How Did Isaiah Mustafa Become "The Old Spice Guy" Interview Tour & More #SmellComeToManhood

How Did Isaiah Mustafa Become “The Old Spice Guy” Interview Tour & More #SmellComeToManhood



Old Spice Logo_highres

Guess who is on tour, teaching young men to “scent responsibly”?  Isaiah Mustafa, who is better known as “The Old Spice Guy.”  I admit it, until recently I did not know what his name was, but had I seen him in the grocery store I would have recognized him.  I mean seriously, his commercials are hilarious, and he is a very handsome man.  I do not watch a lot of TV, but there area few commercials I will spot dead in my tracks to watch, and Old Spice commercials are one of them.  

old spice body sprayI was lucky enough to have the opportunity to talk with Isaiah Mustafa aka “The Old Spice Guy” via phone for a short, but sweet interview. Which, like everything in my life, it started out a mess, lol.  I know 99% of what happens is totally my fault, because I tend to freak out, worry, and overreact. I was already nervous, because “The Old Spice Guy” was calling me.  I know, now he has my number lol.  Anyway, the phone rings, and I know it’s him calling for the interview, guess what?!?  My new “smartphone”, which isn’t so smart, FROZE UP! I tried to hit talk about 1000 times, and finally had to hold down the power off button.  So now, I assume they will call me right back.  Of course I am watching the clock, three minutes when by and nothing, I start freaking, okay five minutes, yup I am sending emails. 

How Did Isaiah Mustafa Become "The Old Spice Guy" Interview Tour & More #SmellComeToManhoodAfter about 29 emails, I freak out a little, then get the bright idea to try to call them back.  Nope, they did not block the number, I kick the idea around a bit, finally decide to call, and BAM nobody answers.  Needless to say about 13 minutes has gone by, I am freaking out again.  I am worried someone will think I forgot about the call, and I don’t want that.  Yes, I sent another 73 emails, just to make sure they knew I did not forget about the call, and the phones rings, and it’s him again.  

I started out by telling Isaiah Mustafa I was sorry for missing the call the first time around.  He was super nice and said, “Don’t worry I won’t tell anyone you forgot about me.”  Ha-ha, if he only knew what the pat 17 minutes of my day were like, lol.   

How Did Isaiah Mustafa Become "The Old Spice Guy" Interview Tour & More #SmellComeToManhoodI learned that before acting Isaiah Mustafa played in the NFL, but that was never his calling in life.  He loved acting, and he explained exactly how he got the part with Old Spice, “Being an actor, we audition all the time, and this was just another audition.  They just liked me better than anyone else that day.”   Another interesting things I learned is that the part he was successful in getting that day, was supposed to be only one part. Everything went extremely well, and today he is “the Old Spice Guy,” and pretty darn good at it if you ask me. 

Of course, I blurted out what’s its like being “the Old Spice Guy.”  He said , “It’s great.  I love to meet new people, and make them laugh.  I also enjoy traveling and my job with Old Spice has taken me all over the world.”  He also started telling me about the upcoming the “scent responsibly tour” – we’re going to 6 cities total: Miami, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Boston, Dallas and Chicago.  He explained they will be visiting different locations, and teaching young men to scent responsibly.  

Of course, who could without asking the man who’s known as “the Old Spice Guy” what he smells like?  If you had to guess once scents, what scent do you think he would wear?  My husband loves Hawkridge body wash…That’s not really my husband’s favorite, but it could be, and then he could smell like him!

I just finished watching the Old Spice “Scent Responsibly” education video. I hope you like it as much as I did!  I just love Old Spice, and they always have so much fun with their advertising.. 

I know we all giggle at the commercials, but they have a lot of truth to them.  My 16-year-old daughter has been complaining about headaches after gym class because all the boys think they have to reapply, and it is too much.  All the girls hate it because it gives them a headache, and my little Catie has been trying to teach guys in her school how to scent responsibly. 

old spiceA survey that was conducted by Old Spice concluded:

  • There out of every four young men, and 83 perfect of young ladies admit that over spraying is a real issues.
  • 72 percent of mom things that over spraying is an issues, but only 26 percent think their sons over spray.
  • Almost 70 perfect of guys say that they were not taught how to use body spray correctly.
  • 45 percent say they reapply body spray because they thought it was wearing off.
  • 90 percent of people who have been bothered by this epidemic have been bothered by it at school.
  • 12 percent of people spray in a head to toe cloud.
  • 55 percent apply body spray to their clothes.
  • 11 percent spray and walk through the cloud
  • 24 percent reapply multiples times a day. 

How To Scent Responsibly from Old Spice

Before we said our good byes, and the interview was over I felt the need to be honest.  I admit, I am one the moms who has not taught her son to spray responsibly.  Plus, we have several other tween, and teen boys overall the time who could use a lesson.  

Yes, I feel horrible about it, but I didn’t know.  I thought my husband did, but then again I should have known better.  That’s not really my husbands cup of tea.  So he assumed I took care of it, because I am a mom, I normally take care of all that stuff.  Whatever happened, we cannot go back,we can only worry about today and going forward.Plus, Isaiah MusHoia shared a few tips with us to be sure we are helping young boys scent responsibly:

“The Old Spice Guy” Scent Responsibly 

  1. Get Old Spice Body Spray
  2. Hold the can 6 inches away from the body, with shirt off. 
  3. Spray across chest for no longer than two seconds.
  4. Put can away, and do not reapply until the following day.  

That is it, you are done.  There is no need to reapply until the following day, 24 hours later. 

How Did Isaiah Mustafa Become "The Old Spice Guy" Interview Tour & More #SmellComeToManhoodWith Old Spice’s Re-Fresh scent technology, you do not need to reapply for 24 hours.   Getting Technical: In more scientific terms, the Old Spice Re-fresh Technology (Methylated Beta-cyclodextrin or mBCD) features a patented cyclic molecule with an empty core that absorbs fragrance as the body spray dries on the skin. As a guy sweats, fragrance is pushed out of the core releasing bursts of scent when a guy needs it the most, such as arm wrestling competitions with grizzly bears or a date with a lady friend.  See, there is no need to spray again after gym, practice, or any other reason.  One spary goes a long way, 24 hours to be exact!

Get Old Spice Body Spray

Oh, and if the men in your life use Old Spice you are not going to want to miss out on this deal.  From now until July 31 all Old Spice Body Sprays are on SALE grab them for up to 50% OFF from retailers, such as Walgreens, Rite Aid, Walmart, Target, Publix, Dollar General, Family Dollar, CVS, Kroger, and Kmart.  Now is the time to try them all.  Which one will be your favorite?” 

The pictures in this post for from Old Spice Scent Responsibly Event Photos/Video (Leg 1: Miami and Atlanta).  They have already started the tour, if you live in one of the cities they are visiting be sure to check out Old Spice to find out where and when they will be in your neck of the woods.  

Be sure to swing by the , and be a social butterfly and follow them via Facebook, , , and subscribe via .  There is just so much fun stuff going on, like this New Manboard digital soundboard – Features Isaiah Mustafa and his most famous lines. Just launched in celebration of Old Spice’s upcoming 76th anniversary and it’s so much fun!

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