healthy skin and tips to help you get it

Healthy Skin, and Tips To Help You Get It!


Healthy skin, we all want it, but very few of us are satisfied with the skin we have.  For the most part I am happy with my skin, it’s not too oily or dry, but I have started to notice a few changes. I guess I could blame it on my children, stress, pregnancy, or a million other things, but honestly I think it’s that I am getting older and I don’t want to accept it.  I have been focused on getting healthy, but did not really think about my skin until recently.  While I am working out and eating better my poor skin needs some TLC too. I would love to feel more confident without makeup again.

Sleep is my weakness, I don’t like to do it.  I am not sure what it is, but I think I am worried I will miss out on something, or who knows.  Either way, I have noticed a huge difference under my eyes, as well as redness on my face.  I was recently asked to take the Tula 7 Day Challenge, and I jumped at the chance, and since I was going to be taking the challenge I decided I had better focus on my skin from the inside out, and do a little extra.  If you are looking for healthy skin, here are a few things that have helped my skin. 

healthy skin and tips to help you get itHealthy Skin, and Tips To Help You Get It!

If you want healthy skin you need to stay hydrated.

One of the best things you can do for you skin is drink water, and keep your body hydrated.  Just the same as your body needs to stay hydrated to feel good, it’s essential to hydrate your body so your skin stays hydrated too.

Don’t smoke, it’s bad for you and your skin.

If you smoke, stop it’s so bad for you.  It not only smells bad, and is bad for your teeth, it’s not good for your skin either. 

Love the sun, but only in small doses.

Sure, the sun is good for you in moderation.  Too much of anything is not good for you, and too much sun can cause other health problems.  Too much sun is not good for your skin, be sure and wear sunscreen when you are out, and try not to stay out for long periods of time.  Your skin will thank you.

You are what you eat.

You know that old saying, “you are what you eat”, it’s true.  If you want healthy looking skin try eating more fruit, veggies, and less of the junk food.

A clean face makes skin happy.

If you are looking for healthy skin, be sure to wash your face in the morning and at night.  Get off all the makeup, and keep your facial pores from get clogged.

No more stress, learn to keep stress to a minimum.

Stress can take a told on the body, if you are stressed and unable to control it try to find an outlet.  Whether it’s working out, or watching a movie try to find a way to mange your stress.             

Get enough sleep.

This is the hardest one for me personally.  I honestly still have issues with getting enough sleep, but I have gone to bed early, and doing things during the day to wear me out so I can sleep better at night. I notice a huge improvement in my skin when I am sleeping 7 to 8 hours a night, especially under my eyes.  Sleep deprivation is not only unhealthy for your skin, it’s dangerous. 

quote about beauty http://jennsblahblahblog.comFeel good about yourself

Feel good about yourself, it will shine though and people will notice.  When you feel good about yourself, you tend to have a natural glow, and are more confident.

Skin Care with patented Probiotic Technology

So most of us know that we need to keep our digestive systems on track and filled with all the healthy bacteria, right!  Well, there is this bacteria called Probiotic which is a good bacteria that can help maintain healthy skin, and even prevent signs of aging.  Yup, that’s what they say.

Well, TULA, founded by Dr. Rajapaksa (Dr. Raj) is brining innovation to complexion care using Probiotics in their line of skin care products, which will be available on QVC.  Each of the skin care products are infused with a probiotic complex, which contains; green tea, yogurt, blueberry extracts, and vitamins C, A, and E.  There are also fruit extracts incorporated into the line.

healthy skin with tulaTula 7-Day Balanced Skin Challenge

I was recently asked to take part in the Tula 7-Day Balanced Skin Challenge, and received:

  • Purifying Face Cleanser
  • Illuminating Face Serum
  • Revitalizing Eye Cream
  • Hydrating Day and Night Cream

I used the product for 7 days, and I have to admit my skin was felt healthier, and was much softer than normal.  I loved applying the

  • Hydrating Day and Night Cream, because it make my face feel great, and it was without a doubt super soft.  One of the biggest things I noticed was the red splotchy look wasn’t as noticeable, and between getting more sleep and the Revitalizing Eye Cream my puffy eye circles were not as noticeable. 

Dr. Roshini Raj is the co-founder of Tula, is a gastroenterologist and internist.  She is a contributor to Good Day New York, Today Show, and author of “What the Yuck? The Freaky and Fabulous Truth About Your Body,” guest on several other programs like Dr. Oz, and just really knows her stuff. 

Did you know Tula is the Sanskrit word for balance?   Dr Roshini Raj believes that both internal and external balance is important for us to look and feel our best, which I would agree.  This is why she is introducing her collection of products, which are designed to bring that balance most of are women want in an easy to use daily skin care routine.  

Healthy Skin, and Tips To Help You Get It!To sum it up, I have used Tula for a little longer than 7 days now.  The only reason I am still using it, is that I love it.  I really love how well it works with my skin.  Plus, I don’t remember the last time my face was this soft! 

You can learn more about Tule, and the science behind this fabulous skin care line by visiting    

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