Things You Can Do To Help Sinus Issues


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As a mom, there are no sick days, but lucky for me, I don’t suffer from sinus issues like my husband.  There are not many things that get him down, but a sinus headache will have him down quick.  Until we are able to get his sinuses to open up, he looks like he has been hit by a Mack Truck and says his dead body feels like his head and face are being squeezed by Hulk.  I know, you can tell he’s a daddy by the way he describes even the worst of things, haha.

Things You Can Do To Avoid Sinus Issues

Have you ever had to deal with sinus pressure?  I have had one sinus headache, and WOW, it was the worst headache I have ever experienced.  Congestion, pressure, and pain—it’s horrible, and the only thing you can think about is getting those sinuses to open up.  I am in no way a doctor, but over the years I have learned a lot about my husband’s sinus issues.  Here are a few things we do to help keep my husband’s sinus problems to a minimum.

Things You Can Do To Help Sinus Issues

2 Things That Can Help Sooth Sinus Problems?

  • Water – Like anything, stay hydrated it can help keep the mucus thin.  Did you know that thick mucus can exacerbate sinus issues, so drink water and stay hydrated? Drinking water is good for you for so many different reasons.
  • Humidifier – If you have not used a humidifier be sure and give it a try.  They put moisture in the air, which help keep your nasal passages from drying out.  They are fabulous at night, and next to you while you’re laying around crossing your fingers that you feel better soon.  Another fabulous tool to have around the house for more than one reason.

3 Things That Can Cause Sinus Issues?

  • Smoking – You have these tiny hairs called, Cilla that sweep mucus and bacteria out of your sinuses.  Did you know that cigarette smoke can cause them to be less effective?  If your Cilla isn’t doing their job it can cause mucus to back up, which can lead to sinus issues.
  • Stress – I’m sure you already know, Stress isn’t good for anything.  It causes all kinds of health issues, even sinus issues.  Try not to let things get to you, or learn about ways you can deal with stress.
  • Pollutants: There can be certain substances in the air that trigger your sinus problems.  Maybe there is poor ventilation at work, or if you are like my husband, there are strong fragrances that certain family members wear.  Not saying any names, he-he.

4 Things That May Help Avoid Keep Sinus Problems?

  • Washing Hands: Most sinus issues will start out with a cold, which is caused by a virus, and make the nasal tissue swell up.  The best way to protect yourself from this is to wash your hands, get a flu shot, and try to stay away from those who are sick.  Which will also help you catch other colds.
  • Allergies – YUCK, I don’t know anyone who likes allergies.  If you are prone to allergies try to stay away from things that trigger your allergies.
  • Water – Who doesn’t like to go for a swim in the middle of winter, lol.  Not really, but diving can push water into your sinuses and cause irritation which inflames the tissue.
  • Flying – My husband had the worst sinus headache while we were flying to Florida over the summer.  Before every flight he takes decongestants.  It might be a good idea to talk to your doctor and find out the best way for your to avoid sinus headaches while flying, it’s helped my husband a lot.

6 Signs You Might Have A Sinus Issues?

  • Pressure in your face – If you have ever dealt with sinus problems you know exactly what it feels like, and will likely never forget.  Your sinuses are the cavities behind your forehead, nose, cheeks, and eyes.
  • Headache – Sinus headaches are horrible.  The swelling and pressure from your face can turn into an awful headache.
  • Hurts to move – If you’re dealing with pressure in your face leaning forward or moving your head can be torture.
  • Yellow or green mucus – Many of you probably already know the rules of the buggers.  If your mucus is a yellow or green color it’s often a sign of infection.
  • Bad breath – Yes, you know what I’m talking about.  Around my house we call it “SICK”, because your breath smells like you are sick.
  • Teeth are hurting. Yes, your teen’s hurting can be related to sinus problems.  I went to the dentist a while back for my teen and was sent home with sinus problems.  It’s caused by the pressure building up in your head.

Sinus issues are no walk in the park; they can be horrible and extremely uncomfortable.  Sudafed realizes that sinus pressure pain and cold congestion are some pretty bad stuff that leave people feeling run over, or, as my husband says, “squeezed by Hulk.”.

