woman in dieting concept with big jeans

15 Tips To Help You Lose Weight, And Stay Motivated


Who has found it hard to lose weight?  Everybody wonders how to stay motivated to lose weight.  I know it’s so darn easy to put the pounds on; we often don’t notice until it’s time for another shopping trip, and depending on what’s going on in our lives, we might not care to stop it before it gets out of hand, or you might have been put on some type of medication that made you blow up like a balloon.

I have struggled with weight loss, but nothing like I have recently experienced.  Last year, the doctor put me on a medication that made me gain a crazy amount of weight. I started to get some off, but the moment I stopped my diet, it came back. It’s not easy to find a way to stay motivated to lose weight, but I have good news!  I am finally free from all medications and have been motivated to get rid of these extra pounds.  Sure, it’s hard—very hard, especially when you have to cook for a family that doesn’t need to worry about calories.  I cook healthy for my family, but they still eat plenty of things I cannot have.  So how does one stay motivated to lose weight?

15 tips to help you lose weight, and stay motivated

  • Weight yourself: Every morning, right after I use the restroom, I jump on the scale and keep a chart of how many pounds I have lost since I started my diet.  There are several great apps for your smartphone that make it super easy to track your weight loss, Even if you only lose a tiny bit, the arrow shows pointing down so
  • It’s all about blue. They say that the color blue is an appetite suppressant, and for me, it’s worked.  I have added a little blue to my life.  I eat on a blue plate, and I have noticed that I am less hungry.  It’s worth a shot, right?
  • Celebrate even the smallest victories. I don’t mean run out and buy an ice cream, but remember that becoming a skinnier, healthier you takes time.  Try setting weekly goals, and when you reach them at the end of the week, treat yourself to a new pair of shoes or maybe pants once you drop down a size.
  • Blah to being perfect—nobody will ever be perfect.  If you slip up, don’t get down; use it as motivation to get back up rather than an excuse to eat a cheeseburger for lunch.  Don’t be so hard on yourself; be happy with your body, and things will work out better.  I tend to stick to my diet better when I do not focus on wanting to look like someone else, and I look in the mirror and am happy with the person I see because I know I am accomplishing my goals.  It’s hard work; be proud of yourself.
  • Love yourself:  Wrap your arms around yourself and give yourself a hug.  You deserve it!
  • Don’t stick to the same old workout. Change things up a bit. Go for walks in other places where you can enjoy new scenery.  Bring along a friend; don’t do the same thing day after day.  Have fun, grab your motivating music, and head for the park, or take the kids.
  • Trick yourself: I always tell my daughter I will take her for a walk in the morning after the other kids have gone to school.  I make it a point to keep my promises to my kids. If I tell her we are going for a walk in the morning, whether I want to or not, we are going for a walk.
  • Leave yourself notes:  Grab your post-its and leave notes on anywhere you keep food.  Small inspirational notes where you see them as you are reaching for that bag of chips, or that soda out of the refrigerator.  It’s a great way to make yourself stop and decide if it’s really worth it.
  • Get a skinny outfit out: If you are trying to lose weight, chances are you have an outfit you want to wear again.  Get it out and hand it where you can look at it as a visual reminder of your goal.
  • Breakfast:  If you are going to make any meal count, be sure it’s breakfast.
  • Exercise every chance you get: You don’t have to be outside speed walking or at the gym to workout.  You clean your house, don’t you?  I have started doing squats when I am folding cloths.  Every time I bend out to grab something out, I do s squat, before I know it I have done more.
  • Remember why you are doing it? On those days that I just don’t want to do it anymore, I stop and look at my kids.  It doesn’t take long before I am ready to get moving.  My reason for wanting to be skinnier and healthier is for myself, yes, but I also want to be a better mother who can interact with her children and will be there for them as they get older.
  • Tell people: When you say something out loud, it kind of seals the deal; it’s harder to not finish what you have started.  You might even consider starting a weight-loss program so you have support.
  • Strawberries:  We all have those days when we MUST have something sweet, try strawberries they have saved me more than anything else.  They are sweeter than most fruits, and often satisfy my sweet tooth.
  • Sleep:  This is an area I still struggle in, I don’t sleep enough it’s been a fight to get a full 6 hours of sleep much less 7 or 8 that is required.  Getting a good nights sleep makes a huge difference, so be sure you are getting enough sleep at night.

Remember, once you have been on your diet for a few weeks, it gets easier; your body adjusts.  Just be strong; hand in there; it will be worth it in the end.  You might hear from me more on the subject, I have found it’s so much easier to stay on track when I talk about it and tell people about my plans.

These are just a few ideas to hopefully get you moving in the right direction. I know it’s been hard for me.  It’s hard to admit I have gained so much weight, but on the plus side, it’s all going to come off. I am positive.  It’s not going to be easy, but it’s doable because I know I can do it.  I look around me for inspiration.

It’s hard to know what’s right and what’s wrong because everything you read says something different when it comes to telling you how to stay motivated to lose weight.  One thing I am certain of is that there is no magic diet pill that will make you lose weight; they only help you on your adventure.  You are still the driver on your long journey to a healthier you.  In the end, you need to find out what motivates you to lose weight!  We all have different reasons for the things we do, think differently, and have different goals.  I hope you find what motivates you to stay on track.

If you ever need support or a friend, to help you stay motivated to lose weight shoot me an email and I will be your weight loose partner!  Good Luck!


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Olivia Douglass October 13, 2013 - 10:25 am

I recently had a spinal fusion and am limited on the amount of physical activity I can do (only walking and a stationary bike). I’ve gained a good amount of weight starting before the surgery and now after that I need to get off. Thanks so much for giving this encouragement and added tips, I so needed it! 😀

Gloria walshver October 13, 2013 - 2:13 pm

I a trying to lose weight I lose and I gain love to have your tips in losing weight.

lisa October 13, 2013 - 2:22 pm

I used to be quite heavy years ago. Then I got sick. Ever since then, I can’t seem to put any on. But, those are good tips. Just stay positive and buy a beautiful outfit a size too small as incentive.

Kristy S October 13, 2013 - 4:18 pm

Perfect timing for this post. I lost motivation for losing weight and my daughter just called me on it last night. She said that I’ve never been a quitter, so why am I starting now. Ouch. That kinda stung!

Mary McCloy October 13, 2013 - 9:11 pm

Thanks Jenn , I needed these tips to help me lose weight 🙂

Amanda Jillian October 14, 2013 - 4:55 pm

Great Tips!


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