It’s sad to think there are 16 million children who are struggling with hunger. If you think about it, that is the population of Los Angeles, Chicago, Philadelphia, and New York City combined! WOW, when you think about it like that, it makes it even harder handle. I don’t know what I would do if my children were hungry, and I am extremely thankful we’re in the boat we are, because I know things could change in a matter of days. Be thankful for today, because we just don’t know what tomorrow holds. My husband and I agreed several years ago that we would do what we could to help others – donate money, time, food, gifts, and anything else we can think of. We both grew up with great families, but our parent’s struggled. So helping families in need is something we both do because we have been there, not only has children, but remember seeing how hard it was on our parents. Being children, we didn’t understand, but as adults looking back we’re better able to understand.
Stop Child Hunger In America & Share A Meal
How many people live in your neighborhood? How many of those families have children?
The fact of the matter is that children are hungry, and hunger in America doesn’t discriminate. These children can live in suburban, rural, and urban areas. With 1 in 5 children unsure where they will get their next meal, there could be hungry children in your neighborhood, and they could even be some of the children your child plays with after school. It’s sad, and I’m sure if you knew a child in your neighborhood was hungry you would feed him, but the fact is we don’t always know.
To help with this issue we have joined” Unilever Project Sunlight and are looking for help. That’s right we need your help to rally people all over the country to help these children and “Share A Meal to Help Turn the Tables on Child Hunger in American.”
Together we can shine the light on child hunger here in America and what child hunger looks like today.
I’m proud to be working with Unilever Project Sunlight, who is recruiting 100 #ShareAMeal100 influences across the country to help raise awareness about child hunger in America, because the issue likely impacts all of our neighborhoods, and sadly may go unnoticed. Together we want to shed light on child hunger in America, and inspire others to help!
How You Can Help
I know 16 million seems like a huge number, and it is, but it’s a number we can watch diminish if we help. The simple act of sharing a meal can have a major impact on the fight against child hunger here in America. Together we can make a different. To learn how you can help swing by and see how you can get involved.