Sudafed OPEN UP™  Application

Do you suffer from sinus issues, or do you know someone who does?  Sudafed is inviting everyone who suffers from serious sinus issues to communicate how sinus pain and pressure look and feel in a creative fashion using their new OPEN UPTM application on the Sudafed Facebook page.  The app is a new fun way for decongestant users to unite!

Sinus congestion and pressure are no laughing matter and can be difficult to ignore.  Whether you are dealing with congestion and pressure, colds, coughs, allergies, or pressure and pain, Sudafed® can help.  We always have Sudafed® in our home; it’s the only thing my husband will take when he is dealing with sinus issues, and I like their children’s products.  Anytime I give my kids medicine, I want to trust the brand I’m using, and Sudafed® has been a trusted brand in our home for many years.

Another thing I really appreciate about Sudafed® is their handy-dandy “Your Sinus ResueTM Plan,” which you can check out by clicking here.  When you visit their website in the top right corner, you will see a tap that says “Your Sinus ResueTM Plan.” It’s great.  Users get customized tips and product recommendations based on the symptoms they are dealing with.  Choose from symptoms like:

  • Sinus Pain
  • Stuffy Nose
  • Sinus Headache
  • Ches Congestion
  • Pressure
  • Coughing
  • Itchy, Watery Eyes
  • Sneezing
  • Nasal Congestion
  • Runny Nose

Choose the symptoms you are feeling, and BAM!  Click on get my customized plan, and you will see products that will help rescue you.  I am not big on taking medicine, or giving it to my children, but there are times when I’m not sure how one would get by without it.  If you’re feeling under the weather, and you’re not sure what to take be sure to check out .


Sudafed knows that suffering from sinus pressure and pain can leave individuals feeling crushed, beat down, congested, and even squeezed, desperately looking for a way to open up. Serious sinus sufferers are invited to creatively share how their sinus pain and pressure look and feel to them by using Sudafed’s OPEN UPTM application on Facebook.

This post was sponsored by Sudafed.

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Jo-Ann Brightman November 11, 2013 - 12:37 am

I found this to be an interesting article . I didn’t know that stress could cause or aggravate a sinus infection. There are a lot of good tips here as well as to how to avoid and deal with sinus infections. I like to use a nasal wash.

Michael Lambert November 11, 2013 - 3:41 am

Thank you for the post. My whole family is having problems with our sinuses due to the weather.

Nena Sinclair November 11, 2013 - 7:31 am

I also suffer from terrible sinus problems. I actually had surgery several years ago, and it helped somewhat. I still get sinus infections and headaches, but they generally don’t last as long. I was just reading that oregano oil is supposed to help a lot. Next time I get a sinus infection, I’m going to try it.

Wendy T November 11, 2013 - 9:42 am

Having an older child, I forgot about the humidifier. We used to use it tons when my children were younger.

My son is feeling it right now, and I’m going to get the humidifier and put it in his room.

lisa November 11, 2013 - 10:48 am

My sinus problems are so bad that on a regular basis I can tell you how the weather will be. It depends on which side of my head hurts. Some nights I sleep half sitting up with a hot compress across my face.

Susan Johnson November 11, 2013 - 2:58 pm

One thing I did not know, but found out the hard way, was that sometimes, sinus infections can be caused by acid reflux. When you lay down at night, if you have a tendency to have nighttime heartburn, the acid from your stomach can back up into your sinuses and eventually cause a sinus infection, so take care of any stomach upset or heartburn, too.

rochelle haynes November 11, 2013 - 4:34 pm

these things are nice to know

Elizabeth Hitchcock November 12, 2013 - 3:25 pm

Very interesting post! I get sinus infections at the change of every season, and deal with sinus pressure every time the weather starts to change 🙁 A neti pot helps me a good bit though.

Jenn November 13, 2013 - 1:18 am

YES, I cannot belive I forgot about that my husband will not be without a neti pot this time of year… I knew I was forgetting something lol… My husband loves the neti pot, it helps him breath when his sinus is acting up


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