10 Reasons We Love the Talking Teddy Bear from CloudPets #CloudPets #JBBB http://jennsblahblahblog.com

10 Reasons We Love the Talking Teddy Bear from CloudPets


When I was little I had a talking teddy bear, and it was SO STINKING COOL!  We did everything together, and all he did was a say the same lines over and over, but hey a talking teddy bear from the 80s one cannot expect a lot.  Of course, it wasn’t nearly as cool as the talking bear from CloudPets™  that my daughter is carrying around with her everywhere she goes.  Whether you are looking for an awesome gift idea for kids, or just want to give you little one an awesome surprise we are totally digging CloudPets!  My daughter loves Diamond (her CloudPets name), and I am happy to see her happy.

What is CloudPets™ Talking Teddy Bear?

The CloudPets™ is a teddy bear that allows you use your smartphone or tablet to communicate with your child on their new talking teddy bear from CloudPets.  It’s a fun way to talk to your kids, and my kids love it.  Keep in mind that the teddy bear must be within 30 feet of the smart device you are using to connect.

How to use CloudPets™ Talking Teddy Bear

First, you will need to download the CloudPets™ app on your Android or iOS device.  Simply connect the teddy bear with your device, and you are ready to go.  It’s easy to use!  Record a message, send the message to the cloud server, teddy bear or smartphone/tablet receive message, squeeze teddy had or answer your device to hear message.  It’s super easy to use.  Sending the device from you device is easy too – just hold the button on your phone, talk for up to 10 seconds, and send the message to the teddy bear.  The bears heart will light up to let your child know they have a message waiting.

10 Reasons We Love the Talking Teddy Bear from CloudPets #CloudPets #JBBB http://jennsblahblahblog.com10 Reasons We Love the Talking Teddy Bear from Cloud Pets

I could go on and on why we love the talking bear from Cloud Pets, but I figure the top ten will give you an idea of just how cool this pet is.


I have to start out with the price. With four children, it matters!  You can get your talking teddy bear from Cloud Pets for only $29.99 plus shipping and handling.  It’s a great deal for everything this little guys does.  Oh, and the app you need to go with him is FREE!

10 Reasons We Love the Talking Teddy Bear from CloudPets #CloudPets #JBBB http://jennsblahblahblog.comHe’s stinking soft and cute

Soft and cute matters, not only to me but my 4-year-old daughter as well.  That was one of the first things she said about him, “Look mommy, he’s so sinking cute.”  Yes, she said stinking, I guess she hears me talk too much lol.

Easy to see when you have a message waiting

CloudPets™ little heart flashes when he has a message for you…

Multiple people can sign up and send messages to teddy.

I love that you are not limited to only one device!  We have the iPad, and my husband’s iPhone connected to send messages to my daughters teddy bear.

It’s fun

Talking with your kids via teddy bear ROCKS, and it’s a great way to send little sweet messages.  I used it yesterday to remind her she needed to pick up her toys out of the living room.  For some reason she works better for teddy, lol.

App Store & Google Play

You can get it both from the Apple App Store, or Google Play!

My one complaint is there is not an app for Windows devices.  For the most part, we are a Windows family, if you follow my blog you already know that.  I do however have an iPad, my husband has an iPhone, and we have several Android devices so it’s not that big of a deal, but if you are a Windows only users it’s something to consider.

Building New Add-ons

The CouldPets™ development team is working on new games and story features, as well as building new add-ons to the messaging App!  Yepie, always love when we have more to look forward to.

CloudPets Talking Bear 10 Reasons We Love the Talking Teddy Bear from CloudPets #CloudPets #JBBB http://jennsblahblahblog.comThe Talking Teddy from CloudPets is Still Huggable!

Mattie has never been too attached to a stuffed animal, but since we got the teddy bear from CloudPets™ she’s been sleeping with it, and carrying it around.  It’s nice that the teddy bear is also a teddy bear, and not filled with hard pieces that make it difficult for children to love on.  I have had a few things like this in the past that were just too hard for the kids to sleep.

It’s easy

Learning to use and setting up your new CloudPets™ is easy, I didn’t even need to read the directions, lol.  My husband read them for me, I am not going to lie, but hey, we still figured it out without any issues.  We were able to find the app right away, download easily, and start using right away.

CloudPets Talking Bear 10 Reasons We Love the Talking Teddy Bear from CloudPets #CloudPets #JBBB http://jennsblahblahblog.comMakes Learning, Cleaning Rooms, and mp FUN!

I had to add this extra one, because I have done little educational energized using the CloudPets™ Teddy Bear, and Mattie LOVES IT! Things she will not do for me, she will do for this bear!  I am not even joking, if Diamond asks her to do something she is putting in his paw!  From cleaning her room to teaching Teddy the ABC’s she loves her new talking teddy.  I think she forgets it’s mom, dad, or big sister on the other end, but hey who cares it’s all about being a kid and enjoying life!

Only one complaint, I wish they had an app for us Windows users too!  If you follow me you know I am all about the Windows devices, don’t get me wrong my husband has an iPhone, I have an iPad, and we have Android devices, but the phone that I use daily is Windows.  It’s a minor issue, but something worth mentioning for those who only have Windows devices, but who knows maybe they will come out with a Windows app soon.

Before you go here is a YouTube video to show you just how cool this little talking bear is!

You can learn more about CloudPets™ by visiting their website.  Don’t forget to be social and follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, and of course Instagram.  If you want to see this little guy in action you can visit their YouTube page too.

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