Tips for Teaching Your Kids To Clean Up After Themselves


I still cannot believe the kids have been in school for almost 2 months.  I do admit, it’s been nice having a little “mommy time” t get things done around the house.  It’s just me and my youngest daughter and I have been trying to teach all my kids to clean up after themselves, esepcially because this is my favborite time of year for cooking, baking, crafting, and cleaning.  I was just at my local grocery store, and had the chance to take advantage of an awesome Henkel promotion to get all my cleaning supplies too.  

Everything about this time of year gets me motivated, and I’m finally getting all my kids to pitch in and pick up after themselves.   There is something about the fall and winter months, they make me want to be more productive around the house.   A nice fall cleaning always gets the house ready for the new fall scents. 

Henkel promotion at local storeThere is a great Henkel promotion going on at my local grocery store, and I love a good promotion – especially when there is a coupon booklet worth $10 in coupons involved.  It’s a little extra motivaation to get things done around the house.  

I like to clean my house one in the spring and another time in the fall, the rest of the time is upkeep, and I get the kids to help with that.  I’ve been teaching my youngest about cleaning up after herself, and have a few tips to share with you. 

Tips for Teaching Your Kids To Clean Up After Themselves

Lead by example – Just like with anything in life, if you expect your children to do or act a certain way you need to model the behavior. 

Organization – Life is always easier when things are organized, belong in a certain spot, and they are not moved around while you’re trying to teach your child how to clean up after themselves.

Make it fun – Picking up after yourself doesn’t have to be a drag, it can be fun.  Whether it’s a fun day, or a crazy song making it fun not only helps my kids, but I’ve noticed it’s made picking up more fun for me as well.

Routine – Try to do things in a certain order, it’s easier for kids to remember things when it’s a routine, and if you’re consistent you might lucky out and picking up after themselves might become a habit. 

Include them in the fun stuff – It’s funny, and I giggle every time my daughter asks to help me sweep, mop, or do the dishes, because I know in a few years she going to be just like her older siblings and run when she notices mom has the Soft Scrub, lol.  Even though you know, they’re going to run away from these chores later, be sure and include them now.  They’ll learn the correct way to do things, kids do like to help their parents, and they like to feel responsible.  Now, don’t ask them to organize their dresser and expect magic, but be proud of their efforts.

Don’t overdo it – I’ve learned be very specific, and only asking little jobs one at a time.  You’ll lose them if you tell them to clean the living room.  Tell them to pick up their shoes first, and then give them another small job like picking up the trash from the table.  It helps keep them engaged, and it’s less overwhelming for them.

Reward – It might be with a hug, high five, or a new toy.  It all depends on how things are going, and how well they have done.  They know I’ll reward them in some way, even if it’s a hug, my kids love big bear hugs, and hearing what a great job they did.

Tell them good job – Be sure and tell your children what a great job they did, and how proud you.  It makes a huge difference when you let them know they have done a great and can motivate them to help more.

Have supplies on hand – If you’re child wants to help you clean the bathroom be sure you have all supplies on hand.  If you need to run to the store before starting, you risk your child loosing interest in helping.  Something I’ve learned over the years – when kids say they want to help with cleaning jump on it because they might change their mind if you wait too long, lol. 

Right now is the perfect time to stock up on great items, thanks to the Henkel promotion.  You can get $10 Back in Coupon Savings too!  Yes, when you purchase participating Henkel products for A+ Value savings you’ll get $10 back in coupons savings!  Is that cool, or what?  If you have a valid receipt, you’ll receive a $10 coupon booklet via email from Henkel and 

I couldn’t help myself I picked up some Purex® Liquid Laundry Detergent, Purex® Crystals, Renuzit® Adjustables, and of course Soft Scrub® products.  

cleaningThe timeing couldn’t have been better.  My oldest daughter and I recently cleaned out my sons room, which means there is TONS of laundry.  We have been adding on, and recently moved Bud into a new room, which means washing and scrubbing everything.  It was also nice to have the Renuzit® Adjustables to put in his room when we were finsihed to keep it smelling great.  Tomorrow is laundry day, and I’m sure I’ll be busy all day, and I have to admit I’m pretty excited about trying the Purex® Crystals.

purex laundryI use Purex® Liquid Laundry Detergent often, and have been wanting to thy the Purex® Crystals, and it was the perfect time to grab them.  Who doesn’t want a $10 coupon booklet?  

You can grab certain Purex®, RightGuard®, Soft Scrub®, Dial, Renuzit®, Tone®, Combat®, and Dry Idea® products.  

*Coupon savings delivered electronically via opt-in e-mail. While supplies last. $20 purchase requirement based on advertised retail price, before coupons.

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