Six Reasons My Dogs Did The Skittles Bright Eyes after taking the Purina ONE® 28-Day Challenge

Dogs Health: 6 Reasons My Dogs Did The Purina ONE 28-Day Challenge


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We recently signed up my dogs for The Purina ONE® 28-Day Challenge!  Most of you know we have 4 large dogs, who require a lot of room to run, and play.  We love our dogs, care about our dogs health, they are spoiled, and pretty much get to do as they please.  They are like my children who listen, and actually do as asked lol.  

Anyway, back to the Six Reasons My Dogs Took The Purina ONE® 28-Day Challenge.  Have you heard of it?  Maybe you joined to see if your dogs health improves too?  If not, check out my dogs Six Reasons My Dogs Took The Purina ONE® 28-Day Challenge because the results are in!

Six Reasons My Dogs Did The Skittles Bright Eyes after taking the Purina ONE® 28-Day ChallengeSix Reasons My Dogs Took The Purina ONE® 28-Day Challenge

For the most part my dogs have always loved Purina brand dog food, but we have honestly never tried Purina ONE®.  When asked to do the Purina ONE® 28-Day Challenge I jumped at the chance because there were supposed to be so many noticeable benefits to your dogs health within the 28 days.  

Here are the six reasons we decided to take The Purina ONE® 28-Day Challenge:


I have two picky eaters, which is a lot of the reason we have stayed with the same kind of dog food.  As promised Purina ONE® tasted great, my dogs all were excited when it came time to eat, and most importantly, when they enjoy the taste they eat more.  Skittles a lot of time will pick at his food, but Purina ONE® I could tell the difference with Skittles. 

He ate every bit, every single time, and probably would have eaten more if I had given him some.  

dog waiting in truckThe only time he didn’t finish his Purina ONE® dinner, was because I told him he could go with me to the store.   Totally, normal for Skittles to pass up anything, and everything for a ride in the front seat to the store.  He always thinks he will get something, lol.  However, I have to give him credit, even my cute daughter cannot score free food when we go places.  


We all want our dogs to have the fuel they need to live a healthy, active lifestyle.  When your dogs health is good, you should notice the increased energy.  It’s typically good news when your dogs is ready to play, and greets you with energy. 

healthy Dogs PlayingI have noticed the dogs are feeling better and playing more, but the two that I have really noticed a difference in is Piper and Skittles!  They are the old farts of the bunch, and typically don’t play too much.  They have been up and more active, even chasing my husbands robotic ball, which they never used to do.  It’s great, seeing the dogs with more energy makes them look happier.


When your dog is able to use most of the food they eat, it’s better for their body.  They are able to absorb more of the nutrients through their digestive system.  They may produces less waste.  Highly digestible food helps more of the nutrition go to helping your dog live a healthier life.  Naturally, I want this for all of my dogs. 

dogsI noticed a difference in all my dogs health, but in the digestibility department I noticed the biggest difference in was Skittles.  He is the oldest and definitely more regular than he used to be, which has made him more comfortable, and feel better.  He seems like Purina ONE® has helped him be more comfortable.

Skin and Coat

A dog’s skin and coat should be shiny, supple, and healthy.  This is something my mother has drilled in my head since I was a child.  A dog’s hair should be hydrated.  When your pup is getting all the nutrients they need, their coat should be smooth and elastic.  Healthy skin is important for your dogs health because it’s their first line of defense, it helps to protect them from the environment and keep their body healthy.  Think about it, your dog often spends hours outside in the hot sun, or cold weather.  Their skin and fur needs to be rich in color, and have a glossy look.

healthy dogsNourishment for a shiny coach and supple skin, balanced nutrients support a beautiful coat and healthy skin.  I have noticed a difference in all the dogs’ skin and coat, which tells me they are benefiting form the change to Purina ONE®.

Bright Eyes

Eyes are our body’s windows, and I believe our dogs are the same.  When a dog is getting all the vitamins they need their eyes will look brighter.  Much like us, when your dog’s eyes look clean and bright, they are feeling good.

Skittles Eyes Before Starting

Skittles Eyes Before Starting

All out, dogs’ eyes look clearer, and like they are more alert, but I think I have noticed the biggest difference in Skittles.  Check out his before and after shot.  He looks more alert, and overall happier.

Skittles Bright Eyes after taking the Purina ONE® 28-Day Challenge

Skittles Bright Eyes after taking the Purina ONE® 28-Day Challenge

I can tell a big difference in his eyes, there is a spark that wasn’t there before.  He just looks like he feels better.  I believe dogs are a lot like people, when we feel good and out bodies have everything they need you can typically see the difference in someone’s eyes. 

Dental Health

Purina ONE® contains phosphorous, vitamin D, and calcium, which all help to supports healthy teeth.  The texture and density of the food helps to keep their teeth clean, and reduce plaque to help support healthy teeth. 

How to tell your dog has healthy teeth?

Signs of healthy teeth and gums: teeth coloring should be white, or slightly off white.  Dog’s gums can range from black to pink, but when they are healthy, their gums should look smooth and clean, not red or inflamed.  Fresh breath can be a sign that you dogs pups teeth are clean, and health is good. 

healthy teeth and gumsI noticed Piper’s breathe smelled better, lol.  She is our big old Labrador, who is sweet as a button, but she tends to get in your face and pant.  YUCKY, her breath was not pleasant to smell.  Honestly, it’s still not the greatest, but only because she just game over and got in my face after she was done eating.  I know she loves Purina ONE®, but I don’t want to eat it or smell it on her breath, lol.  Hey, it’s the truth.  Who wants to smell their dogs breath right after they get done eating?  Not me, no office Purina we still love you!  Regardless, Piper’s breath smells better, which tells me Purina ONE® is working hard to help make her a healthier and happier girl. 

shiney coat dogsThere you have it, the reason I decided to try the Purina ONE® 28-Day Challenge, which really comes down to my dogs health.  I did notice a difference in all of them, mostly Piper and Skittles, but I think it’s because they are the older than the other two.  Trip and Noodles are barely a year old, so they are already extremely active, and love to run around.  However, I noticed a HUGE improvement in Trips’ coat.  It is so healthy and shiny now.  

We love our dogs, and their health is important to us.  The way I see it is, why not give The Purina ONE® 28-Day Challenge a try.  It is worth every last second you spent if it helps improve your dogs heath.  Plus, you can sign your dog up for the Purina ONE® 28-Day Challenge online, and track the results.  When the 28 days is up, you make the call, just like we are making the call to continue to use Purina ONE® because we saw a noticeable difference in all our dogs.  

If you want to improve your dogs health why not try the 28 day challenge?  You can get Purina ONE® at your local Walmart, and even take advantage of a $3 coupon, which is available online.  Head on over and check out the Purina ONE® 28-Day Challenge.

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