8 Ways Fitbit is Helping Me Reach My Weight Loss Goals

Fitbit helping me reach weight Loss goals & make healthy choices


This is a compensated shop about how Fitbit is helping me reach my weight loss goals by By Collective Bias (#CollectiveBias), Inc and it’s advertiser Walgreens (#BalanceRewards).  All opinions in this post are 100% my own. 

I have focused on my weight loss goals for the past few months, things were going VERY good, but I needed to find a way to keep me motivated to make healthy choices.  My husband suggested I buy a Fitbit, because I used to have a Jawbone, and it really helped me focus on what I was putting into my body, and how much I was moving each day.  Good new, I’m losing weight with Fitbit, and totally loving it.  Two weeks ago I broke, and purchased a black Fitbit, and Fitbit scale, which synchronizes with the computer so I can easily track everything from my PC or phone using the Fitbit app.  They have helped me stay focused, which has helped me get back on track, and I am more motivated now than I have been the entire time.

I went to Walgreens with my husband yesterday, and he found out how much I had saved up in Balance Reward points, lol.  Honestly, I am pretty impressed with my balance being over $100, and I asked him to please not touch it, because I plan on using it to reward myself once I lose my weight.  You know, maybe some new makeup, smelly good, or anything else I find at Walgreens that I love.  Do you use Walgreens Balance Rewards?  If not I highly suggest joining, for several reasons:

  • It’s free
  • You earn rewards, which can be used for in store purchases on things your buy from Walgreens or Walgreens.com.
  • Save them for a rainy day, a mom day, or a reward for yourself.  You can spend extra money at Walgreens.

It’s a great program, and how I plan on rewarding myself along the way.  Oh, and Walgreens also believes in rewarding their customers for making healthy choices, and taking steps with devices like the Fitbit.  Don’t worry, I’ll explain in a bit, it’s one of the reasons I’m totally loving m Fitbit.

8 Ways Fitbit is Helping Me Reach My Weight Loss Goals8 Ways Fitbit Helping Me Reach Weight Loss Goals & Make Healthy Choices

If you’re thinking about getting a Fitbit or another device to help you monitor your lifestyle here is 8 reasons I am loving the Fitbit..

Eat Better – The Fitbit helps me focus on what I am putting into my body, because once I decide to eat it – I log it, and it goes against the calories I’m allowed for the day.  Now I know, and pay attention to everything I put into my mouth, and think before I do it.  

Be more active – It’s also helped me see exactly how many steps I am taking in a day, and how far I actually walk.  It’s been motivating, because I find myself trying to walk more each day, especially since I know I am also being rewarded by Walgreens.

Setting goals – Setting goals has always helped me accomplish things, and it’s easy with Fitbit.  It’s almost like signing a contract with yourself.  I Jenn will want to lose weight.  Now sign by the X please. Fitbit helps me do that by providing me with my results every day. 

Online tools – If you have extra time, check out their online tools and mobile app.  They are easy to use, and integrate fitness into your daily life by synchronizing your smartphone and computer.  Before you know it, you’re making healthy choices because it’s a a habit. 

Friends – Just like anything, it’s more fun when you know there are others in it with you.  Fitbit helps connect you with a community of Fitbit users. You can see their achievements, challenge them, and everyone helps to encourage one another.  It’s a great community, and I have really enjoyed being part of it. 

Sleep – It helps me really understand why a good night’s sleep is important, and does matter.  We hear it all the time, but Fitbit shows me how well I sleep at night which helps you focus on getting the sleep your body needs to lose weight.  If I start lacking on sleep, it’s when I stop losing, and start gaining.  Sleep is very important, and I need all the help I can get when it comes to focusing on sleep. 

Everything is in black and white – Okay, so the Fitbit app is actually colorful, but when the day is over and I review my results, it’s all in black and white.  There is no guessing, or assuming, everything is figured out.  I know every day how many steps I have taken, calories I have eaten, and tons more information. 

Walgreens Helping Family Make Healthier Choices One Step at a Time.Walgreens – I know, you’re probably thinking what does Walgreens have to do with all this.  I think you’ll be surprised, because it’s finding out my Fitbit could earn me rewards on my Balance Rewards card with Walgreens was icing on the cake!

stay healthy

I have the Walgreens mobile app on my smartphone, and I use it all the time.  When I learned I was able to connect my Fitbit and earn for the steps I take, I quickly connected my Fitbit.  It was easy, and now I even get email when I reach millstones along the way.  

earn rewards with fitbit and walgreensI have worked hard to get this extra weight off, and it’s no easy task.  The Fitbit isn’t making me lose weight, but it is helping me be mindful of the choices I am making.  Since I track everything, I really think before I do things, which has helped me become more moticated too.  We all know, there is power behind motication too!  

walgreens balance rewardsYepie, and how awesome is it that Walgreens is rewarding their customers who are signed up with their free Balance Rewards card program too!  I mean, they are hooking it up with extra reward points, which is like free money at Walgreens!  Tell me that isn’t a reason to love Fitbit, and all the other devices Walgreens supports a little more.  The Walgreens app can be used with weight management when you hit your goal weight.

To see all the devices you can connect to your Walgreens account you can download their mobile app or visit Walgreens.com.

You can stay fit anywhere you want to, but you need to find what motivates you, and what makes you want to get up and move.  For me, it’s seeing my results, and being able to see them in black and white, go guessing, and the fact that Walgreens is rewarding me for making healthy choices feature for earning rewards motivating.  Now I not only have my Fitbitmonitoring everything I do, but I am earning rewards from Walgreens for making healthy choices.  

One lucky person will win a Fitbit by using the below giveaway widget.

NO PURCHASE NECESSARY. The Walgreens®  Giveaway ends on 9/10/14 at 6:00PM ET. Open only to (i) legal residents of the fifty (50) United States, the District of Columbia, and (ii) who are at least 18 years old at the time of entry. Void in PR and where prohibited. Sponsor: Collective Bias, Inc.

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