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CWIST – Creative Parenting With A Twist, That’s Fun For Kids!


dislcosureThis has always been my favorite time of year.  When I was a child I loved the gifts, now as an adult who understands the real meaning of Christmas I truly love helping others.  I love baking cookies for people, giving gifts, but my favorite is helping those in need.  The feeling is something that I cannot describe, and I want to pass that along to my children.  As a parent I’m always open-minded when it comes to creative parenting.  I want to help my children see the other side of things, without being too pushy.  I want them to understand there is more to Christmas than recieving gifts.  Which is why I am happy to introduce CWIST – Creative Parenting With A Twist that’s fun for kids.

CWIST Creative Parenting With A Twist website snapshot with swist logo, pictures of kids, keys, and moneyCWIST – Creative Parenting With A Twist That’s Fun For Kids!

CWIST is a new program, filled with cwists, which are challenges designed to educate, and inspire children while having fun, and learning how to make a healthy connect between the things they want, and what it takes to get them.  Parents will find a large interactive library filled with unique challenges, from areas like community service, creativity, sports, family life, learning, PBS Kids, physical activates, and more.   It’s also a great way for parents to see what things their children are wishing for, and reward them with it after they have earned it.  Cwist has several great partner companies like Edmund Scientific, Imagine Toys, and several more.  Not to worry if cwist doesn’t have what your child wishes for, they can enter their own unique reward.  It’s a great way to motivate kids to learn work ethic, delayed gratification, and help build self-confidence.

The challenges are geared toward children in K-5, but all my kids had fun completing their assigned cwists.  My youngest Mattie is three, I think she is too young to complete challenges on her own, so the first cwist my kids completed as a team.  They are pretty tight, Mattie really looks up to her big sisters, and in my option you cannot start teaching kids the true meaning of Christmas too early.  “Teaching The True Meaning of Christmas” was the first cwist my children completed.

list of things kids can do on the new cwist programThey asked several adults to explain the true meaning of Christmas, talked with their dad about wishes, and wish lists.  It also made them start thinking outside, the box.  They started talking about heading down to the mall and looking to see if it was too late to get a family to help for Christmas, asked questions about programs in our area, and they all decided that they wanted to put their money together and donate it to a family in need.  They have been tossing around other ideas, even started talking about what they wanted to do next year, and how they wanted to continue helping others throughout the entire year.  GREAT cwist, and my kids learned it all on their own, which made them more willing to take in the information.   They even started doing nice things for me, without me asking them.  I know, I had to look outside and see if it was snowing too, lol.  I have good kids, but WOW!

Teaching the TRUE Meaning of Christmas” helped my children stop focusing on gifts, and think about those who are less fortunate.  It also teaches how good it feels doing things for others during the holiday season, and being recognized for the awesome selfless actions.  It’s a great cwist that can be completed individually, or as a group.  My oldest daughter took the lead, and all my children completed the cwist step-by-step.  I love watching my children work to help someone else.


Since the kids are out of school for two weeks I have a few more planned.  This weekend I’m going to have my kids “Create a Snow Globe“, and later I would like to try “Let’s Make Crystals“, “Every Picture Tells a Story“, “Fancy Feet“, “One rotten Apple“, “ACK! I’ve Got Homework“, and “Are We There Yet” to name a few.   “Are We There Yet?” sounds like it’s going to be good for the entire family.  The goal is to spend time together as a family, playing games, taking, and bonding while traveling rather than playing on electronics.  We’re going to my mom and dads this weekend, it’s only two hours away – the perfect road trip to complete “Are We There Yet?“, I’m pretty excited about it.

cwist kids login screenMany of the cwists can be done together, or individually.  We’re a pretty close family, and my kids spend a lot of time together.  I can honestly say they each others closest friends, and it’s nice to see them grow and learn completing the same activities, but still have some of their own to complete.  CWIST is recommended for children K-5, but I have found that all my kids enjoy it, and have found value from completing cwists.  My youngest needs a little help, but she’s blessed with great older sisters who are always willing to involve, and help her.

cwist screen when kids are signed onAnother thing I like is that my children can login to their own account, make a wish, view their cwist list, complete cwists, and explore.  Mattie doesn’t have her own profile, she shares with her older sisters.  I don’t even want to think about what would happen if I turned my 3 year old loose with the computer.  Which is probably the reason for the recommended age not being 3, lol.  MY kids love it, and it’s a great way to hold them accountable, and make them feel good about what they are doing.

