As the weather gets cooler, the leaves begin to fall, and before we know it, Halloween will have come and passed. I say it all the time, and I’ll say it again, I LOVE THE FALL AND WINTER! It’s also time for us to start thinking about fall health, things we can do to give our body a boost during cold and flu season. Here are five vitamins to take in the fall to give your body a healthy boost. I don’t think about the vitamins my body by the season. I heard about Walgreens joining Vitamin Angels to help 100 million children in the United States. It’s a win-win, this year I’m taking vitamins for fall health and giving my body a little boost. Since cold and flu season is approaching fast it’s the perfect time to arm yourself with vitamins, your body needs for a healthy fall.
Since cold and flu season is approaching fast it’s the perfect time to arm yourself with vitamins, your body needs for a healthy fall. Buying vitamins and supplements to l not only help give you an extra boost, but if you purchase your vitamins and supplements from Walgreens, you’ll be helping children in need. It’s a win-win, this year I’m taking vitamins for fall health and giving my body a boost as we roll into the cold and flu season.
5 Vitamins To Arm Your Body For a Healthy Fall
Here are 5 vitamins I use to arm my body for a healthy fall.
I like many other Americans do my best to feed my family a well-balanced meal every night, but it doesn’t always work that way. I would like to say my table had –, veggies, fruits, dairy, lean proteins, and whole grains sitting at the table with every meal. My husband and I both work, have four children and split up in the evening to get them where they need to go. On Tues and Thurs we don’t get home until 7: 30 if we are lucky, so we do something quick.
This time of year is probably one of the worst as far as families eating a well-balanced diet too – Halloween candy, football get-together, holidays, baking, cooking, family and friends make it difficult to stick to a well-balanced diet. A multivitamin can help give your body what it needs to enjoy the fall and winter months!
Good old Vitamin D, if you’re not already taking a Vitamin D vitamin with your calcium you might want to consider it, because the vitamin D helps your body to absorb the calcium.
Keeping our bones healthy and strong is important as we get older, and taking a calcium supplement can help. Multivitamins are great, but they don’t contain a daily dose of calcium, which is critical for women. If you don’t know how much calcium you should be consuming daily visit your doctor. The correct dosing depends on gender, health status, age and diet all play a role in determining how much calcium your body needs.
Vitamin C
If you’re looking for a vitamin to help keep your immune system healthy, grab Vitamin C. If there is anytime my immune system is going to need help it’s during the fall and winter. The moment I feel myself getting sick I grab me some good old Vitamin C.
Vitamin C is key to fighting off an infection; needed for making white blood cells to fight off infection. Anytime I think I feel a cold trying to sneak up on me I reach for the Vitamin C.
I know we’re trained to think fat is a bad thing, but not when it comes to Omega-3 Fatty Acids and its two critical Omega-3 Fatty Acids. There are two essential ones, which are EPA and DHA, and they’re found in fish for the most part. ALA is another omega-3 fatty acid, but it is found in a plant like nuts and seeds. The body MUST have fatty acid to function. Omega-3 helps to lower elevated triglyceride levels, help stiffness and joint pain; DHA is important for both neurological and visual development, as well as helping you cope with the winter blues.
Yes, Omega-3 fatty acid is said that it can help lower levels of depression, and it’s great to take all year-long. I added it to the list because Omega 3 fatty acid delivers significant health benefits in the fall, winter, spring, and summer.
When You Purchase Vitamins You’re Helping a Child In Need!
When shopping for vitamins, you might find it useful to know that you can help a child in need with every vitamins or supplements purchase at Walgreens. Millions of children around the world are suffering from ‘hidden hunger’, a lack of micronutrients that can lead to disease and even death. In fact, 45% of all childhood deaths are attributable to under-nutrition. is giving a portion of all vitamin retail sales to Vitamin Angels to help 100 million children in the U.S. and abroad get the vitamins they need to live well.
Whether you visit your local Walgreens or visit shopping for vitamins this fall is a win-win situation. See, you’ll get vitamins to keep you and your family healthy this fall/winter, and you can help a child in need with every vitamins or supplement you purchase!
Which Vitamins do you arm your and your family with for a healthy fall? Arm Your Body For a Healthy Fall