I’m super excited to share the Dove® Self-Esteem Project at Walmart with you. And hopefully, share a few tips to help boost your daughter’s self-esteem.
As parents, we can have a huge impact on our daughters self-esteem. There are so many things you can do to help boost your daughter’s self-esteem, and they are easy things that happen daily. Parents just need to recognize the moment and act on it. It’s so important to help build your child’s self-esteem, and it’s something they will carry with them for the rest of their lives.
I’m in no way a pro, but I can say that I have three confident daughters. Maybe too confident, lol. I spend a lot of time telling my kids how amazing they are and how much I love them.
Growing up I had no self-esteem, and I used to wish my parents would have spent more time doing things with me or telling me I looked nice. Even as a child, I wanted these things, but only from my parents. I knew my parents loved me, and I’m in no way saying I was neglected. We are supposed to learn from what we feel our parents did wrong, just like I hope my kids take what I have done and make it better with their kids. My childhood has made me realize how important it is to raise confident girls. It’s easier to be confident than to try to become confident later in life. I remember how it felt to have low self-esteem, especially as I grew into my teenage years. It wasn’t until I was 25 years old that I began to work on my self-esteem and finally realized that I was a good person, and pretty darn awesome.
I’m in no way a perfect parent; I’m not sure there is such a thing, but I do work hard to be sure that all three of my daughters are confident in who they are. I look at each one of them and know they are confident young girls, and my 3-year-old… well she’s probably to confident, lol. It’s the 2-year-old attitude on top of being confident like her big sisters, lol. It’s great!
Here are a few things that you might want to try to help boost your daughter’s self-esteem.
Kids love to hear that their parents are proud of them, and it’s so good for them. You can also tell them how pretty they look, how smart they are, what an awesome basketball players they are, or anything else. In my opinion, kids need to hear how amazing they are from their parents.
Support and Encourage
When your kids want to try something new, offer them support and encouragement. Even if you think your daughter isn’t a great singer, support them. Kids need to explore, and it’s part of life. Allow them the chance to try something new, and know that no matter what, you will be there for them.
Have confidence in yourself
Part of raising a daughter with confidence is having it yourself. Don’t let your kids hear you poking jokes about your weight or saying negative things about yourself. Try practicing healthy eating habits, exercising, and loving who you are and your body.
Teach Your Kids the Power of Good Deeds
groceries,Doing something good for someone else is such an amazing feeling. Teach your kids how good it feels to help someone. Whether you donate time at an animal shelter or help your neighbor carry groceries, show your kids how amazing the feeling is.
When your daughter does something good, do something nice for her. Whether its dinner or you allow her to pick which movie you watch, it’s a great way to let them know they rock!
There’s nothing my girls love more than to hear me talk about them to other people. Whether it’s grandma or one of my friends, they love to hear me brag about something they have done. Remember, before saying anything negative, this can also have the opposite effect. Be careful what you say. If you ever need a friend to talk about something that is going on with the kids, be sure they are not around.
Don’t let your daughters see dad or the man in your life talk badly to you. Be strong, and let them see you and dad, or the man in your life, as equals. If there is an argument, be sure it’s not done around the kids.
Talk to your daughter about things, and build an open relationship with them. Make sure they feel comfortable coming to you for anything they need.
Kids are so smart, and they pay attention to everything. The younger they are, the more they pay attention and the more they learn from their parents. It’s so important to bring up a girl with healthy self-esteem. My oldest daughter has a friend who does things just to get her mom’s attention. Be sure and give your kids the attention they deserve.
Dove® Self-Esteem Project at Walmart
I have always loved Dove® products, but I love them even more after learning about the Dove® Self-Esteem Project at Walmart. Dove® knows that girls should be unstoppable, and they want to inspire women everywhere! They have an awesome self-esteem discussion guide to help you start the conversation with your daughter. Be sure to download the discussion guide. I really appreciate what Dove is doing with this project; it’s great to see them give back to something that needs attention. It’s great!
There is no purchase necessary to enter, but your Dove® purchases help to provide self-esteem programs for girls! Start contributing today and purchase Dove products at Walmart to help support this amazing cause!
thank you for all the tips,my daughter is only 2 but i already stated some of these tips with her.
Some Very Good Advice , You have done a good Job with this. I have 3 Girls and 2 Boys and now a Grandmother and your words hit deep in my heart. I had no relationship with my Father and to this Day we don’t speak. This should be read by both mothers and Fathers out there for sure.
this is great advice to know for the future
Great read Jenn, I have 2 girls and a boy and I raised my girls to be independent on themselves.Grant you this doesn’t mean I am against men. I was raised from the old school were girls grew up and got married. I f that is what they want than fine but I taught them to rely on themselves and they could do anything they wanted to do in life. I could go on and on about this but you are perfectly right let them little ones no how special they are and they can be whatever they want to do in life.