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You know, I was browsing around on Amazon when I ran into something that totally reminded me of the 80s and early 90s. There sure was some awesome stuff going on in the 80s and 90s right!
Take Me Back To The 80s
Take me back to the 80s with these awesome finds. I was born in 1980, so the toys I remember playing with, the fashion I remember seeing, and the music—well, I still listen to some of it.
Anyway, I wanted to share some awesome 80s finds.
Awe, the good old Lip Phone! I was never cool enough to have one, but I did have friends who had one, and they were pretty cool. It’s definitely something I think about when I think back to my childhood. We had one cordless phone with an antenna that pulled out like 25 feet, and you could walk around the house like you were so cool.
I don’t even know what this was called. We had plenty, and I remember my brother actually launching one at my best friend’s head twice. I do not recommend it. Poor thing she had her head busted open not only once but twice by a huge flying water game thingy. If you remember them, the big ones were pretty heavy to be launching across the room because you were mad. However, these handheld water games were pretty darn awesome if played properly.
Oh, I still love My Little Pony to this day. The new or old school My Little Pony is still one of my favorite toys, toons, movies, and stuffed animals ever! Yes have been a My Little Pony fan since the 1980s. I say go Hasbro keep making My Little Pony. Which pony was your favorite? I’m pretty sure I can name them all, lol.
Care Bears, can I get a heck to the yeah? I don’t even know where to start. They were one of my favorites, and they still are. I’m not sure what is so cool about them; I think it’s their awesome tummy symbol, which represents their unique personality. Which Care Bear was your favorite?
I don’t really know what to say. Umm, I totally remember the Cabbage Patch Dolls and had plenty of friends that owned one. I was personally never a fan of dolls; they have always kind of crapped me out. I guess that’s why I like the Care Bears and My Little Pony toys.
Nobody can talk about things from the 80s and not talk about the totally fashionable Jelly Shoes. They gave me blisters and looked totally ridiculous, not to mention they were the cause of items that were really stinky and normal. They were not my thing but I know a lot of people who loved them.
Who remembers late nights playing Simon? A computer-controlled game? How have times changed, but you have to admit this was the awesome sauce when we were younger.
Yes I’m guilty of thinking this doll was totally cool and watching Rainbow Brite’s jazzy toons too!
The Snoopy Snocone Maker! I totally still have mine, and my kids use it now. The only thing we are missing is Snoopy and the shovel. So we use a spoon and this other thing to push down the ice. Yup, I love my Snoopy Sno Snocone Maker. It’s nice to know I can totally buy a new one for under $20, lol.
Yes, you remember! What were the 80s and 90s without some Tang? And, yes, Tang is still a thing.
This was awesome. I loved playing Pac-Man and this corny Superman game. Oh, and we cannot forget about Asteroids, the perfect way to waste the day away. Oh, and yes, I still have one; it works like a charm, and I still play it when I need to burn some time. I have become a pro at Pac Man. Atari was, without a doubt, so damn cool!
Seriously, who didn’t think they were super cool with these bad boys. The much loved Slap Bracelets.
If you know, than you know… This hair spray means business, lol. Aquanet!
Yeah, I was not about to leave off this awesome D.A.R.E. Fanny Pack are you crazy lol.