12 Reasons Extracurricular Activities Matter for Kids

12 Reasons Extracurricular Activities Matter for Kids


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Growing up extracurricular activities was important to me, because I enjoyed them.  As an adult, watching my children I have learned just how much extracurricular activities matter for kids.  Whether it’s dance class, soccer, or drama extracurricular activities can teach children several different things.  I am thankful my children have the opportunity to take part in extracurricular activities in school.

12 Reasons Extracurricular Activities Matter for Kids12 Reasons Extracurricular Activities Matter for Kids

I could go on all day about why I feel extracurricular activities matter for kids, but here 12 reasons I feel they are important.


Most extracurricular activities, such as sports, and music can help teach children about teamwork.  Whether it’s on the field, or on stage kids have to learn to work together as a team.  It’s something they can carry with them the rest of their lives.  

12 Reasons Extracurricular Activities are good for kidsRelate To Others

It can help them be around other children who enjoy some of the same things they do, who they can relate to. 

Learning Life Skills

They can learn everything from team spirit to sportsmanship, which can help with future growth.


Whether it’s making time to practice on time, or remembering to bring your musical instrument to school, they can also learn responsibility. 

kids back to school extracurricular activitiesJuggling Home & School

Being part of an extracurricular activity can also help them learn how to juggle home and school life.  Children can learn to schedule their tasks, so they can keep up with home and school activities.  Which will come in handy later in life when they have to juggle work and home life.

Physical Development

Kids can learn the important of exercise, staying fit, and healthy. 

Work Hard

If they want to take part in an extracurricular acidity it requires their grades to be good.  Whether they work hard to become better at a sport, or playing an instrument they will see themselves improve the harder they work.  Learning to work hard for things you want is important  and carry with them into their adult years.

Gives Them Something To Do

When kids have an extracurricular activity they like, they tend to work hard to stay out of trouble.  It’s been my experience, kids need something they love, that keeps them going, and helps them stay out of trouble.  As a child, I was into the rodeo scene with the school, and I stayed away from anything that would have me into trouble because I didn’t want to lose that private.


Whether it’s welding or home economics, let the creativity go.  Curiosity, thinking out of the box, and creativity are in there somewhere.  Kids just need a reason to let it go.  Arts, music, and writing are a great way to let the creativity out.  There are no boundaries with being creativity, the possibilities are endless, and it’s a great skill to have – even for adults.

Being social

Keeping that nose in the books is great, but you have to socialize too.  In the real world you will meet new people, have job interviews, and it’s important to know how to socialize with people.

Good for the mind

Keeping your nose in the books can be stressful.  You often choose your extracurricular activities, so they are fun, and give your mind a break.  There is nothing like getting away from learning and distressing for a bit.  Everyone needs time to distress, even our children.

Smiling Cheerleader With Her Pom Poms Sitting On TSelf-esteem

It feels good to be good at something.  When children are involved in extracurricular activities, it allows them to try new things, find things they enjoy, learn they don’t enjoy certain things, and find things they are willing to work hard to get better at.  They will also meet other children who enjoy the same things they do, and know they will see them the same time and same place each day.  

At the end of the day there are so many reasons extracurricular activities can be beneficial for children.  Looking back, I see how much they helped mold me into who I am, allowed me to try new things, and gave me a reason to not get involved in things I should.  I have watched my children find things they like, and even play sports they didn’t like, but they learned from each experience, and will continue to do so with each activities they take part in.  

Learn About All The Awesomeness Going On At Schoola

Helping the Adop-a-School program is easy, and you can feel good about it because it’s something that matters.  Oh, and all you have to do to donate is start shopping, or donate.  Yes, I said start shopping, see Schoola is an awesome place you can purchase discounted kids clothes and give back to schools while you do so.    Did you know that every person who request a Schoola donation bag and for every purchase made at Schoola.com they will donate $1 to KIPP Academy!  AND, if you donate cloths and fill out your school information, $2 of every $5 made will go back to the school you want to support.  See, it’s totally awesome, and a win/win for KIPP Academy and your school!  Click here to shop, donate or just learn more about Schoola.

Who is KIPP Academy?  I actually picked the school for this campaign, because it’s the one that called out to me, because in my opinion kids need to be given a chance, and KIPP Academy works hard to support kids who need all the help they can get.

Ninety-five percent of its students qualify for free or reduced-cost lunch. More than one in seven receives special education services. Music helps KIPP Academy reach and engage every child who enters its doors. The slogan on the Music Room wall sets the stage—All of Us Will Learn Music.  No matter what backgrounds they come from or what challenges they face, they learn lessons together that will serve them the rest of their lives.

If you want to learn more take a moment and check out this video!

Schoola, the best place to buy discounted kids clothes all while give back to schools in need. Click here to learn more about Schoola. 

Do your kids take part in extracurricular activities in school?  How do you feel they are beneficial for kids?

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