Tomodachi Life Life & Animal Crossing New Leaf Awesome Nintendo 3DS Games

Nintendo 3DS Games for Girls | Tomodachi Life & Animal Crossing


Looking for Nintendo 3DS games for girls?  I recently downloaded Tomodachi Life and Animal Crossing™: New Leaf.  Isn’t it cool, all those Nintendo 3DS games for girls I have looked for can be downloaded. I don’t know why I have such a hard time remembering that, and it has to be one of the most convenient ways to purchase games, especially this holiday season.

Nintendo 3DS Games for Girls

I downloaded Tomodachi Life and Animal Crossing™: New Leaf for Vayda and Mattie a little while back.   If you’re looking for any last-minute gift ideas for girls, you can’t go wrong with Tomodachi Life and Animal Crossing™: New Leaf.  They’re GREAT games, and super-duper easy to purchase from the Nintendo eShop, and allow them to download to your device.  Once the game is downloaded it’s moved onto the front screen on your 3DS and wrapped up with virtual wrapping paper.  SUPER CUTE and such a great idea for the holidays.

Now let’s talk more about the awesomeness in Tomodachi Life and Animal Crossing.

Tomodachi Life Life & Animal Crossing New Leaf Awesome Nintendo 3DS Games

Tomodachi Life & Animal Crossing

I downloaded Tomodachi Life and Animal Crossing™: New Leaf on the 3DS and I have to tell you they are fun games.  I wasn’t sure what Mattie would think because it seems a little old for her, but I knew without a doubt Vayda was going to be excited.    Vayda is at the age where she pretty much enjoys any game.  She is young enough still to enjoy the little games her sister likes, but old enough to read and enjoy games like Tomodachi Life and Animal Crossing™: New Leaf, which are great games.

I’m not going to fib; I downloaded the games, played them for two evenings, and then told the girls about it.  I’m horrible, but I had to be mom and test the game’s first don’t you know.  Gosh, we can’t be just turning our kids loose with their Nintendo 3DS XL and allowing them to have all the fun with Tomodachi Life and Animal Crossing™: New Leaf.  Both of the games are excellent, fun, and something Vayda will be playing for a while.  I’m honestly thinking about purchasing another Nintendo 3DS for Mattie and I to play too.

Tomodachi Life- Game CoverTomodachi Life: New Leaf

If you haven’t heard of Tomodachi Life than let me give you a little rundown, because it is fun.

vayda playing 3ds

Raise your hand if you are familiar with the Mii Characters.  You can build Mii Characters, boys, girls, children, adults, and customize their hair, lips, eyes, and even their personality.  Which only means one thing…..  Your new Mii world will be a fun place filled with ups and downs, parties, food, unpredictable drama, and more.  These Mii’s have personality, and some are compatible while others are not.

nintendo 3ds games for girls

I was excited to learn that I could create a QR code to save my characters appearances, voice settings, and personality.  Once you start playing, it’s hard not to set everything up the way you want it.  Since we’re able to customize personalities, we can make sure Mii characters get along, and others argue.  Vayda has put in a lot of time creating her Mii characters just the way she wants them, and I know she would be upset if she needed to do it again.  So the QR codes are an AWESOME idea!

The girls and I are loving this game… Vayda seems to like it more than Mattie, but that’s because Mattie is a little too young to understand the game fully.  If you think, you’ll like Tomodachi Life then be sure and head over to and learn more…  Oh, and before I forget you can try it for free, so be sure to hurry.

Animal Crossing- New Leaf- Game Cover

Animal Crossing™: New Leaf

I played this game for the 1st time yesterday, and I honestly felt like a bratty child who didn’t want to share the 3DS with anyone because I wanted to play the game alone, LOL.  You know it’s a good game when you’re taken that far back.

I haven’t been able to play Animal Crossing™: New Leaf too much yet, but don’t you worry I will.  Vayda has played it as much as I will allow her, and she is playing her little heart out.  Animal Crossing™: New Leaf is the first game in the charming Animal Crossing series which will be for the 3DN™.

kids playing video games

At the beginning of the game, you’re on a train with another traveler who starts giving you a good idea of how things work.  Be ready because once you arrive at your town there will be a welcoming committee!    I know right, a welcoming committee.  I was stumped for a bit, but then I learned that I was the mayor of this town.  YES, it’s seriously your city from the designs to the ordinances put in place.

Since you’re the mayor of your town, you will need to take care of everything, by performing tasks that affect your city. You can set up ordinances for things like having shops open and close at certain time,   Your new lifestyle will likely take a little getting used to, but once you start moving things will become easier.  Becoming major overnight is something all of us have to adjust to :).  Animal Crossing is loaded with fun customization features to enjoy while you create your town..  Animal Crossing™: New Leaf is bringing all 3DS fans because you can personalize everything from your character’s clothes and house to furniture and patterns you want to use on your carpet.

Did you know that Animal Crossing is played in real time?  It doesn’t matter if you turn your device off, the town is always moving and flowing in real time.  There are certain times which can only be found at certain times of the day, events during a special time of the year, and more.  If you grab the game from Nintendo, eStore you can keep it on your device and watch your town change without you ever touching anything.  It’s pretty cool, and it’s hard not to love the fact there will be no 2 days that are the same!

Do you think your kids will enjoy Animal Crossing?

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