First and foremost, if you were to ask whether sneakers are summer trends or not, the answer would be a ‘YES’. Like every other summer, sneakers are the popular footwear choice even this time. The reason why sneakers make it to the top every summer is that they keep your feet from tanning. Sneakers are comfortable shoes for summers. They don’t make your feet sweat and smell. Plus, they look absolutely great. Comfort means confidence. Therefore, anyone wearing comforters always looks great and feels oodles of confidence.
Summer Trends: Are Sneakers In This Summer
But the good part is that like every other season, the trend for this one has changed too. So, even if this summer too sneakers walk away with the title of the most awesome footwear, there is a different kind of variety that has taken the cake. The following are some sneaker trends that are trending this summer:
- Converse in Bright Colors: Yellows, Bright Pinks and Reds are the classic Converse pairs being bought by many. Mixing bright shoes with plain clothes is cool. Whites and pastel colors make one feel comfortable. Adding some electric shades to the summer look is bright Converse All Star Canadaand electric makeup.
- Lace-less Sneakers: No one likes to put in too much effort into dressing up in summers. Lace-less sneakers are the best way of looking great. You do not need to put in any effort for tying the laces in any shape or pattern. Keep it minimalistic.
- Custom Made: These shoes never go out of style. Make your own shoe design and wear it too. This is a trend for everyone to follow. No matter what season, custom made Converse shoes and other sneakers, always rock.
- Vans: Once a sneaker for skating champs, Vans is now largely viewed as a fashion statement. In case you too love to wear Vans, here is some good news – these sneakers are making a huge buzz this summer. Buy one for being the talk of the town this summer.
- Floral: In prints, people love floral as much as the abstract art on sneakers. Going plain in apparel and funky in accessories as well as shoes is the trend to follow. This look won’t go wrong ever.
The above listed are five awesome sneaker trends for this summer. While most of the time people love to wear their flip flops in summer, sneakers are for those who go for long walks, casual parties, beach picnics and more. So, the next time you are headed out to the local mall, simply slip into a comfortable pair of sneakers and enjoy the sunny weather. Keep the flip flops for the home.
In case you are thinking about the clothes that will match with your sneakers, the trick is to wear something cool and breezy. Try wearing a pair of denim shorts with a plain T-shirt and Converse sneakers. This is the coolest look for summer and is very simple to pull-up too.
All in all, go easy on the makeup, experiment with hair styles, handbags and footwear. This is the trend for this summer. You can look great this summer just by paying attention to the colors that you are wearing. To wrap up, check your closet for sneakers. Don’t own one? Head straight to the market for buying yourself a chic pair.