It’s summer: the time for hot weather, shorts, tank tops and lots of exposed skin. We’ve talked before about the different things that you should be doing to protect your skin. Your skin isn’t the only thing that’s going to be getting a lot of “air time†though! Think about it: when was the last time you wore a proper hat? Your hair will be getting its share of fresh air, swim time and summer fun too and you should be taking some specific steps to keep it protected and healthy.
Protecting Your Hair This Summer
Here are just a few of them:
1. Learn How to Do a Proper Updo
During the summer when things get hot, most of us will simply pull our hair up into a ponytail and hope for the best. The problem, though, is that if your hair is constantly pulled back into a ponytail, yourisk doing some major damaged even if you’re using coated rings. Do you reallywant to create a ring of frizz that goes all the way around your head? Ofcourse not! Plus, wearing your hair the same way every day gets boring.
Enter: the updo. A lot of us think that updos are only for fancy occasions but there are lots of casual updos that we can use to accomplish the same goals our ponytails accomplish (as well as some beautifuloptions for nights out). If you aren’t sure how to do a good updo with your ownhair, the Hairzoo blog has some greattips that you can use. Who knows, maybe you’ll decide to drop in and let them do it for you.
2. Swimming Caps are Cool Now
When we were kids, swim caps were just for little old ladies and competitive swimmers. Today, swim caps are a necessity if you want to protect your hair from being damaged by all of the chemicals in the pool or the salt, sand and other runoff in the lake/river/ocean.
It’s important to understand that a swim cap won’t keep your hair 100% dry but if you get a good one, you can protect it from quite a lot. recommends choosing a cap based on how often you swim, the temperature of the water in which you’ll be swimming, and the type of swimming you’ll be doing.
3. Get a Haircut
One of the best times of the year to get a haircut is right before the weather heats up for the summer. Constant exposure to the sun dries out your hair and, if your hair is already dry, you might to irreversible and uncoverupabble damage to your hair. Get ahead of the season by having the dry ends snipped off and using a moisturizing or hydrating shampoo and conditioner to help keep your hair nourished and protected while you’re outside chasing after the kids, hanging by the pool, having backyard barbecues, etc.
4. UV Protection
Sunscreen isn’t just for your skin. It’s also good for your hair. Don’t use the same product for both (or you’ll have a really goopy and embarrassing mess to clean up)! Shop for hair products that offer UV protection. These products will also protect your hair color (if your hair has been artificially colored) in addition to protecting your hair’s structure.
5. Hydrate!
You know that drinking water is great for helping to regulate your body’s temperature. You’ve probably also been told that spritzing yourself with a mist of plain water can be great for cooling down during the summer months (it’s also helpful at rinsing away sweat). Water is also great for your hair. Getting your hair wet before you go swimming is a great way to add an extra layer of protection under your swim cap (or if you forgot your swim cap at home). It’s one of the key things that keeps blondes from going green in the pool.
What are some of the things you’re doing to protect your hair this summer?