Tips To Deal with Holiday Stress Like a Boss

Tips To Deal with Holiday Stress, Like a Boss, with a Cake Boss Party!


“I participated in an Influencer Activation on behalf of Influence Central for Cake Boss. I received product samples and a promotional item to thank me for participating.”

It’s hard to deal with holiday stress, and it seems like once you been bitten by the stress bug there’s no coming back until after the holidays… Well, that was until my sister, and I came up with a few ways to help one another deal with holiday stress like a boss, with Cake Boss Party that is!  Oh yes, we also took a break from Christmas like a boss and celebrated with a Cake Boss Party!

This Christmas is extra special to me.  I have someone in my life who I haven’t been with on Christmas for over 12 years.  After years of rocky roads and uncertainty, my sister is doing great and actually living here with me and my family.  I honestly couldn’t be happier to have my baby sister in my life; she’s truly my best friend, and it feel so good to have her back.  If I never get anything ever again I’m happy because all, I have wanted for the past few years is to know my sister was going to be okay.   I truly feel like my life is complete!  

How To Take A Break From Christmas Like a Boss A Cake Boss

This year is the year, it’s been so stressful and our family has been through a lot, but when it was all said and done everything worked out perfectly.  I guess we have to experience a variety of feelings, so we learn truly to appreciate all the good that comes our way.  If everything in our lives were perfect, it would be easy to take all the small things that matter so much for granted. 

Things work themselves out when they’re ready and as they need to, and this year is our year!  My sister has been here for a few weeks, and I feel like I’m getting to know her all again, and she’s the most amazing person I know.  I am proud to tell everyone she is my sister and even more importantly, my kids are beyond proud to tell everyone about their Aunt Rema (Lorena).  She’s by far the coolest chick I know, and one of the strongest most beautiful people, inside and out, I’ve met!  

I can’t think of anything I would ask for to be different!  I have all the people in my life who I care about in my life.  I don’t have to worry about anyone, or wonder where they are or what they are doing.  Life is good, and I can’t tell you how amazing it is to finally have my sister here.  All the other years that was the one thing I was missing, my sister.

Tips To Deal with Holiday Stress Like a Boss

Tips To Deal with Holiday Stress Like a Boss

It’s easy to get caught up in the stress of the holidays.  This year my sister and I were talking, and we stopped the stress before it consumed us.  Rather than allowing the stress of the holidays control us, we had an awesome talk and came up with a few ideas to keep the holiday stress away.  There is no way I’m going to get stressed out, and forget about how grateful I am for EVERYTHING and everyone this year!  If you’re feeling the stress of the holidays sneak up on you here are a few tips for dealing with holiday stress that worked for us.

Remember to breathe and stop trying to control things you can’t

I’m guilty of attempting to control things I have absolutely no control over, which only leads to stress.  If you’re a control freak too, it’s okay but recognize that you are, take a deep breath and accept the fact you cannot control other people and individual situations.  Don’t allow something you have no control over to stress you out.

Bye-Bye to expectations

Say bye to any expectations you have and be ready only to worry about the important things and what Christmas is really about.

Smile and be with people you care about

Something I’ve learned this year is the company you keep can have an enormous impact on the amount of stress you feel.  Before my sister got here, I was going CRAZY, running around, trying to get so much done that I was getting nothing finished. 

Get enough sleep

Be sure to get enough sleep!  This is where I struggle, and I’ve noticed a BIG difference in my stress levels when I lack sleep.  I know I’m not the only person who needs sleep, lol.

Eat healthy foods

It’s easy to forget to eat healthy during the holidays because everyone is in a hurry and baking sweets, but DON’T forget to eat healthily. 

OMG, drink water.

Don’t forget to drink your water and keep your body hydrated.

Slow down 

The holidays are the time to be happy and enjoy the season, family, friends and all the other blessings in your life.  Don’t stretch yourself so thin you can’t enjoy the holidays.  Remember you don’t have to do everything!  Slow down and remember if you can’t fit it in, don’t overdo it. 

Take a break from Christmas like a boss

Okay, I don’t know if you want to call it a girls night or what, but my sister and I called it taking a break for Christmas like a boss night!  Which was seriously what we all needed to reset the clocks and put that spring back in our steps right before the Christmas gets here, and the real stress hits.  I think everyone with holiday stress should STOP and take a break for Christmas like a boss. 

How To Take A Break From Christmas Like a Boss - A Cake Boss!!

How To Take A Break From Christmas Like a Boss – A Cake Boss!!

We recently kicked the holiday stress to the curb like a boss, with a Cake Boss Party!  I know, right?  There isn’t a better way to distress like a boss than with a Cake Boss Party!  I have done many parties in my time, and I can honestly say this has been one of my favorite, and most memorable ones.  We had so much fun, everyone together that we all were able to take a break from Christmas and distress! 

make a cake boss cake

Before everyone arrived Mattie, and I started baking our little hearts out.  She is such a trooper and runs that KitchenAid mixer like a boss!  No joke, she mixed everything and of course she had to break the eggs too!  Doesn’t she look like a natural in the kitchen, using the mixer like she’s been doing it since she was in diapers?

