world could benefit from. Not that it is not something we know, but sometimes (a lot of times) we need to be reminded of these little tips. I have started a “gratitude journal” and each day I take a few moments to reflect on the day or previous day and look at all the amazing things that happened that day. I think spending time with a focus of thanksgiving and gratitude those “small” things become very large and begin to outshine the negative.