Before I get started, I wanted to say thank you to Marshal for inviting me and to Disney for paying for my trip to LA, so I was able to attend the Delivery Man Red Carpet Premier at the El Capitan Theatre! It’s been so long since I have been away from my family, and probably longer since I have had a reason to get all dressed up. If you follow my blog, you know I recently started my road to weight loss, and I cannot tell you how much this trip motivated me. It’s strange how things like this can lift our spirits and change our way of thinking. Don’t get me wrong, I adore my family! I love them to pieces, but I think I needed to step away from it all for a few days and just have fun for myself. Do something I never, in a million years, would have thought I would experience!
Being a mommy of four, I wear a t-shirt and blue jeans when I dress up; other than that, it’s my yoga pants and a t-shirt. I cannot tell you how good it felt to get all dressed up, and I actually see myself as a woman again. I think it’s easy to forget about ourselves when life becomes repetitive. I cannot begin to tell you how amazing this trip was! I still pinch myself now and again to be sure it wasn’t a dream! Enough about me; let me tell you about the Red Carpet Premier for Delivery Man!
Delivery Man Red Carpet Premier At The El Capitan Theatre
I was fortunate enough to attend the Delivery Man Red Carpet Premier at the El Capitan Theatre. This was my first red carpet experience, and I have to say it was one of the most memorable experiences I have had. I was not only one of the first people to watch Delivery Man, I was able to meet 24 amazing bloggers, finally able to meet the man that makes all this happen for the mommy bloggers, Marshal, and lived a once in a lifetime opportunity! I cannot begin to tell you how lucky I feel to have been able to experience the Premier of Delivery Man!
We were lucky enough to stay at the Loews Hollywood Hotel, which is right across the street from the El Capitan Theatre! At 6:00 sharp, we walked from the Loews Hollywood Hotel to the amazing El Capitan Theatre, where we would actually walk down the red carpet! As soon as the El Capitan Theatre was in sight, you could see the street filled with people, the lights from the El Capitan Theatre, camera’s flashing, and people just hoping to get a glimpse of Vince Vaughn, Chris Pratt, Cobie Smulders, or one of the other stars attending the Premier. It was one of the most amazing things I had ever seen!
I probably looked like a deer in headlights the moment I stepped on the red carpet! It’s crazy busy, and there is so much going on that it was hard to focus on where I was going, or who I was, for that matter! Of course, one cannot be on the red carpet and not get a picture! Super huge thanks to Marshal from Disney and Jenn from Five Dollar Shake for making sure this mommy blogger had a picture of her first red carpet experience! Yea, you see that cheeser smile! At this point, I thought I was at home in my bed, dreaming of the premier still, not actually there!
We didn’t have a whole lot of time on the red carpet, so everyone had to move pretty quickly. Snap your pictures and go, or I pinky promise I would have tons more pictures, lol. It was a balancing act as it was: taking pictures, trying to sneak another picture on the red carpet, not running into anyone, listening to security, and not tipping over in your heels.
This was my first red carpet event; I’m in no way a pro, and I had no idea what to expect! I wish I would have made myself calm down a little more and snapped a few more pictures! I’m sure I will get better if lucky enough to attend another. I didn’t see anyone famous while I was walking down the red carpet, but that was only because I was still in disbelief that I was actually in LA standing on the red carpet. It’s true, and lucky for me, the wonderful Marshal hooked me up with some fabulous pictures of all the stars!
A wonderful shot of both Vince Vaughn and Chris Pratt! They are both seriously that handsome in person!
I’m still in disbelief that I was actually there, walking down the same red carpet and sitting in the same theatre as Chris Pratt, Cobie Smulders, and Vince Vaughn!
Anna Farris, Chris Pratt, Stacie Snyder, Vince Vaughn, and Ken Scott! Yes, I know I’m still slapping myself as well! Don’t think the fun has stopped here! We still have not even made it inside the building yet!
Finally, we make it inside and sit down to watch Delivery Man! The El Capitan Theatre is amazing—more beautiful than I ever imagined! We had to check out the cameras at the door (with good reason), or I would share a picture with you. If you ever have the chance to visit the El Capitan Theatre in LA, I highly recommend it; it’s the most amazing theater I have seen.
It’s still not over. After watching Delivery Man, we headed to the Hard Rock Cafe for the after party! That’s right, this everyday mommy of 4 was able to attend an after-party with the stars! We walked across the street to the Hard Rock Cafe, the streets still lined with people and cameras flashing. The Hard Rock Cafe was just across the street, but it felt like it took forever to get there. It’s not everyday that one is invited to an afterparty with Vince Vaughn and Chris Pratt! Finally, we made it over to the Hard Rock Cafe for the after party!
