20 things for kids to do outside this summer

Twenty Things To Get Kids Outside This Summer


With school almost out its time to start thinking about things to get our kids outside this summer!  I don’t know about you, but I dont’ want my children sitting in front of the TV or gaming all summer long.  I want them to get outside, and have fun.  There are so many things we as parents can do to encourage our kids to get our kids outside for some fun.  If you live where it’s HOT, you might have to consider early morning activities outside, or even late evening fun.  My husband and I were talking about it tonight, it’s time to start coming up with fun things for them to do outside in the evenings.  I wish I could send them outside during the day, but where we live it’s just too hot.  I would be scared they would have a heat stroke.  Since we cannot spend the summer camping in Ruidoso where it is nice and cool, we have to find fun things for the kids to do outside of the house in the early mornings, evenings, and during the day we will need to come up with some indoor activities to keep the kids busy.  

Last year was my first summer home with the kids, and it was loads of fun.  However, I wished I would have known then what I know now.  It would have been nice if I had planned things for the kids to do.  I guess becoming a stay at home mom requires a little practice, and planning to keep the kids busy.   This year I don’t want to be caught off guard, if that is possible lol.  Here are a few things I have come up with to keep my kids outside and away from the TV this summer.  

20 things for kids to do outside this summerTwenty Things To Get Kids Outside This Summer

If you are looking for things for kids to do outside here are a few we have come up with, I hope they help.

  • Morning Painting – In the mornings, nice and early the kids and I will go in the backyard for inspiration and paint.  You can make frames, and use an old white sheet as the canvas, or get paper from the store.  Whatever works for you and the kids?  At one point we even had a fun decorate your sister day.  The kids used washable paints and decorated each other.  By the time it started warming off, it was time for mom to blast them with the hose, lol.  It’s tons of fun.  The kids always look forward to our painting mornings.    
  • Bubble Blowing – The two younger girl have a bubble blowing contest.  Since bubbles are cheap I will buy different bubble blowing tools, and let the girls have fun.  They have contacts to see who can blow the biggest, most, and coolest bubble of all.  Oh, and they would do this for hours I let them lol.    
  • Sand Castle – The kids have an area in the backyard where we put a sandbox a few years ago.  In the mornings they will go to the sandbox and build sand castles. If you do not have a sandbox you can buy a plastic pool and fill it with sand, and it will work great.
  • Scavenger hunt – Adults can put together a scavenger hunt.
  • Bike Wash – Kids can put together a “car/bike/trike/scooter wash.”  Make the kids some soapy water, and let them wash all their toy cars.
  • Cloud watching – So much fun to lay out a blanket and watch the clouds in the evening.   I am surprised every time we do this, because my kids turn around cloud into city filled with puppies, lol.     
  • Water balloon fight – Nothing says summer like a water balloon fights.
  • Hideout – Make the kids a hideout.  You can do these several different ways, but one of our favorite is using a hula hoop and old sheet.  You can hang it from anywhere in the yard, and the kids love it.
  • Pool – This year we cannot put up our big pool, but the two younger girls are happy with anything.  I already have a pool waiting to be put up as soon as school is out.  If I allowed them to spend every day all day in the pool they probably would lol.  Whatever you do not forget to cover your kids in sunscreen if they spend time outside in the pool. 
  • Sidewalk Chalk – We always have sidewalk chalk lying around.  The kids draw all over the sidewalk, and we have several fun games we play too. 
  • Sprinkler under the trampoline – Another one of my kids favorite activities is easy.  All you need is a trampoline and a sprinkler.  Place the sprinkler under the trampoline, and turn it on.  The kids will stay cool while they hump or play games.  Oh, and your lawn will get water too. 
  • Homemade Sprinkler – Did you know you can make a homemade sprinkler out of an old coke bottle?  It’s easy, and you can hang it from a tree and let the kids have fun getting wet while you water your lawn. 
  • Paper airplane race – Build your best paper airplane and see who’s can fly the fastest and furthest.
  • Car Wash – This time the kids            
  • Fly a Kite – Kites are super cheap, and loads of fun!  I try to keep several around for the year.  
  • Concert – My kids love music, and love the chance to put on a concert for their father and I.  
  • Backyard picnic – Have fun with a  backyard picnic.  My kids always love heading into the backyard without mom for a kids picnic.  See I have to make lunch, but don’t get invited lol.
  • Garage Painting – Grab washable paints and let the kids have fun coloring dads garage, lol.  I think dad about passed out until I told him it easily washed off with the water hose. 
  • Kids Day – Let the kids choose what they do!  Mine always pick swimming, but it’s fun for them because they are in control of what they do for the day.  My only rule is that it must be outside.
  • Evening and morning walks – One of our favorites is the evening and morning walks.  Typically I will walk and the kids will ride their bikes, and Vayda is super excited to be riding her NEW scooter.  It’s been hard to find a scooter that could keep up with our little Vayda, but thank to ZincSports.com we found one that is AWESOME enough to keep up with her, and she loves it.  Oh, and it’s even her favorite color.

