12 Things To Consider Before Creating A Password

12 Things To Consider Before Creating A Password


In today’s tech world we live in it’s smart to protect yourself from cyber-attacks and security breaches and knowing the importance of creating a password is critical to keep your infroamtion safe.  It seems as though it’s a crime that keeps increasing, which is why it’s critical to safeguard your personal information, as well as your family’s information.  Whether you’re on your computer or your phone, most activities require password protected access.

12 Things To Consider Before Creating A Password

12 Things To Consider Before Creating A Password

Here are a few tips you might want to consider before creating a password.

  • Strength – How strong is your password?  Is your password something a family member would guess?  You might not need to worry about a family member stealing your password, but it’s critical your password is up to par.  When creating a password think of something with at least 8 characters, and mix it up a bit using numbers, symbols, and capitalization.  After you create your password test your passwords strength here.
  • Change your password – You might consider changing your password for each of your online accounts. 
  • Don’t use the obvious – Consider avoiding names of family member or pets. 
  • Guessing password – Can someone guess your password by watching? – Try to avoid creating a password that is easy to guess if someone is watching your keystrokes. 
  • Creative – Be creative, think outside the box, and put thought into your password.  MetLife Auto & Home has a great suggestion of using the first letter of every word in a memorable sentence, adding symbols, capitalization, and numbers.  
  • Saving passwords – Oh man, it’s hard keeping different passwords for different accounts and being expected to remember them… WOW, what does one do?  Well, you are more than likely better off using a password manager program to help track your different logins.  However, you’ll want to be sure and do your research on the company to make sure they are secure and reputable.
  • Don’t share – Don’t share your password & if you do change it right away.  It’s better to be safe than sorry.
  • Changing password – It’s a good idea to change your password every 30 to 90 days.
  • Writing down passwords – Rather than writing down passwords, you might try hints to help you remember.
  • Know the signs – Stay up to date, and get educated when it comes to phishing scams.  Know the signs of phishing scams.
  • Create a safer password – If you think an account is compromised it can be scary because your personal and financial information can be at risk.  Safeguard against hackers, and use secure passwords.  MetLife  Auto & Home has great tips to help you learn how to create safer passwords.
  • Face-to-Face Online Connections – In today’s world face-to-face meetings with online connections happens more, which is why it’s important for us to consider our safety.  However, have you ever stopped to consider how safe the online connections are?  While most people we meet are sincere there are those who are not.   Visit MetLife  Auto & Home to learn about keeping your face-to-face meetings with online connections safe.

It’s important we protect our information and financial accounts by creating a password that is safe and secure.  


What are things you consider before changing your passowrd?


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