This is a sponsored post for SheSpeaks/The Power of The Heart
Have you ever stopped to think just how powerful the heart really is? We know it keeps us alive, and helps us feel, but beyond that have you listened to your hearts wisdom? Forgiving, forgetting, and moving on has never been something I was good at. It’s hard to think of reasons to forgive people who have hurt you is something I have never been good at, but it truely is for your benifit.
Reading The Power of the Heart opened my eyes to the power of the heart, but the chapter that inspired me the most was on forgiveness. I learned that forgiveness is liberating!
Forgiving someone isn’t easy, and it may seem ridiculous, but if you listen to your heart what does it tell you? By forgiving I don’t mean hanging out, or even talking to, but simply letting go of whatever is holding you back, hurting you, and turning your bitter. Forgiving isn’t easy, but it can set us free from holding ourselves prisoners of pain, hate, and fear. Forgiving isn’t for anyone’s benfit but your own, it’s to release you from all the negative emotions, so you can move forward with your life.
I’m guilty of holding on to hurt, because it doesn’t mean you have failed, been defeated, or that you’re forgetting about an event. By forgiving and allowing yourself not to be controlled by negativity you win, because you’re taking back what’s rightfully yours – your future – to move forward, and leave the past behind you, and opening the door to your heart again.
Forgiveness doesn’t mean that you’re condoning someone else’s behavior. This is a really important point. Forgiveness merely means that you are freeing yourself from the energy blogs that you are holding, those resentments that you are carrying. – Marci Shimoff
I learned several years ago that I had to forgive my husband for anything he did that hurt me if I truly wanted to move forward with him, and he had to forgive me. Let the past be the past, open back up, because you can never truly be happy if you harbor a grudge against someone. It was easy to see why I needed to forgive him to move forward, because I love him. I didn’t want to hold on to the past, because the future looked so bright. We were both able to forgive and move forward, because we love one another.
There are other people in my life who I never thought I would forgive, but after reading The Power of the Heart I learned that forgiving someone isn’t for them, it’s for me. I don’t have to love someone to forgive them, and forgiveness is ont admitting defeat. Now that I understand what forgiveness does, it’s easy to see why I should forgive those who have hurt me. There are parts of me that have been left battered and bruised, and it’s that way because I choose to hang on to those emotions. I have forgiven everyone in my life who’s hurt me, that doesn’t mean I’ll be calling them for lunch next week.
Reasons To Forgive People Who Hurt You & Open Your Heart
I know learning to forgive isn’t easy, and opening your heart after you’ve been hurt might sound impossible, but it’s not. Here are a few reasons to forgive and open your heart.
- When you forgive you do it for yourself, your spiritual well-being, and physical health. The person whom you’re forgiving doesn’t even need to know, because you forgive them doesn’t mean you need to welcome them back into your life.
- Is there someone in your life who has done something to hurt, betray, or upset you enough to keep yourself hostage?
- It’s up to you to forgive someone. You can choose not to relive the paint, but to go on with your life. Nobody else can choose for you, and in the end nobody will benefit more from the choice than you.
- Forgiving allows you to stop lingering in the past, and focus on the present moment.
- All yourself to be happy again because you’re letting go of something that hurt you, and leaving it behind you.
- We all deal with painful situations differently; it’s easier for some to forgive than others. There is no set time that you need to forgive, and nothing says you have to until you’re ready.
- You don’t have to tell anyone.
- Forgiveness doesn’t mean you have been defeated by the person who hurt you. By forgiving someone, you’re taking away any control they had over your life, and taking control yourself.
- Forgiveness is unblocking all the roads to your heart to allow love to flow freely.
- Forgiveness is an act of liberation. When you forgive, you free yourself from the bitterness inside yourself.
- It is never too late to forgive someone.
The Power of the Heart
The Power of the Heart is a beautiful book, designed to help readers reach their full potential and overcome obstacles. The Power of the heart will help you tap into your full potential with great spiritual leaders like – Maya Angelou, Isabel Allende, Paulo Coelho, Marianne Williamson, Marci Shimoff, Gary Zukay, Neale Donald Walsch, and more.
There are different ways to connect with your heart, and this only touches on a little of what’s inside The Power of the Heart, and was something that settled nicely with me. It’s true, your heart is powerful, it has a voice, and it’s provides you with wisdom when you hear it. The book also explains how you can develop your intuition, clarify your intentions, create synchronicity, and exercise the power of gratitude, because they too are all powers of the heart.
Forgiveness is one of the most powerful things anybody can do. It’s hard to do, it’s one of the toughest things, to forgive, especially when we feel justified that we had been wronged. – Howard Martin
Before I forget, after you’re finished with the book be sure to catch the movie. I haven’t seen it yet, but it looks amazing. It features inspiring and influential icons of our age, like Paulo Coelho, Maya Angelou, Isabel Allende, Deepak Chopra, and Eckhart Tolle. The Power of the Heart movie does tie back to the book, and is said to be an experience, which will help you uncover and rediscover… So you can see it for yourself, I included the YouTube video for Power of the Heart movie which will be available
For more about the book or preorder your copy be sure to swing by I’m not the only one who’s loving this book, be sure to check out The Power of the Heart on Twitter and Facebook you can also follow the hashtag #PowerOfTheHeart to see what others are saying.