kids scooter for outsideThis scooter is the perfect ride for my kids, for the plain and simple reason that they would rather play in the dirt because it’s well dirty. They complain about riding their bikes and scooters in the street because there’s nothing fun to do, and you can only ramp the same ole curb so many times dad. There’s an open lot close to our house that the neighborhood kids have turned into a little off-road track for their bikes they have it packed in pretty good, and now Vayda goes through it with her new scooter.  

kids scooterShe had her last scooter a few months, and she was super upset when it broke, but it just couldn’t keep up with her.  She’s not your average girl.  Vayda needs things that can keep up with her, so your average scooter just doesn’t work now that she is getting older.

She was broken hearted over the loss of her scooter, and Jenn and I toiled over what to do, not really wanting to spend more money on another scooter that was not going to hold up, but also very tired of hearing all the “oh woe is me dear parents I no longer have a scooter to ride”. We decided to see if we could find a scooter that was more suitable for our daughter’s rough style of riding. It would have to be well-built but not heavy and bulky, it would need to be like my wife puts it, multi terrain capable (she means off-road) but most of all it would have to look cooler than all the other scooters in the hood.  We didn’t have to look far, because ZincSports.com came to the rescue when they emailed me about this review.           .

kids outsideThe Scrambler Dirt Scooter is awesome, you know being the father of three girls there have been very few toys that I wish I could play with, but it was different with the Scrambler. After I completed the very simple very brief assembly, which by the way is simple just put on the handlebars and tighten two hex head screws and your done took me two minutes then it was like I was a kid again. I couldn’t help myself, I had to take a ride and to my surprise it held my 210 pound self with no problem. It’s tough and rugged and its all-terrain, and Vayda loves it like really loves it I sat on it when I sat on her bed to wake her up this morning for school and even more surprising is that it is shining like it did when I took it out of the box she actually cleans it. Wow, that’s not like Vayda!  

things for kids to do outsideOur little Mattie is dreaming of the day she is big enough to ride her big sisters scooter, lol.  

The Scrambler Dirt Scooter is made of strong but lightweight aluminum, it sports Chro-moly batwing handle bars with a CNC aluminum 6061 trip clamp to hold tight to the treadles headset. The deck is 5”wide and made from 6061 aluminum built to mountain board spec. In my book the coolest feature on this scooter is the tires, they are 200×50 mm nylon core pneumatic (air inflated) tires they are the key to the Scramblers multi terrain capabilities, and they do their job because all the kids in the neighborhood are scrambling to get their own Scrambler Dirt Scooters.

Check out Zinks full line of scooters at zinksports.com where you will find everything from dirt scooters and e- scooters to skateboards and stunt scooters. They even have something for the little ones called rollers preschool check it out.

Visit ZincSports.com to see all their fabulous products.

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