Only a few more cakes to go and Mattie will be all finished baking….. While Mattie finishes baking let’s talk about everything we received for the Cake Boss Party!

We received so many excellent Cake Boss products I don’t even know where to start.  Let’s begin with the Cake Boss sprinkles, bakeware, frosting, icing spatulas, spoonula (AWESOME), fondant, cake mix, decorating tips, decorating bags, bowls, cups, and more. 

cake boss products

I love Cake Boss Bakeware, and have tried a few Cake Boss products, which are all great.  Cake Boss products are without a doubt the top of the line, and the cake mix is the BOMB.  Yes, everyone had something to say about the cake, but they thought Mattie and I made it from scratch.  When I told them, it was a Cake Boss Mix they freaked out because the cake is fantastic.   

cake boss party time

Looks like Mattie has the cake done but there wasn’t enough room for all of them on the table, so she left a few in the oven to cool while mom snaps some pictures!  Doesn’t it look like so much fun, and don’t forget not-at-all a stressful party?  It most certainly does to me…

cake boss party girls rolling out fondant

We got the kids all situated on their little piece of fondant.  I’m not sure they knew what they were going to do with it, but they couldn’t wait to start using the rolling pins and flattening it out for some reason, lol.  Regardless, they had so much fun and learned a lot about cake decorating and how to use fondant.  All three of the kids told us they knew what to do with it, so we gave them a little with a cupcake and said here.  They rolled it out and looked at us, well like Mattie looks in the above pictures…. She didn’t have a clue, LOL.  How can one not love children, they make things so much more fun.

cake decorating

Okay, now this is where the kids started to have too much fun with the icing, LOL.  

cupcake decoating

They were decorating their flower cupcake and things sorta, kind of got a little out of control.  See Vayda has that look, she’s trying to act like she’s not plotting to use as much frosting as possible the moment I’m busy taking a picture elsewhere, lol. 

cupcake decorating

All my kids are extremely independent, and since they watch Cake Boss, they already know how to do everything.  

cupcake decorating 2

The girls are so crazy, and they had so much fun making cupcakes. It’s not every day they are allowed to go frosting crazy.

make cupcakes decoate

I’m just going to let you imagine where this went… They eventually got the bright idea to trade frosting, and well… They used every last bit, but they had so much fun.  I think it’s so important for us to remember that adults are not the only ones who deal with stress.  Children feel stress, they just don’t know how to express themselves.  They need days like this to distress just like we do!  I noticed a huge difference in the girls and their attitudes too.  They’re arguing with each other less and been spending more time playing, smiling and enjoying the day.

cake boss cake decoarting

Everyone was having so much fun my husband even joined in the fun and took over frosting the cake.

shawn decorating a cake

He wanted to make sure it was done correctly before we put the fondant over it.  See, I got a hard job rolling out the fondant, and have you ever noticed that nobody every takes a picture of the host… GOSH, I’m going to have to change that… 

cake decorating with fondant

Haha, yes the cake is under there somewhere.  I have to add that this chocolate fondant is incredible! Not only is it easy to work with, but it taste great.  I don’t normally like fondant, but this was good, I’m very impressed and will be using it again.  

cake boss party to destress before the holidays

If you’re looking for fondant that taste great, try Cake Boss Fondant.  It’s ready in the box; all you do is take it out, cut the package open and roll it out.  The fondant was easy to roll out and cover the cake with.  Another item that everyone seemed to like is the spoonula.  See you can even use it to tuck the corners of the cake like Lorena is doing, lol.  Everyone was so happy they were able to take home a Cake Boss spoonula!  It was a huge hit before the party got started when my sister-n-law noticed it.  

How To Take A Break From Christmas Like a Boss - A Cake Boss!

BAM, we have the starry night cake!  The starry night cake, made for Lorena because she didn’t get a cake this year for her birthday…  It was a little late, but they always say better late than never.   We asked her what she wanted on her cake, and she said glowing stars, pretty cool right!  I can’t wait to make more cakes.

Everyone got to take home a Cake Boss Party Bag, which included a few fun tools and supplies for them to use.  Gosh, we all had so much fun together that we did one cake at a time rather than everyone’s, lol.

I have to say this party was for sure special, fun, and something I’ll always remember.  It was an awesome way to take a break from the stress of daily life, get together with family and friends and enjoy something relaxing, yet challenging, and rewarding.  I think everyone agreed we wanted to do another one, but we have a few ideas for our next party. 

We are all a little braver when it comes to creating a fun decorated cake. So, we want to step things up a bit, and maybe rather than doing community cakes, do couples cakes or something fun.  We like the idea of helping one another, but we also want to see what one another will create on their own…  Who knows, maybe we have a Cake Boss in our little group! I don’t think life could be any sweeter at my house right now. 

I do enjoy watching Cake Boss on TLC, and I thought I was a fan until I was listening to my daughters talk at our party.  WOW, they know everything.. They even knew what tools they were using and had a good idea how everything worked.  Dang, they are defiantly dedicated viewers!

I’m going to be buying more Cake Boss products without a doubt if you’re interested or want to learn more about them you can head over to 

What about you, do you watch Cake Boss on TLC?

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