Four kids sitting under a Christmas tree one with a hat one and gifts in the backgroundKids CWIST For Kids Campaign

I’m super excited to share Kids CWIST For Kids campaign that is currently underway.  This is an awesome opportunity for children to get involved and make this a happy holiday season for a child in need.  Children will earn a gift by completing a CWIST, and make a holiday wish come true!

steps for Kids to Earn Gifts For Kids In Need each step is written on a cartoon gift and are different colorsFirst parents will select one child who they would like to earn a gift for.  The profiles are of children from charity partners, The Lighthouse Shelter, Sarah’s House, and the Homeless Education Program for AAC Schools in MD.  You’ll see profiles of children who only want a toy, or a doll.  It’s also neat because you can see kids who have had their wishes granted.  Next you assign a cwist for your child to complete by 1/6/14, select a gift that matches their wish, and once your child completes their cwist the toy will be sent to the child you picked.  Each one of my kids are doing a cwist to help another little boy or girl who is in need.  You never know what your one little gift will do, and it’s a great lesson for your child as well!

CWIST is donating $2000 in toys, and if CWIST reaches their goal parents can purchase a toy from their partners at a 20% discount, and make a holiday wish come true for a child who is in need.

CWIST Blogger Ambassador LogoWhether you are looking for a way to teach your children the true meaning of Christmas, or on the lookout for creative parenting that is fun for kids CWIST is worth checking out.  It’s a great way to educate, and inspire children while having fun, and learning how to make a healthy connect between the things they want, and what it takes to get them!  Did I mention it’s fun for kids too!

Learn more about this fabulous program by visiting them online at, and be sure to check out their CWIST for Kids Campaign HERE.

In the comments below let me know what you think of CWIST, and if you think you’ll be taking advantage of their creative parenting with a twist.  Don’t forget you can also follow them on Facebook, Twitter, and Pinterest.

“I participated in a campaign on behalf of Mom Central Consulting for CWIST. I received a promotional item as a thank you for participating.”

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Jasmine P December 18, 2013 - 6:15 pm

This is great and fun!

Kathy Stuit December 18, 2013 - 8:33 pm

I loved reading this post. Even though my kids are older, I do love anything child related in learning/reading/crafting. My daughter is 13 but still enjoys doing things with me. We bake, read, craft, decorate for Christmas, and shop together-to name a few.

Stephen December 19, 2013 - 6:48 am

These are some good ideas for creative parenting!

cheryl lister December 19, 2013 - 10:46 am

This sounds like a very unique and worthwhile program. Most of the time, as kids, Christmas focuses on what they want for themselves. This completely reverses that mindset in a very fun and creative way.

Joleene Gould December 19, 2013 - 7:02 pm

I really love this i was talking to my 8 year old niece about giving back to our community and the importance of what Christmas is all about they have a little easy bake oven and she came up with doing a bake sale using their easy bake oven and giving the money to the children less fortunate then they are i feel it is important to help our little ones learn how to become a great human being with love andcompassion in their hearts.

Elizabeth Towns December 19, 2013 - 9:22 pm

This is a great idea! I want to find out more about Cwist. Creative parenting is so important to me – it helps me be the best parent that I can be and bond with my children over experiences that we’ll always have. I’m going to be checking into Cwist!

Ruth December 20, 2013 - 12:30 am

I am always looking for things that my daughter would like and would keep her invovled. This looks like something for us to check out during Christmas break!

md kennedy December 20, 2013 - 6:06 am

what a great idea! One that keeps parents involved in their kids’ learning outside of help with homework. This would also provide great ideas for teachers’ lesson plans.

Diana Scholz December 20, 2013 - 11:29 am

this looks fun, I will show my son later on!

Deborah D December 20, 2013 - 6:10 pm

This is such a great program for kids. Every community should do this.

lisa December 23, 2013 - 1:19 pm

That sounds wonderful. I have a feeling that your kids are going to be just fine.I don’t know you personally but, just from reading the blog can see that you instill good values.

donna makayak December 28, 2013 - 8:06 pm

i love it it keeps the kids busy and feeling helpful and it teaches them christmas is not not about recieving than giving.

paula peterson January 15, 2014 - 5:00 am

To be honest that’s seems like an awesome thing to do. I work as a teachers aide at Head Start, but sometimes it feels as if were hardly getting by. I’m a single mom to a little girl and we live alone in a small apartment in Spokane WA. After reading the post I guess we would be like the people on the list. God bless you for doing that!


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