Tips to help your pets avoid the back-to-school blues

Get Your Pet Medication At Walgreens! #WalgreensRX #shop


I have been excited to share this post with you.  It’s about making medications for pets more affordable and convenient with Walgreens.  This post is a compensated opportunity for Collective Bias (#CollectiveBias) and the advertiser  Walgreens (#WalgreensRX)

Happy dog #WalgreensRx #CollectiveBias #shopMost of you already know we have about 900 animals, lol.  Okay, so really we have the four dogs, four cats, ducks, and other large animals.  We also found out about 6 months ago, that my best friend in this whole wide world has cancer, and about 5 months ago our other dog broke his leg.  It was one thing after another, and I have not posted a whole lot about anything, because I am honestly still dealing with my buddy Skittles having cancer.

walgreens #walgreensrx #shopNeedless to say, we are doing what we can to be sure our dogs are happy and healthy, and Skittles has been spoiled beyond his wildest dreams.  Yes, we will continue to spoil him, and allow him to sleep on his blanket on the couch, because he deserves it.  He’s an amazing dog and has been there for me during some of the hardest times in my life, he most certainly is one of my best friends. 

Pet Medication filled at #WalgreensRx #CollectiveBias #shopOh, Trip.  He is my youngest daughter’s dog, and man he is a mess, a lot like my daughter.  While trying to jump the fence when he was only about 6 months old, his foot got stuck in the fence, and he broke his leg.  He had to go in for surgery, and we will be taking him in again shortly to have a rod taken out.  Poor baby, he will be back on his meds for 6 weeks, and have to wear that silly cone that he hates so much. 

Little girl loves her kitty #WalgreensRx #CollectiveBias #shopNot a lot of people are aware that a lot of medications for pets are often the same medication that humans use, just a lower dose.  We have always received our animal’s medication from the vet’s office, until I recently learned we can get the same medication from Walgreens, and often at a lower cost.  My brother is getting his dogs medication from Walgreens.  Because his dog has regular refills, he was able to set up his dog on their family prescription management plan, and now manages his prescriptions online.  How cool is that?  He can even sign his pup up for refill reminders.  I thought that was pretty neat, because when Trip was taking his medication consistently I would often forget to stop by the vet’s office to pick it.  I have a hard enough time remembering mine, if it wasn’t for the refill reminders I would forget it all the time, and now I can add Trip to our family plan and get refill reminders for him too.  Pretty cool, huh?!?!?

Pet medication #WalgreensRx #CollectiveBias #shopEveryone in my family loves all the animals, and we will do anything we can to be sure they are all happy and healthy.  I am one of those crazy people who think of all of her animals as little members of the family, even my crazy ducks are extended cousins to the cats and dogs, lol.  The funny thing is, all the animals hang out together in the front yard.  Skittles has two favorite ducks, and they will lay under the big tree in the front and sun bathe, it’s too cute.

Get Your Pet Medication At Walgreens! #WalgreensRX #shopMedications for pets just became more convenient, affordable, and easier than before. 

  • Convenience – Pets who are taking a regular prescription medication can be set up with Walgreens online pharmacy, which helps make refilling their prescription easy, convenient, and quick. Not to mention you can take advantage of Walgreens convenient refill reminder so you never forget their medication.
  • Save Money – The cost of prescriptions for your pet may be less at Walgreens.  It might be the same medication because the markups are higher, and there is possibly a dispensing fee.
  • Easy – Now you can pick up your pets medication on your next trip to Walgreens, rather than making a special trip to the vet’s office. 

Do you have any pets who take medication monthly?  If so would filling your pet’s prescription at Walgreens help you?    

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