Okay, so I have vouched to always be honest with my readers. When I first walked into the after party, I was star struck. The room was full of people, and I knew Vince Vaughn was in there! You know, I just kind of stood there for a moment to soak it all in, look around, and take a deep breath because I wasn’t sure what to do, how to act, or what to expect, for that matter! I sure didn’t expect the big-name stars like Vince Vaughn, Chris Pratt, or Anna Faris to talk with us much, but they did. I love Vince Vaughn. He’s one of my husbands and one of my favorite actors, so having the opportunity to not only meet but also talk to him was out of this world!
I’m sure you already know how beautiful Anna Faris is, but let me tell you, she is even more beautiful once you meet her. She is funny, super sweet, and WOW, she just looked amazing in her black lace dress! Vince Vaughn and Chris Pratt wow; they are just as handsome in person and are both very nice. They talked to all the bloggers, took pictures with us, laughed, and enjoyed the evening.
It was amazing; we were rubbing shoulders with celebrities, and it was awesome! This normal mom of four actually had the opportunity to experience what it’s like to be a star! Even if it was just for a few hours, it’s a memory I will carry with me for ever and ever. And when I went to pick up my kids from school yesterday, their teacher met at the door to ask for my blog link so they could read about my experience! WOW! I cannot put into words how amazing the evening was, and my husband told me the smile I get on my face when I talk about it is priceless!
My husband asked me what my favorite part about the whole event was. I thought about it for a while, and I don’t think I can say one part was better than the other, everything was amazing! I can honestly say being able to experience the entire event was amazing, and I am fortunate to have been able to do so!
Delivery Man In Theatres November 22, 2013!
I’m not going to give them the film away, but I can say SEE IT when it comes out! Take your families, and be on the lookout for my delivery man review on November 22! That’s right, I’m going to make you wait just a little bit longer!
DreamWorks Pictures’ Delivery Man” stars Vince Vaughn as affable underachiever David Wozniak, whose anonymous donations to a fertility clinic 20 years earlier resulted in 533 children. David must now embark on a journey that leads him to discover not only his true self but also the father that he could become.
A DreamWorks Pictures and Reliance Entertainment presentation, the film is written for the screen and directed by Ken Scott, based on “Starbuck,” the original screenplay written by Ken Scott and Martin Petit, and also stars Chris Pratt and Cobie Smulders. “Delivery Man” is produced by André Rouleau and executive produced by Ray Angelic, Scott Mednick and Mark Sourian.
Until November 22, 2013 be sure to keep up with Delivery Man on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, Instagram, Tumblr, Tweet the Offical Hashtag #DeliveryManFilm, and Follow our Hashtag from the Delivery Man Red Carpet Premier #DeliveryManEvent.
What an exciting experience! I only live about an hour from the El Capitan, but amazingly have only been once, a couple years ago. My Christmas present to the family, to see A Christmas Carole. Very fun, but no red carpet!
It sounds like you had a great time. I would have so nervous!My daughter had done a couple of those events and really enjoyed it.
OMG, IT WAS CRAZY BUT SO MUCH FUN!!! I’m still going ga ga over the whole deal lol
How exciting is that?! I am SO JEALOUS!!!!! I cannot wait for the movie and you looked FABULOUS!!! <3
I love the photo you caught at the afterparty with Vince – he looks like “Yay!”. Was so fun meeting you!
Liza it was soooooo much fun meeting you as well.. Sorry I have not been more active in the FB group I have been dealing with some family issues.. FINGER CROSSED WE MEET AGAIN 🙂
Wow, this sounds amazing!! Congratulations this is such a wonderful opportunity. I think you looked great on the red carpet, it’s nice to get all dolled up every once in a while.
it was so awesome.. I had a blast! still cannot belive I was able to go
I just read your review for Thor:Dark World, buy there’s no area to comment on that post so I will comment here. Thor: Dark World sounds really great, I cannot wait to see it. Congratulations again on having such a wonderful opportunity, and thank you for the awesome review anf the pictures.
OMG THERE IS NO PLACE TO COMMENT… THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR LETTING ME KNOW! Thanks so much for the comment M. Clark I cannot tell you what a good movie it is, do you love Thor? the first movie? If so you will love this one, even if not I think everyone will love it, because it’s different than the first one I love the funny parts and Darcy rocks lol
That’s freakin awesome!! Lucky!! I have been wanting to see that since I first heard about it and still haven’t seen it! And what a great cast! What a great experience!