A competent insurance agent can make a great deal of difference to your insurance portfolio because he or she becomes familiar with clients’ personal circumstances and insurance needs. If your teen is reaching driving age, they can remind you to add them to your automobile policy as a driver. A new baby can be added to health insurance, or a remodeling project can increase the value of your home, occasioning the need for a re-evaluation of your insurance limits.
There are a number of things to examine with regard to your insurance agency. One thing you can do is schedule an annual insurance checkup. This allows you to carefully examine prices and representation.
Annual Insurance Checkup
An agent can schedule this checkup for you to examine insurance coverage and validity. Auto insurance needs to be examined to determine if limits are adequate, cars are current and drivers still up to date. Perhaps it’s time to drop the physical damage coverage for a certain automobile because the cost of the coverage exceeds its potential value. One of the drivers on the policy could have acquired a collection of tickets for DUI that need to be addressed so that they don’t increase the premium for everyone insured.
Choosing an Insurance Agent
There are several steps toward choosing an insurance agent:
- Check to see if the agent specializes in particular areas or if they handle all types of insurance.
- Discuss the agent’s experience in insurance. Experience isn’t vital, but it gives an indicator of the agent’s expertise.
- Ask about their license to sell insurance and the number of the license so that you can check for problems with the State Insurance Department.
- Discuss agents with your acquaintances to determine their experiences with particular agents. How an agent handles day-to-day work is important