DIY: Aromatherapy Rice Sock Pillow

DIY Aromatherapy Pillow


I remember my mom used to always give me a sock filled with rice to ease my neck, shoulder, let, or just about anything pain, but adding scent makes it even better.  It’s amazing how quickly scents can take you to another place, or make you remember something special, it’s almost like time traveling back to a special place.  Plus, making your own DIY Aromatherapy Pillow is cheap, super easy, and really a lot of fun.  Oh, and you will be thankful you did the next time something hurts.

Have you ever used an Aromatherapy Pillow made using rice?  Whether you want to soothe those sore muscles, or help a headache, uncooked rice, a sock, and lavender can do amazing things.   They are super easy to make, totally cheap, and we are going to show you how!  You’ll want to make one we can almost guarantee it, if you don’t already have one lying around.

DIY: Aromatherapy Rice Sock Pillow http://jennsblahblahblog.comDIY Aromatherapy Pillow

You’ll need:

  • Large thick tube sock
  • 1 bag uncooked rice
  • 1 your favorite essential oil (we used lavender)
  • Sewing kit (if you don’t have a sewing kit you can tie the end of the sock in a knot, works just as well)

How To:

  • Fill the tube sock with the uncooked rice
  • Add 10 drops of your favorite essential oil
  • Sew up the end, or you can tie a knot to keep the rice from falling out.

DIY: Aromatherapy Rice Sock Pillow

Next time you have a sore muscle or a headache give your new Aromatherapy Pillow made with ricea try.

I hope you enjoy your Aromatherapy Pillow!


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