The Lone Ranger On Blu-ray & DVD! #LoneRanger


The Lone Ranger On Blu-ray & DVD! #LoneRangerIf you have not had the opportunity to see The Lone Ranger yet, guess what?  I have good news, you can now run out and grab it on Blu-ray and DVD!  How exciting is that?  I know I am really excited that The Lone Ranger is finally on DVD, I have been waiting and waiting for this.  The Lone Ranger, Silver, Tonto and I go way back!

I was lucky enough to receive a copy a few weeks ago.  I know I said I wanted to watch the Lone Ranger in the theaters, but I wasn’t able to make it.  I have watched it on Blu-ray, and I am going to tell you right from the start – anyone who said this wasn’t a good movie is full of it.  I love the whole movie, and have watched it three times.  Then again, me and the Lone Ranger we go way back!

I remember watching Lone Ranger in black and white with my dad.  I have always loved that masked man.  Okay, I admit it… It’s his horse that makes things so much fun.  I remember growing up I used to wish I would find a horse with that much personality, after all the Lone Ranger just wouldn’t be who he is without his noble steed.  Plus the movie was filled in New Mexico, and I live in New Mexico!  Yes, I’m a New Mexico Mom Blogger, who loves the Lone Ranger!

There is one part in the beginning that startled me, lol.  This is the only part I am going to tell you, pinky promise.  In the beginning of the movie, before the fun begins a little boy wearing the mask of the Lone Ranger is walking around a historical exhibit, when all of a sudden an old Indian man springs to life, and starts talking to the little boy.  You guessed it, it’s Tonoto who suddenly springs to life, and sets a fun tone for the movie by making a trade with the boy.  Popcorn, for a OH you need to watch it!  You watch it, and you decide if Tonto was telling the kid a tall tale, or if he was telling the story of the Lone Ranger.

From the moment The Lone Ranger and Tonto meet things fall apart, not in a bad way.  The Lone Ranger and Tonto are an accident waiting to happen everywhere they go.  There is nothing graceful about these two men, and awesome horse Silver!  I really don’t think Disney could have done a better job, but my favorite part of the whole movie is when Tonto gets mad, and is arguing with Silver, while the Lone Ranger is in a whole.  YUP, you’re going to have to watch it.  It’s worth watching, and lucky you right now you can run down and grab it on DVD or Blu-ray!  Have fun, be sure and let me know what you think in the comments below.

I have promised I wouldn’t give away the entire movie anymore, I won’t!  My lips are sealed, you can now purchase Lone Ranger on Blu-ray or DVD, maybe even swing by and rent it.  It’s up to you how you watch it, but I personally loved the movie.  My husband enjoyed it, and so did my brother.  I’m actually waiting for my brother to return it, lol.

In my option Lone Ranger, his hose Silver, and trusted guide, Tonto is an awesome flick!  It’s one that I will watch again, and probably again!  I just love that stilly horse Silver, and all the trouble the Lone Ranger and Tonto get into.  I laughed a lot, and enjoyed the entire move.

If you haven’t had the chance to see Lone Ranger, and his crazy companions I cannot recommend watching it enough!

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Kamla L. December 18, 2013 - 9:57 am

The Lone Ranger sure does bring back some great childhood memories. Nostalgia and Johnny Depp!! Couldn’t ask for more. I’m a big Johnny Depp fan and have been since the 21 Jumpstreet TV series, Not to mention, I cringe every time I think about how he went out in Nightmare on Elm Street. He’s a phenomenal actor and just keeps getting better. I’m really looking foreward to seeing him play Tonto.

Jacquelyn Cannon December 18, 2013 - 12:46 pm

I loved this movie as a kid and would love to win it for my grandson. Thanks for the giveaway.

Julie Cover December 19, 2013 - 4:29 pm

My hubby and I just watched this movie last night. What a blast!! I just love Johnny Depp!! I had never heard of Armie Hammer before this movie, but enjoyed his performance very much. It was so great I’ll be watching our DVD again very, very soon!!!

Yusuf Nasrullah December 19, 2013 - 5:32 pm

Huge fan of Armie Hammer and would cherish winning th
is DVD combo pack!

Jo-Ann Brightman December 20, 2013 - 9:21 am

I love this series when I was a child. It certainly does bring back memories. I am not sure I would appreciate this movie as much as the old one, but it would be interesting to compare them.


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